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Face masks


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Sorry to put this out but felt compelled to let my ROA friends know the facts in this Covid-19 mess we are in. If it needs to be deleted no problem . Hoping it will open . Sorry for the intrusion on an otherwise “fun” topic.


ROA 14549

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I think that if DR. KEN REED thinks it's apropos, it's fine to put it here. I want to know as much about the virus and the disease as possible. If he has any insights, I think they're welcome anywhere.


If it's an intrusion to your way of thinking, just skip over it. Let everyone else think for themselves.



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10 hours ago, RIVNIK said:

Whatever it is it is an intrusion. Why don't you save it for an appropriate forum. Thanks

Certainly wasn’t  trying to “ intrude” . Just trying to show an excellent piece of information on the various types of face masks and their effectiveness based on science . Sorry (and sad ) to say some people continue to not believe in the effectiveness of masks in helping to control this Covid mess. Good example was Iowa this past week leading the nation per capita in new cases since we have had a very weak mask requirement for past 5 months  Personally , I happen to care about our members many of whom are in the high risk group including myself.


Thanks Ed

PS I WILL  load it if I can figure out how  and the forum moderator can delete if it violates /offends/ intrudes on  any one . 

 Stay safe out there in ROA land ! 


ROA 14549

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Here’s the article I was trying to post earlier. Hope this connects now . Feel free to ignore if it doesn’t pertain to you, your family and loved ones . Stay safe .


ROA 14549


PS : A Riviera picture to satisfy some


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I don't disbelieve the threat of this variation of a corona virus, I don't think it is fake as some say, and I pay quite close attention to all the information presented to me. "Intrusive" is when the TV news actor tells me there is breaking news of vital importance and says "details when we come back". Then the intrusion of 28-30 higher priority commercials.


High per capital rates in Iowa make me smile. The county next to me has 54,000 residents. Normalization of per capita figures is based of populations of 100,000. 4 people died in my neighboring county. 8 deaths were reported statistically and scientifically. I bet there are a couple counties in Iowa with 50,000 or less residents. That is not the kind of science I learned growing up. How many minimally populated counties in the US went into the science our leadership spouts about?


There are cynics out there, but the leadership makes assumptions about them and the only clue they have about reality is whispered to them by their publicist.


If it wasn't for the cynics we never would have come this far.



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When I scrolled through the other articles listed on the USA Today site I was surprised to see there wasn't a warning to stay away from little kids singing "Gary Indiana".


The report does not belong in a string of articles that include a woman cutting up and barbecuing her cousin. Credibility needs some sort of continuity.

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   Hey Doc! Sorry for my negative input, even before knowing what the article was about. I read the report & appreciate you sharing info that is important to everyone. I'm always leery about such breaks in "protocol",as it were. They can cause havoc, as me & others experienced in a similar work related forum. Problem is I'm chronically paranoid about being surrounded by science deniers (read that "Floridians") & thought I sensed another anti-mask or pro-chloroquine screed.  Learned my lesson. I will review & update my mask collection.    Drew

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Absolutely no problem Drew - I can’t be any more firm in my belief that MASKS WORK! Iowa is leading the nation now in new cases/ capita because our politicians refused to listen to the experts and put a mask mandate in place two months ago- paying the price now as predicted . This stuff is no joke and the long term effects after you survive it are very troublesome thus far. Enough said about this subject . Let’s get back to our Rivieras 😀.


ROA 14549  

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