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C Carl

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Everything posted by C Carl

  1. Do you also have such good pics of the other cars ? If so, please post. - Carl
  2. Spinneyhill, Graham, is a highly educated and able researcher. Constantly seeking truth and precision in his career and hobbies. He also grew well-kept fruit and berries. I hope he is still able to enjoy what he has cultivated. - Carl
  3. Yes, bears are noble, magnificent beasts. I developed huge respect for them while carrying a bear tag, and a 700ADL in 7 Mag. It was their territory, and I decided to leave them alone. I have never used dogs. Treeing a bear and shooting it down never appealed to me. I used to carry a cat tag, gave that up too. Now I live in cat territory. One might get me if I am not careful. I know sometimes when powerful animals hunt in folks territory, they have to be dealt with severely. Shortly , perhaps within this decade, according to Fish and Wildlife studies, we will have wolf in all counties in Washington. Oh what a mess. Richard, how old is your leather? It looks wonderful, and you are very wise to take the time to preserve it. Study modern products well. Among the parameters of concern is the pH of the product. Read and heed. Automotive leather has different needs than other leather products, such as baseball mitts, etc. - Carl
  4. Being that you have asked, I am terribly sorry to report that Graham is terminally ill. Cancer. I hope his family and many friends, along with the doctors, are keeping him as comfortable as possible. He is a very fine and wonderful person. - Carl
  5. Here is a possibility, MIke. I don't know if you will be able to read the fine print. These are tube type steel radials. G, 14 ply rated. Thanks to Derek Thille who found these tires. - Carl
  6. Yes, they did have great metallurgy FOR THE TIMES at the time. Perhaps a metallurgical engineer can help out with the interesting history of aluminum -copper alloying by way of example. Back when I had T.V. I saw an interesting program which revealed a serendipitous accident which made the quantum leap between amalgam and the highly sought after, but elusive alloy. Turns out that an extremely long cool down period is necessary. Melt pot was accidentally left on heat for what ? Several days ? This allowed the proper molecular lattice to form up. I wish I could remember when it happened. But I think it was in the early 20th century. I could be wrong, but someone who really knows her/his way around info-tech could research this fact. Modern metallurgy is light years beyond that of 120 years ago. Thankfully so. - Carl
  7. Oh my !!!!! Yes, Yes, YES !!!!! The pinstripes are a part of the car. Would you not replace the running boards which a previous owner had sent out to be re-covered and lost in the process ? Exactly the scenario you describe was inflicted on the original paint on my '27 Cad. EXACTLY ! But traces were left, and we were able to accurately replace the 'stripes. Perhaps you can see some of the evidence in the "before" picture. I left a witness on the lower stripe between the two door handles. I don't know if the video compression applied to this format will allow a viewer to see this, even if you click into high resolution. And I sure wish I knew how to get the intended sequence order in posted pics. Seems to display in some random fashion. I am sure there is no confusion here, so I think my intent is clear. - Carl P.S. Just checked, and yes, high resolution does show what I am getting at. I really do wish I could post in proper order though.
  8. Well, yes, John. But if a good number of people suspected the deal that was, they would all have pushed the sale price way up. How far would 6 or 8 bottom feeders have gone, looking for a bargain at under 100 grand ? Oh, by the way, I heartily second your testimonial for C&E. - Carl
  9. Fish I see on their ad look like small fry fresh out the hatchery. Lookin' fer one as old as a Columbia River Sturgeon long past her caviar days. 😉😍. - CC
  10. Aw hey now SparkEE, don't pay it no mind. It's too late for apologies anyway. In order to clear your name, you have already been sentenced to having to tell us more about your first car. Nine years old ? Were you able to get to drive it ? Here : I'll contribute to the drift. Lookie, speaking of Cadillacs, when my kid was but 7, I bought him one. No, it only had half the cylinders of the subject cars, and not "Antique" at the time, much less "Classic", it was a '73. But he did cruise it. Night time was the right time. He would sit on my lap and take advantage of the light traffic density. Not to mention the reduced visibility gave some cover from prying eyes. With the adjustable steering wheel and all the possibilitys of the power seat, we could make it work. Kid could parallel park the barge as well as anyone, too. O.K., your turn, SparkEE. And don't worry. I mean we all have to talk about something while we nervously fidget and wait for RM Sotheby coming up in a few days. We can and will get back to topic when the time comes. Your turn, Spark'. And make it good ! Never had a car until I was 15. And it didn't run. - CC
  11. Hi Fireball ! How did your drive go ? Where are you located, and did the snow melt ? I drove a big 7 passenger like that, same color. How long have you had it ? Is it out of San Diego ? - Carl
  12. The engine shown in your manual is 1927, late '27 at that. I will email this discussion to a 314 Cadillac authority for his comment. Let's see what he says. Your filter is probably correct. If you enter PORTLAND-'FRISCO in the search box, you will see some pictures of my '27 Cad. Can you please post some pics of yours ? Here is mine again. It is original, and unrestored. Original paint. The wheels were extras with the car. I had them re-spoked to preserve the originals in their vgc. - Carl
  13. My sentiments EXACTLY ! But ahhhh, then again : Uh, well hmmmmmmm.................... middle age a bit young for me, wonder what the chances are for the more mature elderly ladies ? - Carl
  14. Do not even try to turn the engine AT ALL yet. DON'T DO IT ! We can help you step by necessary step. The car as been sitting for 50-60 years, and the engine and valves (other components too), could be stuck. You have got an EXTREMELY good deal. Break the engine, that deal will not be so good. And it will not be the fault of the seller. Again : Do not even THINK about turning that engine at this point. - Carl
  15. Very attractive as is. Would make good wall/shop art. Or, have a wheelwright respoke them for use. The spokes are loose. Do you have the hubs ? - Carl
  16. Detonation happens before the Engine "pings". The term for what is happening when you hear that pinging sound is severe detonation. Detonation can occur at any point of the power stroke. Not good. - Carl
  17. It looks similar to, but a bit different from Harry Nicks' '26. Totally different from my'27. Can you post a picture of what your manual shows ? - Carl
  18. Most of us have very limited time left, and many have health issues to deal with for the duration. Fault, blame, hey : let's just get on with enjoying what we can, and the friends we have left here and elsewhere. Glad to see you back, Bernie ! - Carl
  19. Probably the first person saw the ad bought it. Just like the Mannix '37 Cadillac V-16 for 50 grand in OCW about 30 years ago. Guy who had it for sale, Texas insurance man, when I immediately called, drawled "first guy to come see the car bought it". That fellow traded it to Barrett for a hyper low mileage Eldo, ('70 ? was it). I got down to Scottsdale and saw the 16. TWB IV said it could be mine for $225,000. Last I saw it was at Volo. Indiana ownership, I think. But that must have been 20 years or so ago. You just have to move at the speed of light for desirable cars at give away prices. - Carl
  20. Took it yesterday, so far, so good. But I won't do any online banking. I don't understand any of this newfangled stuff. Just real glad I can handle email, Google, and this great forum. Oh yeah : and I do have a special fondness for Denmark. Spent a lot of time there in the late '60s. Best place in the world for a guy in his mid 20s back then. Particularly if you like the ladies.............. Sigh.......... - CC
  21. The superior scavenging of an OHV engine allows better fuel economy. With properly tuned intake and exhaust, volumetric efficiency can exceed 100% in a normally aspirated OHV engine at certain RPM range. Aero engines operate at a very narrow range, and can be designed to take advantage of this. As to leaning, after climb out, indeed an aero engine must be leaned. Fuel economy in the air is obviously a high priority. Old cars with carburetors should be modified to run leaner if they change their operating environment from low to high altitude. And, in the case of cars, the higher the altitude, lower octane gasoline should be used. - Carl
  22. o.c.f., I certainly hope you get your visit with Bernie before either on of you puts boot to bucket. The forum member who insulted him has been here for a long time. He is indeed a fine mechanic, and an EXTREMELY hard worker. O.K., sure, he can be abrasive at times, yeah, but so can others here. I would like to think we can roll with punches like that. I emphatically reinforce admonition against any personal attacks here. While I am not making excuses for an occasional lapse in decorum, these are overwhelming times, Australia being hard hit. The offending mechanic raises cattle way down yonder, hard to imagine his state of mind. Combine that with a slight tendency towards being confrontational, ( to whom it may concern : please count to ten or twenty, take a deep breath, and try to control yourself - no one has to respond until they cool off here), and you can see why he went off the rails. Two sensitive guys in trying times. Very sorry to see what happened. - Carl P.S. I have posted further comments in a topic below under Dodge Trucks. Titled "Steering Arm Removal - Help Needed"
  23. Yes, certainly unnecessarily so. There really should be no need to be confrontational, mocking, or insulting here. No matter how talented and experienced mechanic the mocker may be. Someone recently insulted Bernie Jacobsen in Australia. Bernie just suffered an expensive, extremely disappointing, (to put it mildly), misadventure which deprived him of his dream of one last European tour in his Lagonda Rapier. Nerves raw from the fiasco of many aggravating months duration, poor Bernie over reacted and deleted his massive multi-year contributions on AACA forums. I am certain, both mocker and mockee being Australians, that the ongoing fires in their fair land contributed to the stressful confrontation. Pity. - Carl
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