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GAS Versus Hershey

Guest my3buicks

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Guest my3buicks

Much can change between now and Hershey, but what kind of impact does everyone think the gas prices will have on Hershey? I have yet to decide what my "ouch" point will be, but driving a 72 Buick with a 455 it doesn't take to long to get to "ouch". Even worse would be the SUV's/trucks/motor homes pulling car trailers and vender trailers that get even poorer mileage. Thoughts?

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This subject came up in May in the thread Question about Hershey car show.......... . My post from that thread is below.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> Who knows what this year will bring with gas prices being what they are. </div></div>

Not that gas is cheap by any means...but I seriously doubt that fuel costs will effect Hershey for several more years. Compared to the cost of putting together a competitive car there, the driving/towing costs are minimal.

Remember, the 1981 Hershey took place at nearly the exact moment of real all-time high gas prices adjusted for inflation ($3.02/gal). There were a few people there! smile.gif

1981 Hershey aerial photo </div></div>

$3.02 in 1981 vs. $3.09 (today in Ohio) is pretty much the same situation. I expect by October that the price will have settled somewhere around $3, but who really knows? Even so, while it might effect sales volume for trivialities (Beanie Baby vendors beware! smirk.gif ), I bet on the whole Hershey will come off just fine. cool.gif

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We already sent in our slips to judge so unless there is something unforeseen to stop us we will be there. My mom is doing pretty well right now. She had her last I.V. iron treatment on Tuesday and had her fourth of the first six chemo treatments today. So her health should not be a factor right now.

We will just cut back somewhere else and still go. Also, Rodger Woodrum who also judges stays with us so if we did not go he could not either.

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I made a statement to Dave@Moon in the Misc. Chat section relevant to your query. Gas prices sure are hurting all of us. Expensive, yes.

For the immediate the price of gas to me means nothing compared to wondering how many people have died, are awaiting help to survive, not to mention the loss of their homes 'if" they survived.

In my opinion, our hobby is an absolute "luxury" at this real time compared to what is happening.

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I am stunned at the problems in NO but at the same time there is little any of us can do right at the moment but contribute to the organizations that can do some good. In the long term once the situation stabilizes there will be lots of opportunities to go help on a personal basis. I was thinking yesterday that maybe I can go to the Gulf Coast and help rebuild houses or provide some sort of labor that is needed later. And they will need lots of help both fiscal and physical.

In the meantime life has to go on for the rest of us. I hope to get to Hershey this year if I can get my work challenges resolved. So what if gas is more expensive. That is easy to deal with compared to what the folks on the Gulf Coast and in NO are dealing with.


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I've been toying with the same issue. I guess at this point, if the major vendors don't show, I may not go. I put a car in the show and judge for the purposes of convenience. If the swap meet doesn't amount to anything, I'll have a hard time justifying the trip for a Preservation Award.

We get decent parking for the car trailer, and when we're down there, we use my pickup, and the excess space in the car trailer for loading up with parts for our next project.

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Pat, I am not sure what everyone is talking about as we have not heard any inkling so far of people not planning on showing up this year. That being said, the Fall Meet is a month away and the events of recent may cause <span style="font-style: italic">some</span> people problems. I hope we do not get mass hysteria going by being negative. Life has to go on, commerce and entertainment must go on as that is what we do as Americans. We will be generous and support our fellow Americans (We will know for sure later today but we have asked the Red Cross to set up a booth in the Chocolate Field..supported by AACA, Hershey Region and Herco)but we must continue life. Yes, thinking of the hobby now seems of so little importance compared to this tragedy but we must not compound it by stopping our lives. Just my opinion.

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I understand Steve. All I'm saying is that if the vendors decide not to show, we may stay home. My dad and I always pull in on Tuesday, and spend the whole week chasing after parts. We've been bringing cars down to Hershey because of the convenience of having the truck and trailer already down there.

At this point, I think we'll know what our answer is going to be when Carlisle has their swap meet. If Carlisle is good, we'll most likely go to Hershey as planned.

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Guest De Soto Frank

As for vendors attendence being influenced by fuel prices, they have an advantage over plain old show participants or spectators: they can pass fuel costs on to their customers or also declare fuel costs as a business expense on their taxes...

I'm a little more concerned about what these spikes/supply issues are going to do to the price of heating fuels for the coming season, as we live in a 1917 house with single-pipe steam and and oil-fired boiler...

Most of us have choices about what & when we drive, and whether or not we travel to car shows; most of us don't have options when it comes to heating the homestead.

As for folks who "own 400 point cars" being able to afford to get them around to shows...well, what about the old timers who have nice cars that they restored 40-50 years ago, and still like to show, but are now on fixed/limited incomes ? Not everybody with a nice antique is a high-roller...

And I don't mean to trivialize the ordeals folks down South are suffering, but that was not the original topic of this thread. ( Like I've never gone off on a tangent... crazy.gif)

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If gas is available we will be there, after all it is Hershey.

We went the year of 3 Mile Island, we went several years when the Susquehanna had flooded, we went the odd/even ration year and even the year Hershey flooded.

See you at Chocolate CI 8-10

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My dad and I talked about it at length this afternoon at lunch (we've been going to lunch almost every Friday for years), and his insight was that if the people aren't there, the deals may be better because the vendors will need the cash flow to pay for their trip.

We can make the run on four tanks of gas round trip, so he's in favor of going.

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">My dad and I talked about it at length this afternoon at lunch (we've been going to lunch almost every Friday for years), and his insight was that if the people aren't there, the deals may be better because the vendors will need the cash flow to pay for their trip.

We can make the run on four tanks of gas round trip, so he's in favor of going. </div></div>

Sounds like a plan to me. You probably would have used at least one of those tanks of gas if you stayed home, so it is even cheaper.

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We'll be there - and we'll keep comin back. A close friend once put in in perspective - he was the worlds biggest Detroit Tiger baseball fan - "how much would you pay for a hot dog and a beer at a ballgame?" If thats your thing (as Hershey is mine) you just gotta do it, regardless! See ya in the White field - and in case yall get sore feet from all that darned hard blacktop, come over to my spot and wiggle your toes in the grass (or mud).


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No go for me. I had to cancel going to a few shows already, not sure if I'll make it to the Palatka, FL tour in November. All depends on how much more $$ I can save between now & then & if gas costs stay up.

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