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By the way, what does the STOP "Thru Traffic" sign mean?  I remember one of these as a kid, it was yellow.  How did this differ from a plain red STOP sign?


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Funny how things come around in bunches from time to time. Just a day or two ago I regaled on another forum how I remembered the speed limit changing from 45 mph state-wide in California up to about 55. This occurred when I was about seven back in the late '50s.

Today, someone asks about the yellow stop sign.  So, back to my childhood.  I remember yellow stop signs. It wasn't until the 1950s, that the federal government pushed standardization on highway signs from state to state. Prior to that, states all decided on their own the shape, size, and color of all road signs. Yield signs may be square, round, or triangles. And the triangles could be either side up or down, and both yellow or white were common. Stop signs ranged from squares, round was used in many states. Califunny (in most areas) early on used the octagonal red sign used universally today.  

However, when we traveled into Nevada to visit family, it was interesting to this little kid that the road signs were all different. I remember the yellow stop signs, and yield signs that were quite different.

In the early days of the automobile, signage was a volunteer effort. Local auto clubs painted and installed signs on the cheap, and they all did their own thing. Eventually, some states began doing things themselves. However, without federal standardization, they all went slightly different ways.  So it took more than half a century before road signs became standard from coast to coast. This is why our hobby is so much more than a hobby. History is important. Learning history, and learning FROM history is one of the most important things all people should do. Road signs are just a very small part of that.

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I always wondered how motorcycle cops were able to keep those hats on? 

They look cool but there had to be many a time when they U-turned to pick one up in the street.

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1 hour ago, John_S_in_Penna said:

I like the architecture of the building in the background.

I hope that grand building still exists!

Sadly it looks like it was just torn down this summer https://www.mlive.com/news/kalamazoo/2019/07/demolition-begins-on-century-old-christian-science-church-building-in-kalamazoo.html


Looks like that was a nice spring day in 1946 in Kalamazoo though.  I like that the cars had to be designed so that men could wear their hats while driving.  The cars didn't have head room, they had hat room!

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