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Mark Wetherbee

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Everything posted by Mark Wetherbee

  1. I hate it when an ancient post gets dug up from the depths and I get caught by it... Oh well, thanks for that
  2. There was a lot of that in our HOA too last night... My wife and I wanted a parade, so I washed and decorated my T and went around the neighborhood with another neighbor in a decorated Gator. We had fun, and got a few people smiling along the way, but for the most part it was just a great ride for us.
  3. I guess I’m missing the point too as the very first thing I thought was what Joe and Terry posted... If you go looking I have a lot of very hard to find stuff for sale in the collectibles section with the intention of using the money on my Pierce. While digging through the stuff I found a timer for a 2-cylinder Buick that went to a guy who posted a question about a spring inside one for little money Compared to one for a Ford T because I didn’t know what it was until his post. A fun sideline, and it’s helping someone but they are more collectibles than parts so I know I won’t ever be in a bind and NEED them. Not everyone wants to sell what they got stashed, but make sure your spouse or kids know what those things are because I’m sure my wife would toss that “ugly gear lamp” if it were mine and I died...
  4. The one with three mounting holes looks like an aftermarket for a Ford V8
  5. Let me know if that one Curti sent isn’t right, I have a ziplock bag of bits in the garage from when I sold a small cabinet and the guy didn’t want the contents! Price will be the same as he said.
  6. I believe that first car is a 1916 or so Allen, at least the emblem looks like an A on a diamond which is what they had.
  7. Well, my hope is in god too, but it doesn’t have any other symbolism relating to the Masons including the Scotch Rite Thistle. It’s close but not close enough... I do appreciate your thoughts as the motto is for the 32nd degree Masons but I think it would be more commonly seen if it was from their organization. That, and I am pretty sure the two of these I have were removed from a special trim package on an otherwise boring 70’s sedan that was sitting in a junkyard but can’t seem to remember which Car.
  8. I’m thinking Chrysler Córdoba, at least it looks like something Ricardo Montalbán would endorse... Anyone know for sure?
  9. The only one I have any familiarity with is the one in my Pierce which is internal and not vacuum assist. Until that car came along all I had played with was either Ford T’s, A’s, and a couple nickel era cars. This was in a pile of Lincoln Zephyr parts many years ago, do you know if they had free-wheeling or another vacuum boosted options?
  10. That looks very close but mine appears to be longer...I’ll look for any part numbers and ask in that section. Thank you for that thought!
  11. Tripped across these plugs while looking for something in my flea pile and thought I would list it for sale too. There’s 9 left in the main box, all the boxes and plugs are IHC scripted and in brand new condition with the AC in “Tractor” made larger to represent AC company. The entire box for $200 Plus shipping. PM if interested. Thank you for looking, Mark
  12. Maybe the same way as tractor tires are loaded now? Or maybe just laying on the Side before putting the second side over the rim.
  13. Could be, I was thinking mechanical brake booster but I don’t know what it is or where it came from...
  14. Does anyone recognize this early brake booster? Thank you for looking
  15. The large Ford screwdriver is spoken for. Thank you Charlie! And the Marathon Oil is as well. Thank you Mark
  16. Thank you, if it helps all proceeds go towards getting my Pierce Arrow in shape for The Hershey PAS meeting...
  17. Just added some in the for sale area including a very early Buick fob.
  18. A while back I got all this stuff ready and went up to one flea in Virginia before having the rest of the season canceled because of the virus. So, here’s some pictures of my flea market stuff and if you are interested PM me. Also consider that shipping is not included in the price of what is here. Thank you for looking, Mark I moved the pictures to the last reply for better resolution.
  19. These are the ones I have but nothing works on the website. http://www.theegyptgarage.com My guess is there may have been a patent issue. Another option is the wireless signals for use on bicycles. Good luck, personally I love the set I have and bought a second column mount so I could switch it between cars
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