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Everything posted by hidden_hunter

  1. It's um err "interesting" is probably the nicest thing I can say about that one - it looks like someone maybe had a vision for it but I'm not entirely sure what that was FIAT's are interesting as they seem to vary a lot in price, at least around these parts they made some very nice cars and some very cheap ones
  2. For normal cars we have front plates but for pre 1929 only a rear plate is required
  3. I suspect we have very few people paying shops here because our labour has been so expensive for so long
  4. Did any manufactures have a bumper as standard equipment then?
  5. My 22 Cadillac does, and I believe they’re factory hangers
  6. Probably going to need to take it to a weigh bridge I’m guessing, commercial vehicles had a lot of variability in weight
  7. Manifolds also seem to be a fairly unobtainium part for the Cadillac (along side a top cover) - I’m guessing they all break pretty easily
  8. I've already had that fun problem and had to have it repaired once 😐
  9. Seems to be mixed opinions on if the fuel preheat using exhaust should be capped off or not when using modern gas On my 22 Cad, it's relatively straight forward to insert some blocking plates without it interfering with anything else - but should I? When the car first starts up and you touch the side of the carb it's very cold to the touch even when the rest of the car is starting to warm up. Some of the reading i've done suggested capping it off to stop it being difficult restarting the car when it's hot Weather never really gets that cold around here (and if it did I probably wouldnt' be taking the car out nor if it was super hot) so would be dealing with ambients from about 40-100F Any suggestions? or is it very much a case of try it both ways and see if you have problems? (Not sure if I've just created a religious debate like some of the oil threads )
  10. If not UK could be Aussie. I don’t think we ever used those double stack plates - would have been enamels here in Victoria
  11. It seems to be a lot more common in the US having shops do the work compared to here What I’ll never understand is people having shops do the work and then make it sound like they personally did it - each to their own I guess
  12. Solid list, funnily enough storage space for rally’s is one of the reasons I picked the 22 cad 5 passenger. Original toolkit (with a modern hammer and some screwdrivers that were missing) and some sockets fit neatly in the boot in their original home. Electrical spares under the drivers seat take up about 1/3 of the space. So that leaves all of the storage in the boot, under the rear seat and the flaps in the doors (and the boot is factory locked, as are the doors) very practical for rally’s
  13. I thought we were supposed to let all the dust settle on it and park it in a barn to be “found” 😅 I just use a basic Maguires wash and chamois to dry it like the book says - though it had a terrible repaint in the 60’s so not too worried
  14. Hope not, with a young family it’s all I have the capacity to do these days
  15. My toddler was in a funny mood after a couple of days at seaworld/movie world so didn’t get to try the restaurant but it’s supposed to be quite good Very friendly staff and they’re in the process of restoring a Cord 810
  16. Fantastic museum about an hour out of Brisbane, Australia Good mix of “regular” but weird cars and some fairly rare metal Well worth the visit and can upload higher res photos if anyone wants them
  17. I just relocated the cad for that reason, it’s just not that enjoyable to drive it in suburbia - it’ll be semi regional where I can take it to get a coffee and have some good 40mph roads
  18. I wouldn’t trust that gauge unless you’ve verified it, and instead work off measuring how much you put in (assuming you emptied it) My car had a home made float on it that would stick You can also get crank case dilution which from the book is mostly caused by the over use of the enricher
  19. Where was it in relation to the oiler? (I’m on holidays and don’t have my books handy)
  20. Been happy with my optima red tops, but the odd sizing makes them a pain in some cars
  21. Would the numbers have originally been part of the casting or engraved?
  22. I always find it suspicious when people put the currency like that, if I’m buying something from the US of course it’s USD and if it’s Australia it’s AUD not sure why the scammers write it like that
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