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Everything posted by hidden_hunter

  1. We were sent home March 2020 and even now my employer has settled on 3 days a week in the office as a starting point for negotiations. It’s been fantastic for me with a young family not having two hours of commuting every day
  2. It means you’ve saved your user name and password within your web browser, do you know if you use chrome, Firefox, edge or on a phone?
  3. Not familar with Chevrolets but my understanding is that the only GM division to keep their records was Cadillac so you might be out of luck
  4. I guess it depends what you're into as a collector, some people it's early production cars that are their thing, maybe a celebrity car or cynically purely as an investment. Each to their own Personally I'd be more interested in having a couple of different cars (e.g there is an american underslung for the less than this) Then again I don't have 250k to spend on a car either...
  5. I’m talking about it being used as a basis for others https://www.carthrottle.com/post/wgdr2z6/
  6. Not knocking the fiero itself (we never got them) just that every god awful replica seems to based on one currently
  7. First model for four wheel brakes was the v63, which combined with the engine was the main change with that model compared to the type 61 (visually they look nearly identical)
  8. Sydney is now copping it, humidity is gross here in Melbourne
  9. Big project, hats of to you for undertaking it
  10. The 1914 cadillac was also 120" wheel base , in a few short years it was already 12" longer
  11. I'm more partial to "I am Australian" which we had to sing in school (sucks to be the teacher that had to listen to that...) From the Australian equivilant of the superbowl in the 90's...
  12. Some of us don't have that problem though aussies abroad can be equally bad Paris is like most big cities where people are generally preoccupied with their own business, though I found everyone in the country and smaller towns quite friendly and accomodating. There is an excellent car museum in Reims where they were most surprised that an Australian found lol
  13. Brisbane has received over 40” of rain or 80% of its annual total in 3 days…
  14. Mechanical and the problem solving that comes with it, I generally find that if I try and do things how they were done "back in the day" it works out ok and most attempts to be smarter than the designer....
  15. Watching the news you get a sense of just how dangerous it is for the rescuers though in one of the more Aussie things someone was riding their JetSki drinking a beer in the floods
  16. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-03-01/incredible-moment-people-are-winched-off-roof-filmed/100871462 some amazing footage of people getting rescued by the army (though maybe the navy should be there looking at how much water there is)
  17. Seems to be a bit coming out of India as well, not sure on the quality My Cadillac when I imported it from the US ironically had Aussie made tyres on it (about 15 miles from where I live) and were made in the 70’s. I doubt that equipment was ever exported so probably just scrapped
  18. South east Queensland is some of the most densely populated areas in Australia and including Brisbane is home to nearly 4 million people (the vast population of Queensland) and has very varied terrain though there are a lot less options for roads compared to Melbourne and the main freeway is presently cut
  19. One of my colleagues from work lives in Brisvegas and posted hourly photos as the water level came up around and eventually covered a bunch of cars from his apartment. He moved his Yaris GR to higher ground already (as it would just about be impossible to replace at this point) is going to be a mess to clean up stay safe everyone
  20. Much more common here that snow tyres, mostly because we don't get much snow and if it was bad you would just wait it out and be fine with a normal 4wd
  21. Funnily enough it was about 72f with a light sea breeze here in the other Melbourne this morning
  22. Not really that difficult driving on the wrong side of the road, the biggest issue I find is directions and positioning in lanes Things like speed signs can be hard to spot in some places
  23. we have the same setup here and basically it’s because the honour system was trashed by people claiming they only paid 100 bucks for a car, there are legitimate no fee transfers for the normal types of scenarios but was abused by people trying to avoid tax.
  24. https://www.woolworths.com.au/shop/productdetails/864937/orange-power-spot-goo-remover That's what I use, I assume there is an equivilant you can buy in the US
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