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Peter J.Heizmann

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Everything posted by Peter J.Heizmann

  1. Hi, Frank. I do concur that it was Gast as I stopped there about 15+ years ago. The building had large plate glass windows so you could see a car on their turntable to attract attention. Also, they had a large selection of model cars in the gift shop. The last time I drove through Strasburg the building was occupied by a furniture sales operation. Below is what I found on a web site: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "This museum has apparently closed. If we become aware of any change in status we will post the information here. Looking for that one-of-a-kind automobile? A dazzling classic that is sure to turn heads and melt hearts? Remember that first car? Your all-time favorite? Remember the '48 Tucker? Now that was a car! The '57 Chevy. How about that Amphicar we've all marveled at? Anyone who can remember cars like these will thrill at the sight of them in showroom condition at the Gast Classic Motorcars Museum. If you are too young for such memories, you've got to see what you missed. Is the pain unbearable? Don't despair, because you can buy a classic auto at Gast, one of the few dealers of its kind in the nation. Only fifty-one Tucker automobiles were produced. Here visitors will find the famous "Waltz Blue Tucker #24." Here is the remarkable Jackson Family Rolls Royce, bought to celebrate Michael's early success. And the very first MG to be imported into the United States -- right next to the very last MG to reach our shores. Though many of these classics are antiques, newer, rare high performance vehicles will be found here as well. The exhibit is always changing but always features more than fifty automobiles, each a unique example of technology and art on wheels. The tour is accompanied by music from the 50's and 60's. Afterward peruse the Car Buff Gift Shop for that special auto-related item. Individuals, families and groups (20 or more people) of all ages are welcome.
  2. n2010...Welcome to the AACA Forum. Moved it here for more exposure. Regards, Peter J.
  3. Wow! What great photos. I would advise that you contact the Hershey Region as they were the host and could better answer your statistical questions. Hershey Region AACA: Home Glad you guys had a great time. Peter J.
  4. My pleasure, Dick. If you folks catch up with Sally at future Meets and other venues she is always gracious to chat about her great experience. Peter J.
  5. Dick, Sally posted her diary if you will previously on this forum. A reminder that the "Search" function readily shows any previous threads. I punched in "Allice Ramsey" in the Search block and here you have it: http://forums.aaca.org/f169/alice-ramsey-centennial-drive-225512.html Regards, Peter J.
  6. Poci1957. The NY Times for years has zeroed in on the Car Coral simply for "current value" of old vehicles. I recall about 12 (+/-) years ago a friend in CT gave me a copy of a NY Times article just after Hershey. It was the same thing: "old car values" for the most part with very little substance about the Meet in general. Peter J.
  7. Again, always go through the proper channels for satisfactory answers. I would contact Herb for his advice and go from there. Up front and strictly my opinion I have a problem with a "public forum poll" in that you would be surprised at how many regular forum members, some the most outspoken, are not members of the AACA. When asked over the years there are some that absolutely refuse to become members. Until someone corrects my personal opinion, I have a problem with non-members voting for a change to the AACA in any way, shape, or, form. (I highly doubt a huge amount of new members joining simply because we have a TV/Movie Car Class. Might gain a few but is it worth altering the mission of the AACA? I would vote "NO" for this class.) The above is my opinion as a member and not that of the AACA from any past positions I held.) Regards, Peter J.
  8. Folks, You may be best served if one of the proponents of this new class would send a letter or contact the AACA Board as they will have the final word to best satisfy your queries. This thread is all opinion and conjecture at this point and will go nowhere unless going to the horse's mouth. Ron, Shop Rat, Silverghost?? Regards, Peter J.
  9. Olympic, Just checked your AACA Library's "On-Line" catalog (click on Library on this site's home page then On -Line search). Below is what is on-line: Marque or Author: Breese (France) 1911 Title: Miscellaneous Summary: Four full-color prints and photocopies of articles/reference material. All pieces pertain to the four-cylinder light sporting Breese built by an American in Paris. Subject: Compilation -- compilation Call number: 97-B1551 You may also do a research request (self explanatory on the Library site). No all literature is catalogued so I would advise contacting Mr. Chris Ritter, Librarian: critter@aacalibrary.org or 717-534-2082 Regards, Peter J.
  10. Hi, Phil. What do you suggest to reduce it with over 1200 cars showing? Oil on chipped stone drives is illegal. Water would of course create mud. Had so much fun at Hershey that dusting off my car yesterday reminded me of a great time. Attended a local region meet 4 weeks ago held in a town park. At one point it reminded me of Lawrence of Arabia with high winds blowing dust. Again, had a very nice time with over 500 cars in attendance...dusted it off and went to Hershey. The hobby is alive and well! Peter J.
  11. Good one, Susan. Will remember that the next time I horse around at the Musem. Should also mention that Corky Coker (Coker Tire) did an excellent impersonation of Teddy Roosevelt and went table to table chatting with people. Also, a gent was dressed and looked exactly like Milton Hershey. The above coupled with the outstanding gas pumps auctioned made for a really nice time. Peter.
  12. Peter, Had to remind myself all day "don't get mad, get even!". If I were you I'd stay in Arizona for about 20 years and possibly I will either be gone from this earth or chilled by then...Ha! I will keep you posted. Seriously, it was an honor wearing Frank's suit coupled with a lot of fun for a worthy event: "Your club's "Night at the Museum" gala" held at Your Club's Museum". If I posted the comments received from attendees from the low end to the top end of the scale, I would have to edit my own post...LOL! Brad (Silverghost) may have something: "Wild Pete's Used Car Lot". Frank's suit is another example of the treasures retained at our AACA Library awaiting the old car hobbyist inquiries. Some rather unusual items such as the suit to vehicle paint chips to very rare literature for correct restoration questions. I have been around the AACA long enough to know how we all think. No, there was no title to a Brass Era car in the suit pockets. No, there were no keys to a '20's or '30's car in the pants pocket. One slight glimmer of hope for you folks is ask our Executive Director if there were any items as he had access to the suit a long time before I did. Best, Peter J.
  13. Hi, Bob. Thank you for the time and effort to post your slideshow. Very good overview of the vehicles especially for those who could not attend. Regards, Peter J.
  14. Dave, That is old news. Hershey Company announced about 2 weeks ago, maybe longer, that they are closing the "old plant" and will be relocating it to a "new", more efficient plant to be constructed a short distance away. Back to the thread's intent...Had a super time not to mention the great weather as others have echoed. Besides the enormous amount of fellow hobbyist attending I was very pleased with the amount of "new" members that joined, or, discussions with recent members on how the greatest club in the world operates. What a great time!! Peter J.
  15. Mike. Sorry to hear of your inconvenience. FYI...to improve services for next year your issue should be directed to the meet host "the Hershey Region". They welcome input such as yours and take it seriously. In all fairness to your questioning "AACA Officials" with no satisfactory response, well, the AACA is not running the meet, the Hershey Region is. Our AACA Forum will not garner prompt or official response as region personnel do not monitor this web site for complaints. Regards, Peter J.
  16. myhudson48...Welcome to the AACA Forum! Place it under a windshield wiper arm. When the judging team arrives at your car they will take it and use it as a check list. Do not fill out anything yourself. Regards, Peter J.
  17. About average over the recent years, Ted. In my observation there is no reliable factual statistical barometer. Some years around 1100 if weather is a washout scenario, other years 1800 + with 1300 being the average. One thing for certain Hershey is a great experience with great people...that is what I look forward to every year. The vehicles on Saturday are icing on the cake after 4 days of seeing old and new friends sharing a common interest. Regards, Peter.
  18. Registration for the car meet was closed in late August if I recall. As for the number of registered vehicles someone from the Hershey Region or AACA Headquarters would be the most reliable source, however, they are extremely busy as can be expected. I have seen the numbers in the range of 1200 to 2400 and various numbers in between over the years. The meet brochures are on sale at Hershey however one woulld have to count all the cars listed. Regards, Peter J.
  19. Hello, Frank...Welcome to the AACA Forum. FYI...removed your duplicate post so this one garners more attention. Regards, Peter J.
  20. I am sorry to hear this, Dick. Family comes first. Thoughts and prayers to you. Regards, Peter.
  21. Ralph...Welcome to the AACA Forum. Take Matt and Al's advice. Personally, I would take it off at home and leave it there until later. After your car is judged for the Meet awards there will be National Award Judges looking over vehicles. Good rule of thumb is the judges look at what is displayed to them and judge everything as displayed. Regards, Peter.
  22. Ken and Steve, Communicated this thread subject to the proper people. As I had mentioned everyone is very busy preparing for Hershey so we will get back for sure possibly 1 week after the meet. I will follow this up and respond accordingly. Regards, Peter J.
  23. Steve, Give me a chance to follow protocol and see what may develop with Ken's request. I fully understand and appreciate Ken's point not to mention a great idea, however, I am a staunch supporter of our AACA Library and Research Center / AACA Museum services that already exist on this AACA web site. Getting people to utilize them is another subject. If I read your suggestion correctly it may be a simple creation of a "hot link" in the General Discussion Forum to the already existing "Book Review" service your AACA Library already provides. You folks that posted so far may have something here. As we are in the hectic week prior to Hershey a response may or may not take time however the customer service driven Directors and Committee personnel take these suggestions seriously. We will respond... Peter J.
  24. Hi, Steve. Suggestion: Why not submit a book review to the already available "Book Review" forum available on the "Library" site. One could then make a post in the General Forum to the effect: "Please check out my book review on a 1909 Wutchamacallit authored John/Jane Doe in the Library Book Review forum. On this site's Home Page, click on "Library" in the far right column then "Book Review" found in the header bar. Regards, Peter.
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