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C Carl

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Everything posted by C Carl

  1. Glad that worked out without a hitch. A fine toy ! I do hope the new owner will join us here, too, at least occasionally. - Carl
  2. The attached picture is at first confusing, and might at a casual glance seem to be cannon fodder with which to jeopardize my good standing with my beloved AACA. See, someone might think, just because I am among those who consider Frank Pepe's to be the pizza against which all others must be judged, that I am fanning the flames of deviancy here. Not so. Others might notice that the pictured car is a 2014 Cadillac. And you know what THAT means. No, I know very well it is not 25 years old. It is not the car, nor is it the pizza which just happens to be framed in the field. Actually, this has to do with Hershey. I had rented that AWD Cadillac, brand spanking new at the time, to take me to the deluge of the 2013 Hershey. Flying in and out of Newark, my favorite tomato pie joint was handy in New Haven, CT on the way into and then again on the outbound leg from Hershey. Speaking of legs, mine are no longer capable of a proper Hershey. I need to go one more time. This time I think I will just slink around the corral, and catch the show. I hope I can make 2021. Believe it or not, 1/2 that 2 sided pie, 1/4 and 1/4, made it back to Seattle for Sandy. She doesn't get around like she used to either. And sadly, she has never been to Hershey. - CC
  3. Good luck with the sale of Jim's Buick. I hope the new owner is, or will become one of us here. Please share your enjoyment of the Brass Buick with your forum friends ! Seems to be a wonderful driver. - Carl
  4. Hmmmm........... Also Reeve in New York. 3 generations of expertise. Patrick Reeve, 315-663-1569. And of course Herm who posts extensively from time to time here. He is in Clare, Iowa. KohnkeRebabbittingService.com. Get that old man and his old Stude' out on the road, Bob. I kinda know what it must be like to be 76. I am 75 1/2 myself, to be precise. At this age, you frequently wonder how much longer you can keep on keeping on. - Carl P.S. I just came back after realizing, if I am not mistaken, that you, Bob, have the unusually great fortune to be significantly older than your friend and I. To your continued good health !!
  5. That makes me very happy, Wayne. I was off-scale wild in my youth also. So many of the wild bunch I ran with never had the pleasure of growing old. Something very special about this great country of ours, is that second and even third chances to straighten out your life are available. It is good to know your cousin is an ethical businessman. I have had the bad luck to have met several who are not. I do worry about you, too. I feel your frustration at not having any discretionary income to fund your old car interests. I am sadly in the same boat at the moment. There are reasons my lonely '27 Cad is still in 'Vegas where it has been for almost 4 years. Maybe I will write about it when, (not if), I happily drive it home. Good luck, Wayne. I hope a second or third chance comes along for you. I wish I knew 1/4 as much about real antique cars as you do. - CC
  6. Hi Wayne ! I hope your cousin "R" survived his wild youth intact, and settled down to have a wonderful life. - Carl
  7. And here we have Lynch_man. It's been 5 years now. Anyone know how he is getting on ? - Carl
  8. Yeah, I remember this thread, so I just sent the GR8WHITE a PM. I really hope he reports back. What a fine looking car, with an original interior in pretty good condition. You know : I think I will PM Thomas Pruett also. Been over a year for him. - Carl
  9. Good fifty years ago. Seems a bit Rolling Stones ? To an East L.A. Lowrider, this rich delicacy is called Birria. The restaurants which specialize in it are called Birrierias. But the huge labor involved in a legitimate head Birria, forces commercialization of said stew, (as is also the case with a proper hog head Pozole), to cook a little lower off the donor beast. Buen Provecho ! - Cadillac C'
  10. As we get closer to the world's first trillionaire, (Yes, it IS coming), these guys start to run out of creative ways to spend their bucks. 20, 30, 40 million dollar cars, works of art approaching a quarter of a billion dollars is just another aspect of this. You younger gals and guys might live long enough to see the most ASTONISHING "yachts", (I have some insight into this), the masters will own at the delivery price of a few tens of billions. "You", as the saying goes, "ain't seen nothing yet". Pharaoh gonna git what Pharaoh want. Speaking of Pharaohs, in case you have some interest, a fantastic exhibit of Egyptian dynastic evolution, (and also surprising continuity/stagnation), is in Chicago. At the University of Chicago, on the South Side : The Oriental Institute. One of the world's top 100 greatest small museums. Very secure area, a neighborhood island of safety in the midst of the infamous side of "Chi". Willy and I left the doors open on our GMC six pack with all of our things in it when we visited there on our way to bring the '24 Cadillac back from Ohio 30 years ago. Truck sat undisturbed for a couple of hours. And Frank Lloyd Wright's Robie House is kitty- corner from the museum. From time to time I like to mention things I have seen in my travels. I had something silly planned for today, but that will have to wait. It does have something to do with highly accessorized low rider cars. Anyone out there like goat head stew ? - CC
  11. Yes, it is a 1927 Cadillac. I don't know anything about the top, but looks like it is getting close to tire time. - Carl
  12. It's a bit complicated, Ed. Different from here. Anyone who has a fairly expensive hobby there down South, is really quite wealthy. Not a place where hard working middle class guys can have a toy car like these. I have spent a few years South of the border, and after several months, you begin to realize you're not in Kansas any more. Please enjoy what being in the middle class has to offer us Northerners. (Dare I add : "while it lasts" ?). - Carl
  13. Thank you, DavidMc. Right. I think I do recognize that as exactly the precise verbiage. Good thing these guys didn't snare you. Might have made a protesting gentleman out of you. Certainly to no avail. Do you know what the play is ? - CC
  14. Let me see if I can point you in the right direction. Forgive me, I don't know how to directly link you to where you need to go. So for the time being : Enter the word Saxton in the search box above. Somehow I find the 'box works the best if you just enter one fairly unusual key word. For example : brakes will not give you a narrow enough filter for an efficient search. Ivan Saxton is one of the greatest old lions of the hobby. A wizard. I remember he has dealt with this subject. O.K. Now scroll down to one of his "brands", a big capital I in a red box. Something about a J Duesenberg pops up fairly soon. Click on that red box with the I in it. Up comes his profile. At this point, to the far right of the red box with the I in it, is a rectangular box which says : See my activity. Click on that. On the second page, up at the top, you will see a topic covering your question. Apparently Ivan has covered this in even more detail on an earlier post. Have fun looking for the earlier info if you are enjoying Ivan's wit and knowledge ! After studying up, you will owe us pictures of your old Packard. I'll tell you how to see some pictures of my old Cadillacs. Click on my "brand", or whatever it is called, avatar.? Anyway, bring up my profile, and click on each of the 2 pictures you see. If you are not bored, go back to the search box and enter 'Vegas. By and by you will find pictures you may like. Oh yeah : Welcome to the wonderful world of AACA forums, Scott !! I hope we have the pleasure of getting to know you and your car(s). - Cadillac Carl
  15. That is one overly long declaration of innocence. I have never seen such a long, repetitive, redundant, preemptive self defensive manifesto. Now, I am certainly no scholar. Much less one of the Shakespearian persuasion. But hidden in some convoluted backwater of my failing brain, I seem to remember a line about a lady protesting TOO much. I would love to be able to quote verbatim, but I can't even tell you what play it is from. Someone once told me that Shake' laid down some very perceptive insights into universal human behavior and traits. I don't know. Scholar, please ? - Carl
  16. Wow ! What a fantastic show ! Really got me daydreaming. Thanks, Terry ! I see that most of the cars are from Pennsylvania. Maybe around 8 or so from 'Jersey. One from Delaware. Can you Eastern guys tell me the approximate average radius most of the cars came from ? Are we talking something like 100 miles ? Even less ? Imagine so many strong, young, old car guys bringing their pride and joy treasures to a relatively local show ! What percentage, just a WAG, would you think actually fired up and drove there ? Hmmmm....... Perhaps significantly more than half ? - Carl
  17. Hi Julian ! And welcome to AACA forums ! We have exactly the right guys to help you. Scroll down to BUICK PRODUCTS. You will enjoy two categories there ; Buick - Modified, and Buick - Performance Group. These guys and gals are the best of the best. I am a pre-war Cadillac guy, but love to drop in to see what these world-class experts brew up. Quite a few of them are so hard core and busy with Buicks, that they never stray from the Buick forums. Good luck, Julian. I look forward to seeing what you come up with. - Cadillac Carl
  18. Therefore, whether the insurance carrier cares what we say here is not the point. The point is that Johan is trying to define "(the money needed to buy the same cars again)". Call it "replacement cost" if you like. Now replacement cost "the week thereafter" is another matter entirely. Perhaps agreed value would be the best solution in the end. I expect these cars are more valuable in Europe than they are in the U.S. I have tried to Jumpstart the answer to the question that Johan has asked. RSVP, all ye who read this topic. - Carl P.S. JOHAN, WE CAN GIVE YOU A MORE ACCURATE ESTIMATE IF YOU PROVIDE INTERIOR AND ENGINE PICTURES. Besides, we would love to see such pictures as an end in itself. That '32 is absolutely EXQUISITE !!!!! I am very pleased to see that your family plans to treasure your cars for generations ! - CC
  19. Yes, Mercer' makes a very good point. But somebody has to make a start. "........... a likewise car in the same condition, the week thereafter". That would be extremely difficult. What would you think about $90 - 95,000 for the '30, $160 - 175,000 for the '32. Add another $50 - 75,000 for a one week purchase. O.K. I started it, now let's kick it around. We are talking about insurance purposes here. - Carl
  20. EXTRA ! EXTRA ! NOW HEAR THIS : NEWSFLASH LEAKED FROM ED'S CAMP DOWN IN SOUTH FLORIDA !!!! ED WANGLED A HALF A DOZEN SEATS ON THE 50 YARD LINE. RANDY'S BUTT WILL BE IN ONE OF THEM, AND HALFTIME HAS BEEN CHANGED TO FEATURE THE AUBURN WITH ONE OF ED'S STUNT DRIVERS AT THE WHEEL !!!!! Carving donuts in the "turf" ? I just don't know how you do it, Ed, but thanks a billion for doing it ! Oh how I wish I still spent a couple of months of every Winter all over Florida. Base rock was up in Martin County, on the coast, easy walk to the Elliott Museum. "Them" were the days !!!!! - CC
  21. Interesting cars making a literal "pit stop", too. Where was this dealer/shop ? - CC
  22. Yes, seriously, the time has come. Let's have a look before the game, please. - Carl
  23. Why yes, indeed. Plus look how well Earl is doing and feeling just above. Very, very happy day ! It didn't even rain all that terribly much today, in a record breaking gloomy wet Western Washington Winter. All this good news is really cheering me up. 😊. - Carl
  24. Oh what a wonderful feeling it is to finally bring in the car you have been looking for ! I expect you will have a very hard time tearing yourself away from it, and going to bed tonight ! And I know for sure what you will be doing just as soon as you wake up Sunday morning. As for your handle : Well, if my handle had been cadillacseeker, and sought 'lac had been found, I might just have shortened- up, capitalized and thrown in a few exclamation points for emphasis. CADILLAC !!! And I have noticed, that from time to time, some of the guys already just call you : AUBURN !!! - CC
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