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1960 MGA Restoration

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Been a little while, but got back to the MG a little today, although it will be another two weeks before I can get back to it again.  Took a 1-week vacation, but since then it's been a tsunami of problems such as all types of car issues on my other cars, trees down on my property from a wind storm, various home repairs, numerous routine medical appointments, and many, many other small things that have gotten in the way.  Every day has been a battle to shorten the to-do list to try to get back to working on the MG, but each time I check something off, I something else pops up.  Decided to just take a break and make 2 hours for the MG today and was able to finally install the other headlight (Photo 1).  


My plan to go to the British car junkyard this coming Friday to pick up the small missing parts I need fell thru, as the owner of the junkyard has his wife screening calls, but she can't help on anything, then says to send an email.  Of course, there was no response to my email.  I think they are overwhelmed and can no longer work properly as a functioning business.  So, I had to go to the hardware store and just make due.  If I can find these missing parts in the future, I'll swap them out.  Had to install the headlight assembly about 5 times, just like the last time, due to some small errors I made, but mainly due to the fasteners not fitting as expected.


I'm also trying to remove my '30 Plymouth engine during all this, to get it to a rebuilder, but have run into difficulties there as well, as it seems I will have to remove about 3x as many parts to get the engine out as I originally thought, such as the brake master cylinder, the clum switch, the entire steering column, and who knows what else.  I'll have to earmark a day just to try to work on that shortly, if I can ever get caught up on all the other every-day tasks I have to do.  So close to finishing the MG, but it still may be months away at this point.


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On 3/2/2024 at 9:59 PM, Model56s said:

The "last mile" is the toughest, but you're getting close!

Ain't that the truth... like one of those movies where the hallway keep getting longer! He'll get her in the end!

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Finally got some real time back in the garage today, since it's a rainy day and I couldn't do any outside things I need to do.


First, I was able to pick up my MG octagon at the chrome plater last week, as the plater had brazed a broken stud onto the wrong location.  This time, the studs were way too thick to go into the holes, so I tried to carefully grind them down with a Dremel tool, but two of them broke off, maybe because of the heat created.  Luckily, 2.3 of them remained, so I could clip the two that were still good, and opposite of each other, and there was just enough stud left on one of the broken ones to fit a clip.  Unfortunately, the fourth one has no stud, but it seems to be good enough as is.  I'm going to call it done (Photo 1).


Next, I tackle the front valance panel.  This panel turned out very nice from the painting process, so combined with the fact that you can't really see it, I decided to not wet sand it and just leave it as is.  Of course, I had to fight it every step of the way, but it fit very well once adjusted.  I also had to paint or repaint all the bolt heads and washers once they were installed, as they all had some damage just from the installation process (Photo 2).


Last, I installed the front bumper.  Same thing, had to fight it every step of the way, as it's very awkward and there are many difficult to get to bolts.  I still need to tighten some of the attachment bolts, but it's mostly on there (Photo 3).  Debating on whether or not to install the front license plate bracket under the bumper, where it was originally.  Probably looks much cleaner without it.


I also ordered a bunch or missing parts from Moss, so should get that next week.  I'm still going to have to search for some door pockets, as all the places I've checked so far only offer it in kits, so I don't want to spend $600 to get $100 worth of parts and be saddled with these extra parts.  I may try to restore one of the originals with new vinyl, but I'm missing the other one completely.


Last, I'm still sewing up the tonneau cover.  It's quite a lot of work, but going well.  Just taking bite-sized pieces off it, but eventually, I'll get the whole thing complete.




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It's now a little surreal walking into the garage and seeing a basically completed car now.  Was able to get some good time in today, finally.  Got my Moss order yesterday.


First, I was able to complete the taillight assemblies (Photo 1).  I got my other door reinforcement bracket and installed bot the original and the repro (Photo 2).  I also installed the grille (about 90% installed) (Photo 3).  I still need to torque the bolts a little, but will get some help shortly to see if I can get it pressed in a little more and tighten the bolts to hold it in place flusher to the body.  Currently, some of the piping is not secured to the body, as seems to happen with all of these cars.  I may have to glue the piping to the grille to keep it in place.


Not much left to do now.  Sunday, I'm having some friends over to help me install the windshield assembly.  Once that's complete, I can install the front trim panels.  I'm still missing the door pockets, so that will have to wait a little longer.  I also have to install the rocker trim strips, which basically just involves me drilling a few holes where they need to be and bolting the trim on.  Last, I will have to work on the paint chips I've created and work a little more on the wet sanding and try to get those scratches out.


I just bought a truck to haul an enclosed trailer (still need to buy the trailer), so I can move my classic cars around to shows and maintenance, which has always been a problem for me.  My older cars are either too nice or too old to drive any long distances.  I will drive the MGA, but I want to take it to some shows first, after all the work I put into it.  I think by May I'll be ready to take it to a shop to get it started and do all the shakedown work.  Shouldn't have any problem getting this to Fall Hershey 2024.






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Thanks, all told, turning out quite nicely, especially compared with the pile of trash I started with.

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Beautiful job! Will look forward to seeing you at Hershey. I am at the point of putting my car together now and can feel your pain and frustration getting panels to fit. I thought an F body (GM) was bad but this thing is crazy by comparison. If you look back to the picture with the monkee sitting on the ladies lap, you can see how badly the dr. door was fit. 

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On 4/5/2024 at 5:41 AM, TAKerry said:

Beautiful job! Will look forward to seeing you at Hershey. I am at the point of putting my car together now and can feel your pain and frustration getting panels to fit. I thought an F body (GM) was bad but this thing is crazy by comparison. If you look back to the picture with the monkee sitting on the ladies lap, you can see how badly the dr. door was fit. 

I think that door is slightly open hence the look of a poor fit.

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Big progress today.  First, installed the lower rocker trim on both sides (Photo 1).  Next, had to friends over and they were able to help me get the windshield installed (Photo 2).  Took about four tries as the two repro gaskets on each sound of the mount were a little too thick.  Ended up using only two gaskets and a few layers of painters tape in order to get it to fit and seat properly.  Had a few problems with some of the original fasteners on the sides of the windshield.  Two of the screws were stripped, so I'll have to figure out some replacements.  Last, I installed the two grab handles on the windshield post (Photo 3).


Next will be to install the wipers and wiper arms and the front interior trim panels, now that the windshield is installed.  Will probably hold off on the door pockets to see if I can get some at the Carlisle import show in May, as I'm not going to buy the $600 kit.  If I have some extra time (unlikely), I may just make them myself, as I have the vinyl.  I would just need the card backing, which I could probably get at a craft store.  I still have one original door pocket to use as a template.







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Craft store may have what you need for the door cards, but I bought some specifically for that purpose. Its a pretty heavy cardboard material. I opted for new panels before I got too deep into the project. I have some in the shop your welcome to but the shipping cost would most likely be prohibitive. IF you can pm some rough dimension I can cut them down and possibly save a lot on shipping. Again, you are welcome to them if you want to give it a try.

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TAKerry, thanks for the offer.  I just need the door pockets, not the door cards themselves.  Luckily, I have that one original, so it looks like I already have good backing material, I just need some of that lighter cardboard for the actual pocket itself, which yes, I think I can get at any craft store.

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Working on the odds and ends now.  Installed the front interior trim in front of the door.  Also found the original cable clutch nut and bolt for the "Demister" cable.  Cleaned that up and installed it.  Last, started making my own door pockets (Photo 1).  I found the perfect outer card material, but had to use a thicker backing material, which is almost twice as thick as original, but there' no other material available.  Should turn out just fine.  For now, using the original I have to cut out the backing panel, cut out the new vinyl, and cut out the pocket card material itself.


Also stopped by my British Car shop to give them a heads up.  I'll meet with them again in two weeks and I will schedule having the car towed into their shop then for initial startup and a thorough shakedown.


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Still more odds and ends to tend to before the car gets shipped to the British car shop.  


Installed the windshield wipers (Photo 1).  I may end up taking these off again, because who knows if the wipers will work properly and in which position they will start in.  I wouldn't want them to grind into the cowl panel.


Next, I lowered the car off the jack stands and torqued and cotter-pinned all the suspension bolts.  I'll have the Shop do another check to makes sure I didn't miss anything, although they will need to torque the steering ends, as the ball joints just spin in place and I don't have the proper tools to prevent that.


In the "attention to detail" section, I reproduced the mint green blotch of paint that I found on the rear axle when I originally disassembled and cleaned it.  Looks white in the photo, but it's actually minty fresh (Photo 2).


Some more progress on the home-made door pockets.  First, I completed the vertical portion of both pockets (Photo 3).  I'm currently working on the U-shaped pockets themselves from a piece of card stock that seems to match the original almost exactly (Photo 4).  I had to cut out the cardboard, bend all sides so they can be fastened to the vertical pieces, then glue on the vinyl.  I couldn't do it all at once, as the pocket sides need to be bent at 90 degrees, so had to do the center first, then each 90 angle had to be clamped in, in order to get the glue to set on the card stock properly and the correct angle.  Still a lot of work to do, as these will need small holes drilled/punched in order to fasten them to the vertical piece using split tacks, as original.  I'll then need to piece together the chrome washers and screws that attach the whole works to the doors.  The driver's side will be easy, as that door is original and all holes in the door are already there.  With the passenger door being as NOS door, there are no holes for the door pockets and door card, so I'll have to mark them as a mirror image of the driver's door.  Should be pretty easy, as it doesn't have to be perfectly lined up, just very close, so I can simply punch holes thru the door cards to insert the mounting screws.  I think it will cost around $9 to make them myself; if I bought them, it would either be in a $500 kit, or I would have to find individual ones that would probably be around $200 for a set.  Not bad when your labor costs $0/hr.







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Completed one of the door pockets today (Photo 1).  Completely made from scratch.  The only original parts I was able to reuse were the 3 tacks at bottom center used to provide extra fastening for the fabric to the card backing.  At this point, it just needs to be screwed into place with about 16 screws.  The actual door card will be screwed in surrounding the door pocket on the outer portion of the inner door.  The other pocket is about 1/2 made and should be complete within the next week.


I also made two missing headlight adjustment screw sheaths, found two missing windshield post mounting screws I was missing at the Carlisle, PA show (I had to modify some similar GM screws) and filled the transmission with the proper oil.  A few more prep items and the car will be ready to go to the shop, which I anticipate happening maybe the first week in May.


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Posted (edited)

Inching ever closing to completion.  Finished installing the driver's side door pocket/panel.  As with everything, this was quite difficult.  Getting all the holes to attach the panel that weren't marked by Moss on their repro panel (most were marked) was very difficult.  I took my time and was able to get them to work.  I also had trouble with the screws, as a previous owner had rounded out some of the original screw holes, so I couldn't use all the original size screws.  I ended up using a combination of screws and eyelets, maybe 40% are original, in order to get it all to work.  It was VERY difficult to get the door closed with the new door panel.  I think it will just have to take some time to get things to compress a little.  The passenger side should be a little easier because the NOS door has no holes at all, so I can just drill new holes, matching them up to where they go on the driver's side, just a mirror image.


Completed some other small tasks, like getting all the paint chips on the doors repainted by touching them up.  I'll have to give it 24 hours to cure, then wet sand, polish, see if I burned thru anything, then repeat, until I get it to where no one would notice it except me.


Torqued the rear wheel cylinder bolts down (I somehow missed this originally).  


Still working on the passenger side door pocket.  Is about 70% complete now.


Bought a new battery.  Decided to go with one 12V battery instead of the two 6v batteries.  The 6V batteries are wet and it's almost impossible to find the acid for them.  They are also 3x as expensive.  Also, if just one battery fails, you're still dead in the water.  The 12V I found will fit in one of the original cradles.  The only thing I'll need to do is figure out how to cable it correctly, as I currently have the original cabling system in place.  


Edited by hursst (see edit history)
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VERY NICE job on the door panel/pocket! I remember when I redid mine on my '57, the doors were a little tough to shut the first few times. I may have had to adjust the striker until the panels got pressed into place.

Edited by keiser31 (see edit history)
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Getting even closer to complete.  Finished the passenger side door pocket and door card install.  Pocket was again hand-made from scratch (Photo 1), made to the pattern of an original.  Here's the pocket installed (Photo 2).  Here's the repro Moss door card installed (Photo 3).  The Moss door cards are excellent.  This was a faster install, again, due to the fact that I could just drill fresh holes, mirrored to the driver's side version, so I didn't have to worry about lining up existing holes in the door.


Last, I got my new battery.  Got it installed and somewhat secured using the original style hold-down (Photo 4).  Unfortunately, the battery is shorter than the originals, so everything is a little loose.  I'll have to cinch it down with a cinch strap to make it fully secure.  I was able to attach the original battery terminal for the negative terminal, but I'll have to relocate the original positive ground cable to the other side to make this work.


Communication didn't happen properly with the British Car shop (as I experience with almost every car shop I deal with), so I will have to visit in person tomorrow in order to get an appointment to drop the MG off for its roadster top install, start-up, and shakedown/punch list runs.  I'm hoping to have the car complete and drivable by July 1.





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21 hours ago, hursst said:

Getting even closer to complete.  Finished the passenger side door pocket and door card install.  Pocket was again hand-made from scratch (Photo 1), made to the pattern of an original.  Here's the pocket installed (Photo 2).  Here's the repro Moss door card installed (Photo 3).  The Moss door cards are excellent.  This was a faster install, again, due to the fact that I could just drill fresh holes, mirrored to the driver's side version, so I didn't have to worry about lining up existing holes in the door.


Last, I got my new battery.  Got it installed and somewhat secured using the original style hold-down (Photo 4).  Unfortunately, the battery is shorter than the originals, so everything is a little loose.  I'll have to cinch it down with a cinch strap to make it fully secure.  I was able to attach the original battery terminal for the negative terminal, but I'll have to relocate the original positive ground cable to the other side to make this work.


Communication didn't happen properly with the British Car shop (as I experience with almost every car shop I deal with), so I will have to visit in person tomorrow in order to get an appointment to drop the MG off for its roadster top install, start-up, and shakedown/punch list runs.  I'm hoping to have the car complete and drivable by July 1.





I converted to a single 12 volt battery in my MGA and remember having to get a longer cable for one of the terminals (54 years ago!). Your MGA looks great!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Today the MG finally emerged from its garage after almost 8 years.  I had it towed to my local British car shop to get the initial startup, roadster top installed, and shake down run (Photos 1-3).  I'm hoping that most things on the car work, but suspect that maybe 50% of things all the car will work, since nothing was really tested.  The shop says they should have it completed in about two weeks.  I think it will be a good two months.  The reality may be somewhere in between, maybe one month.


I also have an enclosed trailer ordered, which I hope to get in about 8 weeks, so I can tow all my old cars around and go to any show or shop and not have to worry about traffic or weather damage.  I bought a 2001 Ford F-250 long bed extended cab as a tow vehicle.  Only 68k original miles!  It's already paying dividends, as I used it to haul my 1930 Plymouth engine to the rebuilder.  It will be an AACA antique itself in only a year and a half.


Next update will be the results of the shop work.  I will still have to do some detailing, a little more wet sanding to address the scratches in the paint from poor wet sanding, but other than that, it should be ready for shows in July (and a little driving to start).




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Nice job and what a relief you must feel with its completion. Hopefully the shop wont take too long to get it sorted out. Looking forward to hearing your reviews. I have a couple of Brit bikes that could use some TLC.

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WOW!!  That looks absolutely stunning!   The color and the paint are amazing!  Panel fitment is top notch as well.  I know you stressed over the panel fitment a lot and it has certainly paid off.   The whole car flows from panel to panel.  Just beautiful!

It would've cost you $60K or more to get a restoration job approaching this quality and I doubt it would have come out as good.  Amazing accomplishment! 

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Thanks Jeff, I appreciate it.  Panel fitment is a 20-footer.  Up close, the door fitment is not very good.  I should be able to tweak it a little more, but it will always be a little off due to the high repro rocker panels.  The passenger front fender lower radius is off a little as well due to the repro patch panel there, so the fender where it meets the rocker sticks out a little too much.  Overall, it's good enough, but compared to many other nice MGAs I've seen, my panel fitment is not very good.  Your MG resto was still better!


Yes, I saved an absolute fortune by doing most of the work myself.  I haven't added up the receipts, but I think if I sold the car, I'd actually make a reasonable profit.  However, I have a feeling the sort-out bill from the British Car shop will be very high, because almost nothing on the car was tested with electrics during the build, so I suspect a lot of work to rectify various electrical problems.  The roadster top install may be pricy as well.


Within a 150-mile radius of where I live, ANY restoration shop will start at $100,000 to fully restore a car, and that's just the base price; usually more like $175,000 to $200,000 when you get into heavy rust repair and chrome.  Anywhere from $140-$180/hr is the going rate.


Still a few more entries due for this blog when I determine what needs further work from the shop.

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Other than '7 years and 10 months' from purchase to completion, I have not tracked the time.  It's a hobby, so don't care about the time

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Update from the shop: One of the original oil lines is bad, which I expected.  One of the new brake hoses is bad.  My brand-new SU fuel pump has a bad terminal that just spins in place.  Almost all the nuts and bolts under the car will need re-torquing.  The wiper motor doesn't work.  This is just from the preliminary check over a two-week period.  There will be much more.  They haven't started with the roadster top yet.  I expected a lot of problems and expect many more, but having new parts fail before even being used is a disaster, as I've had these parts for a few years as I built the car, so they are out of warranty.  I'll end up wasting hundreds if not over a thousand dollars replacing garbage new parts.


I expect to spend almost as much money on having the top installed and the full shakedown/tuning of this car than on my actual restoration costs.  The hourly rate of these shops combined with the amount of time it takes to do this work properly is crazy.  I'm not blaming the shop, their rate is the going rate nowadays, but it's a shame what inflation, old supply chain problems, and lack of quality control of aftermarket parts has done to our hobby.


Again, the shop thought they could complete all the work in two weeks!  Of course I laughed and said it would be two months...I bet I'm correct, if not underestimating it.

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