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Everything posted by hidden_hunter

  1. Guessing usps? The places that own their aircraft seem to be back to normal, I bought some stuff from Lehmans (I try to buy things made in our allies/friendly countries) and they used fedex and in had it in 3 days. the package forwarding services work ok as well, haven’t had anything go missing from eBay’s
  2. My car from the factory has a hand pump to prime it and then the air compressor forces air into the petrol tank to circulate the fuel. Takes about 5 pumps to get enough fuel into the carb to start We don’t really use ethanol fuel here If you have everything in the correct position it will fire almost immediately after sitting for a month
  3. Doubt very much that was running 7 years ago, for starters the missing fuel cock certainly wouldn’t help with the running…
  4. It's the drip catcher off the bottom of the carb, if you're selling I'd be interested if it's not cracked on the bolt that secures it to the shaft
  5. I use a NOCO genius 10 on my optima red, more so my car is ready to go whenever
  6. As per other post, Cadillac type 61 missing the clock
  7. It is a Cadillac Type 61 speedometer (1922-1923) The clock is missing, it screws on the back
  8. Oh man, I'm sorry to hear about that - must be gut wrenching
  9. we have 150k lbs trucks routinely used on our roads and they totally trash it out west they get up to nearly 300k lbs on the road trains but they’re not in the cities
  10. We used to have that via the state electricity company of Victoria (SECV) and power was cheap, reliable and lines well maintained. It was sold off in the 90’s under the usual guise of cheaper better etc and guess what none of that had happened. When they jacked up the prices we were told it was because they were “gold plating” the network which they stopped claiming after it turned out a bunch of large wildfires had been caused be lack of maintenance on HT lines
  11. I think there is a middle ground, having bits covered in snow also makes it hard
  12. This seems like a prime example of how not to sell a car, engine with snow on it, vague description of motor condition and for bonus points photos that appear to show where the fan has impacted the radiator. I guess it’s reflected in the current price
  13. I have one of these and for those wondering, yes having the correct period tool makes the job so much easier
  14. I doubt a meth head is going to Home Depot to buy a battery tool, more likely just stolen out someone’s truck
  15. I work with a guy who basically has a side business trading collector cards, its pretty much like a stock exchange these days. He’s made a lot of money off it
  16. Here were generating so much they have had to introduce laws to turn them off to prevent it being destabilized
  17. I insist my team takes regular breaks, I get worse performance and people make mistakes when tired
  18. The ABC is reporting from the BOM that NSW is in for a 'tough 24 hours' with more rain predicted - up to another 6" in Sydney and more in other areas Stay safe guys
  19. The other thing that seems to be forgotten by alot of the detractors (at least at my work) is that you're still entitled to breaks as you would be in the office, what do I care that instead of going up the street for a coffee they stick on the kettle and do some washing
  20. Not sure about that, there are some people on here that have clearly done very well for themselves that are still very friendly and willing to share
  21. I manage a team of about 35 software developers, due to the nature of the work it's pretty obvious when someone isn't pulling their weight. I also don't really care when the work is done, but across the board have found productivity is up and people are working longer People that are lazy are going to be lazy at work or home has been my experience
  22. Especially for something like a T when you’re paying a big premium for it over others that are available Then again it’s not a market I’m playing I
  23. I don’t think they forced everyone to relogin so it might be a saved session
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