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Do you lose interest or ambition?

benjamin j

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I don’t work on restoring much during the summer months I think because I am in my garage all winter. It is almost time to go back into winter mode, the firewood is all stacked and thegarage is well organized but I am not looking forwards to it at all. I hope that changes soon. I am thinking of adding a lot more windows to my garage so I don’t feel so trapped this winter.

Do you guys ever have issues like this.

Edited by R W Burgess (see edit history)
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Or maybe what you need is not another car but something else motorized to make you think instead of just going through the motions. If you have worked on cars long enough things can get "old" pretty quick unless you are working on something really challenging. Try to find an old British motorcycle (have fun with those electronics) or a hit-and-miss engine. Whatever it takes to get out of your comfort zone a little.

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It seemed like last winter was just relentless. I'm older than I've ever been, and it seemed colder than it had ever been. It really sucks the ambition out of me to do anything in the evening when it's blistering cold out. With the doors shut, and lights that never seem to get bright enough, I just about go looney. I tend to get much more done in the Spring and Summer months.


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More windows are/would be nice I'm sure you understand there will probably be heat lost, and are you In a location that allowing BAD people to LOOK in could be an issue.

I wish you well, and YES it's not unusual to get burnt out or lose interest. I have found when I start to get that feeling, well I go to the shop and get started, and soon I have made progress, and enjoyed such.

Dale in Indy

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Used to live in New York. It could get so cold that I had trouble holding tools with numb fingers. I ran a kerosene heater to maintain some sort of warmth. 20 years ago I moved to Tucson, AZ. You think that the cold saps your enthusiasm? Try doing repairs in a garage( out of the sun) when it 105 degrees out, & 115 in the garage. Ambition becomes a lost art. Then comes the beautiful winter.... 62 in the afternoon (January), but 32 in the morning until after 9am. Oh well, we're just getting old. Do a little each day. Don't try to complete projects on a schedule. Take a little longer to finish, but so what? your dead a long time. Ron

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thegarage is well organized but I am not looking forwards to it at all.

knee-action said In the words of Mark Twain: "The secret of getting ahead is getting started".

That's part of the "more projects than time and energy" problem that's fixed by going out there and gettin started. Happens all the time and then I think, I should have done that a long time ago. Once i get started, things happen. It's still fun after all these years.

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Guest Skyking

I never run out of ambition, just running out of cars to restore. Other than converting my '54 Met 1200cc to a 1500cc, I'm not keeping as busy as I used to. Since retirement, I'm not one to sit around and watch TV during the day, never have in the 2 1/2 years. I started a little side job repairing and buffing stainless until I go south for the winter. It keeps me busy and some extra spending money to maintain my toys. After my by-pass surgery in 2006 my doctor told me to never sit around, you'll get old fast. He's been right so far, I've been feeling great!

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I just run out of money, space, and time and haven't ever had all of them long enough to worry about ambition. Windows can help, but you could also consider better lighting. Florescents aren't fun for anyone. Clean, organized, and warm workspaces help too. Maybe learn to do something you typically farm out to other folks? Radio, upholstery, etc, as that can be new, and you get an excuse to buy new tools!

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Guest Skyking
You got that messed up... You need to own more than one old car. When you start to hate one, switch to another for awhile!

Suppose they are all the same make? Now what do you do?:eek:

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I lose interest a 1/2 dozen times a day. But then again I do this schtick day in day out. Walk away, have a smoke, get a coffee, chase momma around the house, whatever. When you go back at it you're glad you did. Having everything you need is a booster too. I'm sort of picky in that I want to stay on "A-B-C" and not jump around on any project. That's mine or a client. Of course I can polish tid bits or maybe do some other later detail at any time. In my case, my 61 bubble top Chev needs some floor work. Could I get the hood done (needs nothing), the doors (need nothing), maybe get started on the interior since I have most of it? Sure, but the flow is screwed up. Do all of that then go backward and tear out the floor? Not me. Then again I seem to have so much to do I'll never die.

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