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Everything posted by hidden_hunter

  1. Even if they're not a direct fit, they might be either close enouhg or a good starting point for someone
  2. or a fantastic one, no-one would possibly think that anyone would be that silly
  3. Here is Cadillac's layout and definitions, I have a book "somewhere" that apparently there was an effort to standardise terms across manufacturers around 1918
  4. If the car was otherwise going to be scrapped no skin off my nose when they do the EV conversion, it's more frustrating when someone starts with a good classic original and trashes it to "modernise it" and then never finishes so they literally destroyed something without acheiving anything
  5. Cadillac had a suburban for the type 61 in the early twenties
  6. They've made some great strides in treating burns in the last 20 years, some of things coming out of the bali bombings for instance were pretty amazing what they were able to do
  7. We don’t have to convert everything, my Cadillac is LHD
  8. Following Ww2 by far the most popular car was Holden and generally was right up there until GM bailed on Australia Far more American cars survive from ww2 here as well, I assume it’s a result of more similar conditions and favourable tax conditions from cars that were exported from Canada into the empire
  9. Yep, we basically just have to fill in a log book that you have to produce if asked Victoria is 45 days inititially and then you can request another 45 days - outside of the fact it's cheaper rego, I believe some of the thinking was about trying to make it less practical to run wedding car hire businesses etc on cheaper registration
  10. we do here too, but by the time I get the oil, drive 10 miles to the disposal place it’s not worth it
  11. Warranty also plays a big part, I have 7 year warranty on my high performance golf - I ain’t going to be touching it myself and risking it
  12. That’s one of the problems I’ve had with clubs, I really don’t care about some squabble from 20 years ago about the primer being the wrong colour I think in some ways mergers are preferable to accepting newer cars - it basically makes the rally’s impossible for instance so why would I get involved etc The other thing I’ve seen a bit (including on here) is ripping off other members, I’ve seen things sell for cheap on eBay and then someone try and flip it for hundreds more on the forums here. We wonder why people don’t want to get involved in the hobby Everyones action’s both positive and negative reflect the community
  13. It’s a v63 7 passenger sedan, rear doors are suicide
  14. Skin cancer rates here are two to three times higher than the US/Canada/UK so it’s not something I personally want to take a gamble with
  15. You’re nuts if you don’t wear a hat here, one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world I have my “old man cap” which was hand made by our kiwi friends Used to be legionnaires hats when we were kids but people don’t seem to wear them anymore but offer great protection and stay on
  16. Some of us cadillac drivers could wear a top hat driving our cars
  17. Happy thanksgiving our American friends!
  18. I've been getting our son involved form pretty much the day he was born and he's 2 now... His favourite thing while we're out walking is to point to cars and name the colour
  19. You forget how big the cadillacs are until they are parked next to other cars
  20. That’s all it’s used for by the twenties for Cadillac, they tell you not to hand crank the car in the manual
  21. You also see it on the home renovation shows when they’re chasing destruction for the cameras, destroying perfectly usable stuff or smashing through walls without a care in the world what could be in it Whenever I do home stuff I always carefully dismantle stuff because it’s 1) safer 2) generally faster than cleaning up rubbish
  22. It looks like the early cadillac system (but on the wrong side of a car for a 12) - what car is this on?
  23. Funnily enough I have a book in my library from 1920 that warns aspiring mechanics of pretty much exactly that, talks about the dangers of a "modern" workshop and the dangers of maiming yourself Wishing Leno all the best for a speedy recovery, I'm sure everyone here is really appreciative that he shares his collection
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