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Howie the Hustler


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Howie the Hustler's only function on this forum is to drum up support for worthwhile AACA projects. He has no interest in becoming a regular contributor to the forum. So, it looks like it is time for him to crawl back under his rock.

Until next time there is a worthy cause, that's all folks.

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Guest Hal Davis (MODEL A HAL)

Is there any special address or person to whom's attention one should send their donation?

I'll pony up for $50. I was hoping to get away with putting it off until after Christmas, but you guys are making me feel bad.

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To all of you, I proudly have a 61 98 Sport Sedan with the beautiful light lavender color. Some of may have seen it at Hershey over the years. As a matter of fact, I actually have two shades of lavender on the car as I had to do some rear third end repairs and have not had time to do the remainder.

Olds actually did a survey a few years ago and found out that people who drive cars of this color are much happier than most drivers. However, you have to drive a 61 98 Sport Sedan, otherwise you are just an averge happy person. Also, the same survey showed that you actually increased your gas mileage by 20 MPG using that color as it makes the car more streamlined.

I understand Oldsmobile will be offering it standard on the new 2007 models but only on the 97 models.

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> </div></div> To all of you, I proudly have a 61 98 Sport Sedan with the beautiful light lavender color.

Olds actually did a survey a few years ago and found out that people who drive cars of this color are much happier than most drivers.

Maybe you could become even happier by donating $50 to Joanna's HQ renovation clallenge. smirk.gifgrin.gif After all, it is the AACA that gives you a place to show that car and HQ is where the awards come from. grin.gif

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Well, since this is post #50 on this thread, it will begin a new page and possibly be overlooked by many. However, if I wait for someone else to open page 2, it may never get opened and that would mean no more donations.

So here is the thought for today.

As of this moment there have been 983 visitors to this thread and 14 - $50 donors, one $500 challenge met, and one $500 challenge pending with only 4 - $50 donations made. And of those 14 donors, one person is counted twice because he donated double, once to each challenge.

Now what does this tell us in this season of giving and generosity? Draw your own conclusions.

If there are no more donors by tomorrow, I will give you my Christmas giving message.

Somebody cough up $50 to save everyone from that.

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> Now what does this tell us in this season of giving and generosity? Draw your own conclusions. </div></div>

Two things come to mind. Sumnmi, Kartina, Rita, Wilma, and the economy. Some people are probably donated out by this time. Plus the cost of fuel has put the squeeze on some people. Everyone I normally buy christmas presents for (parents, sister& spouse, and girlfriend all had the amount spent on them cut in half this year. For me, the challenge of $50 was more than I can afford right now. If it had been say, $10 I probably would have particapated. At least I could have skipped a lunch or two to make up for it.

As for the 983 visitors, How many are repeats? I know I've looked at this everyday it's had a new post since it started. That's a minimum of 10 hits for me. At least 10 more should be you. Ron Green's got several too.

Well, I have to fix my hot water heater. It's got a leaking valve. mad.gif

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> Draw your own conclusions. </div></div>

Everyone I normally buy christmas presents for ( spouse, and girlfriend. If it had been say, $10 I probably would have particapated.

</div></div>Spouse and girlfriend? Are you keeping secrets again tongue.gif Novaman?I'd bet 5 $10 would work the same as a $50.

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An envelope should be arriving in a few days from Di and I with our contribution.

I got to admit things have been kinda tight here.. and hectic with the travels. Seeing the thread again reminded me to mention it to Di .. and she whole heartedly agreed that we should do our part.

Hope it helps.

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Dave relax, HtH nor AACA wants anyone to find offense in this thread. You have to understand that the "Hustler" served two terms as President and probably does not want me mentioning this but has included in his philantropy the entire AACA organization. He caring and generosity has been of the highest order. He has done a lot of good for AACA and his support is greatly appreciated.

I can't speak for the Hustler but I am sure he had in mind those that could afford at this time to invest back in the club. AACA's dues are far cheaper than most clubs and our needs are great if we are going to position the club for the next generation. Although the library and the museum have necessarily had strong fund raising campaigns, the club has tried to be fiscally responsible and low key in soliciting contributions now that we are a 501©3.

I think what sometimes gets to HtH and others, is that they give back to the club in so many ways but <span style="font-weight: bold">some</span> others just sit in the background in an attack mode while doing nothing positive for the club in either volunteering or other support.

As a life member, we know you do support AACA and your thoughts, comments and suggestions are appreciated. When and if you can further support AACA it will be appreciated as well.

I am here on Saturday and will be working more over the next few days to get us back to some sense of organization since the painting, move-in of new furniture and repairs. The unsolicited donations will ease the burden of a higher than expected electrical repair and some new furniture for the lobby. We do not believe the money is being spent frivolously and when you guys visit here next I think you will feel that your support was not in vain. Thanks again!

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Steve, I didn't mean to come across upset or ill or anything like that. I didn't take any offense to his post. I was just giving my opinion on why people may not have donated. Trying to point out 2005 has been hard for some people and "hits" on a site don't always give an accruate picture of how many different individuals have looked at the post.

I fully understand the part of "what sometimes gets to HtH and others, is that they give back to the club in so many ways but some others just sit in the background in an attack mode while doing nothing positive for the club in either volunteering or other support." Some of that can be seen every year when it comes time to elect region/chapter officers for the next year. So many time it is the same group of people rotating through the offices.

I know some of what HtH has done for the AACA and I do appreciate it. I hope that he hasn't taken offense to my post.

I guess maybe what was coming out in my post was my thoughts of when AACA including the libary and museum, the donations usally seeked, seem to be $50 or more at a time. Unless it might be for a raffle ticket, (thinking of the statue from the libary at hershey).

It's looking like my hot water heater may be in a more critical condition that orginally thought. Replaced the valve and it is still leaking. mad.gifmad.gif

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Back to the top in one final effort to get the last $50 so that we will meet Joanna's $500 challenge. smile.gif

At the end of the year there will be a final report [with commentary] on the overall outcome of this effort.

That report will be made on a new and separate thread, so that it will be seen by more people than if it is buried at the end of this long one. smile.gif

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novaman, I will make up the difference as promised to bring it up to $50. The forumites have now reached the goal and met Joanna's $500 challenge.

See the new thread "Report on the HQ renovation donations" to be posted tomorrow.

Howie the Hustler

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