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In the hospital.............

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Guest shadetree77

Sorry to hear that Matt. Hope you get well soon and get back to your family and your Buick! :D Dale, I googled it and I think he meant "Diverticulosis". Description says that can be pretty painful.

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Thanks guys. I finally got some sleep. Even though they woke me up every two hours. Heck, I'm feeling much better. Robert, you were correct. I wrote it wrong in the first post. This is the thing, that if you don't take care of it and quick, you end up with the "poop bag" hanging off the side of you!:eek: I'll do my time in the hospital, thanks.

Thanks for all the nice comments. I really appreciate you guys! Matt:)

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Guest shadetree77

Matt, sorry to hear about your extended stay. I know how it is not being able to eat like that. A few years ago I was put into ICU for 4 days. Turns out I am a Type 1 diabetic and I didn't know it. My body had begun to shut down. They told me I was less than 24 hours away from being in a coma by the time I went to the doctor. They wouldn't let me eat anything but ice chips for 4 days. It was torture! Every few hours, I could smell the food the doctors and nurses were eating in the ICU. Even the smell of coffee made me hungry! By the fourth day, they gave me a liquid lunch. Beef broth, a diet Sprite, and a popsicle. At that moment I would have sworn that beef broth was as good as a T-Bone!! Hang in there buddy.

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Get well soon. Long hospital stays suck. I know how you are feeling about it. I can say a long stay does give your body down time to rest and heal. And yeah, sleep is the best medicine for physical/mental healing....why the heck you are awakened every three hours for a vitals and weight check is beyond me. Eat, sleep and listen to your physician. Just like our cars we need RESToration from time to time.

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At least you have internet access. The last hospital that I was incarcerated in had no public internet, only local tv stations, half of which were spanish/mexican. A description of my 'room mate' would be classified under "too much information". Most of your healing will be at home away from the stress of the hospital setting.

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Matt,sorry to hear of your situation.As a person who has had Crohn's disease for many years and with 2 surgeries for colon re sectioning under my belt[sorry for the bad play on words] I can definitely relate to your situation.Do the best you can and things will work out for you.Keep your head up.Here is a funny thing that once happened to me while in the hospital..I was awakened in my bed by a nurse with a group of nursing students in tow.It took me but a moment to realize that the scene could be one stolen from a Barnum and Baily circus show as there was a tent in the room that had it's origin under my sheets;);):D What else could I do but answer her questions and comply? Funny thing was that one of the students that appeared that morning kept coming back to visit and make sure EVERYTHING was Ok!Keep smiling and good luck,Rich

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Thanks again everyone for the prayers and thoughts. Dr. says I'm doing great, but again changed his mind and wants me to stay until Monday mid-day. I told him I just want to be good when I get out. Gonna have to follow a diet when I get out and take fiber pills of a night, but hey, if it keeps me outta here...............whatever it takes. Tonight, no pain at all. Tomoorow OATMEAL.

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Guest Kingoftheroad
Well, it's MONDAY!!!!!!!! Supposidly I'll be getting out of here around 1:30 or so. Can't wait to get home. Can't go back to work until next week though......I can still help them out by phone though. Matt:D

That is good news, glad to hear your going home ....

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Once again......Thanks to everye for your thoughts. I got to come home yesterday afternoon and what a relief. Cannot go back to work until Monday. Dr. wants me to take it easy and eat lite the rest of the week. Nice to be back home. Actually got to sit in the garage for an hour today and work on a piece of stainless. Missed my girl. :D:DMatt

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Guest 4 bufords

glad you got home,i was in the rehab facility for 5 weeks with my broken leg.still getting therapy here two times a week.walking with my cane now,be glad to get rid of it,4 bufords from ct

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Guest 4 bufords

thanks john,still not allowed to drive until doc sees me july 2nd but i'm flying to charlotte for the nats. sorry you can't make breakfast on friday down there. yeah matt,can't wait to get back to the car stuff but i'll be very careful,no more stupid moves,4 bufords from ct

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