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Pull a Frog OUt of a Box


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Don't think those frog eyed Sprites are as innocent as they look. Crushed both my knees in an accident in one in1967. Loved that car, think about it every time my artificial knee joints creak. On the bright side it did disqualify me for a McNamara Fellowship. For the youngsters here that's a ticket to Viet Nam.

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6 hours ago, Restorer32 said:

Don't think those frog eyed Sprites are as innocent as they look. Crushed both my knees in an accident in one in1967. Loved that car, think about it every time my artificial knee joints creak. On the bright side it did disqualify me for a McNamara Fellowship. For the youngsters here that's a ticket to Viet Nam.

See, there's good and bad in everything.

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The Brits call them "Frog Eye", but in the states they were generally referred to as "Bug Eye". 


Although my primary driver in '63/'64 were a '58 Impala convertible and a TR-2, a young lady I dated had a '58 Bug Eye, and both were remarkably delightful handling

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15 hours ago, Marty Roth said:

The Brits call them "Frog Eye", but in the states they were generally referred to as "Bug Eye". 


Although my primary driver in '63/'64 were a '58 Impala convertible and a TR-2, a young lady I dated had a '58 Bug Eye, and both were remarkably delightful handling


I have a very similar story, however I never liked the front suspension or the Sprite, it was worn and wobbly, Contrary to the counterpart which was tight and firm.


Still is.

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Bernie, are you still tight and firm, or do we all need new glasses?


.... Is that Wonder Woman?

or is she wondering why we spend much of our time under old cars?

Edited by Marty Roth (see edit history)
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Sounds like a bunch of old men who aren't nimble enough to get in & out of something like that at this stage in life.

We see plenty of old guys like that with flashy rides just slowly driving along in the left lane with their right turn signal on.  Good thing they're having fun and still enjoying life in the 4th quarter.


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When I was a poor college student the starter on my Bug Eye quit. For about 2 weeks I would start it by putting one foot inside the car and one foot outside so I could push it like a scooter to get it started. On another occasion my two roommates and I decided it would be a good idea to drive to DC for the evening. No problem, we'll take the Bug Eye.  As you may know the Bug Eye has a rather large trunk area but it is accessible only from behind the seats. There is no trunk lid. I drove, one roomie rode shotgun and the third roomie, who was 6'2" tall but exceedingly skinny, curled up in the trunk for the 110 mile ride to DC. Took a bit to straighten him out when we arrived in DC but in the end a good time was had by all.

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Actually, since the stroke and heart attack, I am in better shape than I was in the previous 30 years. Drove 250 miles round trip to a business meeting yesterday, ate healthy food, did some design calculations on a project this morning, and will be heading out for an hour walk along the Erie Canal in twenty minutes. I'm still buying projects. The doctor said it's fine to plan on another 40 years, just don't expect it.


Oh, I can see my belt buckle and my wife told me not to wear "those baggy ass jeans old men wear". She said get the tight ones so we can take turns following each other at the mall.


And I backed the Sprite into the garage with a tow bar to begin reassembly from the job started in 1965 by "others"



Edited by 60FlatTop (see edit history)
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