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Mark Wetherbee

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Everything posted by Mark Wetherbee

  1. Outstanding original car! I appreciate just seeing it, and if I wasn’t working on a different dream machine... well let’s just say timing is everything, including bad timing. Good luck, I would think it will have some interest.
  2. I have been told it’s a trick for stopping an oil leak around the bolts for the rear main bearing on a Model A Ford but I don’t think I have seen it done anywhere else, but I know of several A’s that it was done to...
  3. The handle resembles an early 20’s T Ford style. I don’t know if it is, but I have seen that style asked about before, so someone will know for sure.
  4. I was thinking that, I wondered if it was what put it into the barn 12 years ago and the “won’t attempt to start it now” comment. Turning it doesn’t tel you how bad it got...
  5. That was part of the conversation yesterday with his son, that there were fewer people every year that knew what they were doing with Babbitt. Hopefully John will be able to keep the business running at the same level of quality that it was known for.
  6. I found out today that Herm Kohnke of Kohnke Rebabbiting services passed away recently, and quite suddenly. I called about my rods a few days ago and got a call back from his son John with this sad news. Talking with John, he’s been working with Herm for some time now and is trying to identify all the jobs in the shop at this moment with the thought of keeping it going. If nothing else he is determined to complete anything that was in process so that nobody is left on a limb. if you have any work there right now I suggest you leave a message and John will be better at answering any questions or concerns you might have.
  7. I was surprised that one piston in my Pierce-Arrow was at +.010 and the weight was dead on! Of course they removed a skirt expansion thing which lead to it cracking the skirt... now waiting on a set of pistons from Ross so they all match in diameter!
  8. There’s also seems there is a strong desire for original cars over there. When I was selling my model A the three most interested people were from Germany, Turkey, and Switzerland. It wound up in Switzerland. I wish I had saved the picture of it with the alps in the background.
  9. I think you should really consider that car. At $24k asking price its a car you can leave alone (aka not keep dumping cash into) but still enjoy driving. I know for a fact that people flock around an unrestored car because it’s original and you don’t get to see them like that very often. I looked at Pierce-Arrow cars for quite some time before this one came along, I could have kept driving around but decided to make sure the engine was good to go anywhere and am almost done with a “refresher” as opposed to a total rebuild...
  10. I’m pretty sure Dave is right, it looks like a Big Six door from the LH, or driver’s side, front. Does it have anything inside? By 1924 that door contained the tool kit in a drop forward panel...
  11. I posted a response in the memorabilia section, the artwork is of a WWI Model T Ford tank. There’s a link there to some information on it, and a picture...
  12. A very quick google search for Moon Diana motorcar brought up a ton of pictures, I didn’t dig any farther but that is a good start.
  13. This picture took me forever to find... In May 1969 my father bought this 1930’s Seagrave that was just then retired from the South Newfane Vermont Fire department. That is me again on the running board. Dad only had it for a few months, we were in a 4th of July parade and not long after someone hunted him down to buy it. I remember the truck and parade well considering I was 3 at the time, I think the helmet is with one of my brothers...
  14. And the tank artwork is of the WWI era Model T Ford tank. Here’s a link to the information, and a picture stolen from that thread. http://www.mtfca.com/discus/messages/118802/179656.html?1293754813
  15. A couple weeks ago I was in my garage working on my Pierce-Arrow when one of my wife’s students and his brother were walking by. Now I have to give you some background before continuing, my wife is a physical therapist working in the schools with children who have disability’s, this particular student is in elementary school and has Down’s syndrome but is the sweetest kid you can imagine and he loves our Great Pyrenees so they stop by the house whenever walking by. He also asked about the car once So I told him I was waiting on some parts which will take time to get. So on one particular day I asked if they wanted to see the car and get in? I got the reaction you might expect, big smiles and they jumped right into the back seat which is so big their feet barely dangle over the edge. They were so excited it was contagious. So I said once I get it finished I would give them a ride and Jack looks really concerned and asked why it didn’t have seatbelts, you can’t drive without seatbelts, I won’t want to go if there’s no seatbelts... I promised him I would add seatbelts. So, now he asks if I have my parts yet, then asks about seatbelts every time we see them. I think they want a ride.
  16. Another thought is a '28 Hudson, but the fenders do look more Buick...
  17. Not worth commenting to the seller, they will never believe anything unless it matches their opinion, I gave up trying years ago...
  18. Had a wicked nice hood ornament too...
  19. Not a Pierce-Arrow model name that I am familiar with, could he possibly have meant a Diana motor car built by Moon?
  20. I like this one, which is From a heavily reproduced Picture on eBay... if there was an easy and cost effective way to make one for my car I think it would be great!
  21. I’m glad that the owner will continue to enjoy it, sometimes it’s not the value of something that brings you joy but the story and memories they invoke. Terry, Had you seen the few model T Ford reproduction fobs on evil-bay that someone thinks are worth in the $250- $300 range? I laugh each time I see them come up again, and he has a lot of fobs.... must have been a collection that was inherited as they are well known by even novices to be fake.
  22. I think you will find it is a generic automobile item from the time that cars were pop culture icons. The stamped shell style is a lower quality from the manufacturer sales type of fob which appears to be heavier, more detailed, and frequently enameled. One of the most commonly seen shell style has a car, A plane, and a motorcycle on it.
  23. 🤣🤣🤣 I think what Dusty is trying to convey is that it was such a commonly used plug that it’s still available... I highly doubt that you would find anyone willing to pay $0.20 each for the dug up ones, but thanks for the chuckle!
  24. I ordered new custom pistons for my 31 Pierce-Arrow the day before California shut down, so I emailed the company doing this for me and it was business as usual... they fall under an exemption for national transportation parts manufacturing! I don’t know about the connecting rods though, they were supposed to be ready around now when I sent them to be re-Babbitted but haven’t tried calling about them... I figured I wouldn’t want to be pushy as getting good quality takes patience.
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