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Everything posted by hidden_hunter

  1. They have been in use here for years, have been for a ride along in one of the tech demo in a 5 series (our highway patrol cars now we don't make anything locally) They literally scan everything they drive past for current registration status and flag anything that isnt current and alert the police
  2. I use Expedia and the like to find places that look ok and have decent reviews then book directly generally the price is comparable but the terms are more favourable
  3. Honestly haven’t had a bad car 1994 Honda Integra 2008 Honda Accord Euro gen 1 (Acura TSX for you guys) and was a manual 2013 BMW 125i 2020 VW Golf R Wagon
  4. No different to any other body style that was maligned at the time Funnily enough my 22 Cadillac 5 passenger coupe has an almost identical profile to a 2018 BMW X5 (albeit squared off)
  5. GM had an excellent full size sedan is the commodore but did a woeful job of bringing it over
  6. I probably probably should have expanded on it and said if they sold it here with that name… our humour can be crass
  7. Wonder how it’s supposed to be pronounced... if it’s how I imagine, I can’t imagine it being a big seller
  8. Cadillac wasn't even the first self starter, they were the first mass produced successful one is my understanding
  9. Not sure what your laws are but I’d be very very very careful about making an offer like that which could be seen as offering a bribe.
  10. Glad to hear you’re ok we’re one of the only places with mandatory helmet laws on bikes but in recent years usage has dropped off because apparently your hair do is more important or they’ve done their own “research “ . Why you wouldn’t do something so simple to minimise your risk I don’t understand (as you have shown!)
  11. I’m guessing someone had a bee in their bonnet
  12. This copy of Dykes is from 1922 so obviously had been annoying someone for a while
  13. How is it broken? There has been some pretty stuffed parts here that people have been able to repair and given many miles of enjoyment
  14. Hey JRA, if you take a look at my post from the Dykes book on the SAE standard they actually comment specifically on why Touring was a bit of a meaningless term https://forums.aaca.org/topic/377725-sae-defined-body-styles/
  15. It's interesting looking at all the different variations on how they're same same but different for a lot of the design, it looks like they had a basic core design and then modified it based on what the brand wanted - some more successful than others
  16. McMaster car sells most sizes https://www.mcmaster.com/castle-nuts/ Try this one https://www.mcmaster.com/97190A120/ Shohuld be able to find something that works there
  17. It’s not just forums, plenty of “tall tales” when you’re out and about Unless it’s period documented it’s just a nice story
  18. If it's not in the book I'd be surprised if there was one there though?
  19. I love collecting old literature, particularly the generalist stuff as it gives you a good comparison point between brands
  20. I just noticed in the footnote it says this The principal reason for recommending the use of the term "phaeton" instead of the term "touring" is that the latter has lost its significance as applying to any particular type of body as all types are used for touring. The term "phaeton" is used extensively in Europe, and to a considerable extent in America, in connection with passenger-cars; it is the name of a horse-drawn prototype; it is inelegant and in a technical sense is not distinctive of any particular type of motor vehicle body.
  21. Certainly wouldn’t be the first standard that ignores a popular term to side step contention
  22. Fairly rare to have one so not that unusual
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