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Thinking about the people on the East coast

Barney Eaton

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We want you to know that we are thinking about all of you and your neighbors on the East coast. The latest storm projections for hurricane Irene looks like it will affect lots of people and their property along the Eastern coast of the US.

After being in Danvers in July and realizing how close to the water many people will be and the predicted storm surges could put water into thousands of peoples homes.

Do everything you can to stay safe.

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I'm near Reading Pa. We don't expect to have it too bad, so I offer to anyone who is in low land a place to park your car if you need it. I don't have any enclosed area, all I can offer is some high land that won't get flooded. If you need a place, just contact me and it can be provided.

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Guest Kingoftheroad

I hope that storm isn't nearly as bad as folks might think. Hope everyone makes it through whatever storm rolls through there.

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While not on the coast, we still appear to be in the direct path of this storm, so I, for one, and for all, greatly thank those who are thinking of us. Good friends here. And best of luck to those along the coast.

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Yeah. Here we go again. It should be here on Sunday. Tractor and Generator Standing by if we should loose power for any length of time. The photo is from the Ice storm we had early this spring. No more power poles in my yard to break off as I have installed underground cables from the power companys pole to the house. If their pole breaks, it is their problem! The generator is 35,000 Watt and powers the whole house.

Remember the Boy Scouts Motto, "Always Be Prepared." Dandy Dave!


Edited by Dandy Dave (see edit history)
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The latest forecast for us is not as ominous as it was this morning. 4"-6" of rain and winds 35-50 mph. Last night, they were saying 6"-10" of rain with winds 50-60 gusting to 70. Looks to me like the mid-Atlantic states, NY and CT are going to get the worst of it. We put everything away today; generator is ready if we lose power. Our house is on a hill on top of a hill, so I'm not worried about flooding. All we can do is wait.....

And today was absolutely beautiful, sunny and warm all day. One of the best days we've had in awhile. Ironic. Reminds me of the Easter snow storm back in the late 90's. Our daughter was in college in Massachusetts; we went down to see her and it was a beautiful spring day. People were out raking their yards, kids riding bikes, then the next day, they had 30" of snow.

Edited by John_Maine (see edit history)
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Lots of rain and wind here.. It made landfall at Cape Lookout, NC this morning at 7:47. When it landed, it was only a cat. 1. Been hunkered down expecting the worst..

Lots of trees and power lines down around here, and the folks closer to the cost got it worse.. Still not as bad as Floyd..

Looks like it's headed north now. Straight up the coast. Not a lot of damage in it's wake (comparatively speaking) but just be ready for high winds and a lot of rain.

Thanks everyone for keeping all of us in your thoughts and prayers.. After that devastation with the earthquake... ;)

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As of 6:00 AM this morning, the eye is still south of us. Lots of wind and rain last night. The power is still on. The wind is not as strong as I though it would be. Not yet anyway. Dandy Dave!

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I'm about 20 miles south of Boston along the coast but protected from storm surge. As of 8:55 am edt, we're getting rain bands and wind surges at about 35-40mph. Not too bad so far. I have a Generac whole house generator that runs on propane (two 5' tanks) but we've not lost electic power as of yet. Put my Buick Riviera in the garage in place of my Eldorado ...you just have to prioritize!!

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The center of the storm is just about over us now, and luckily, no rain behind it. It is around 3:00 PM here now. Lots of rain and flooded roads. We never lost power here and the winds have not been as strong as predicted in my area. South of here, the dammage is worse. Many without power, ( Just heard an estimate of 4 million.) and trees down everywhere. Dandy Dave!

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Steady rain from about 4:00 AM, some of it quite heavy this morning along with thunder and lightning. Quite windy most of the day. Power went out at 2:30 PM, currently on generator power, so we have lights, computer, TV, fridge, just can't use the stove or microwave as generator is not large enough to handle everything. I went out to get some sandwiches for supper, saw a few smaller trees down, lots of leaves and branches on the roads. Could have been much worse.

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Power just back in Hartford, CT at 8:45 tonight since about 11:00 AM. One line down by a branch to a house around the corner, but must have blow something with a loud bang. But, there are so many outages, we had to wait ur turn. But I expcted much longer without power.

Good to be back on the forum.


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A little wind here from the tail end of Irene. Never lost power. Rain has stopped. Water, water, everywhere. Many roads flooded this afternoon. I'm high and dry. By tomorrow morning everything should return to normal for this time of the year. Good thing that this is not durring cold weather. The storm went right up the center of where I'm at. I'm sure we are well over 10 inches of rain since the storm started. Dandy Dave!

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The winds ended about 9:00 PM last night, and the sun came out over the mountian to reveal clear blue skys and a windless day. Everything here is OK. The winds only shook a few pinecones out of the pine trees, and a few leaves here and there. Otherwise, we got away unscathed here. Thanks for thinking of us Buick Buddies. :D Dandy Dave!

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Guest Kingoftheroad
The winds ended about 9:00 PM last night, and the sun came out over the mountian to reveal clear blue skys and a windless day. Everything here is OK. The winds only shook a few pinecones out of the pine trees, and a few leaves here and there. Otherwise, we got away unscathed here. Thanks for thinking of us Buick Buddies. :D Dandy Dave!

Glad to hear you guys made it through that storm..

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Guest Kingoftheroad

I'm not making light of a serious situation but, I wonder if there were any Amphicar owners out in the flooded areas ?? Good weather to justify owning an Amphicar....

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Guest BigDogDaddy

We got hit hard here on Long Island, although not as bad as we anticipated. I parked by '40 Buick in my friend's auto body shop because it is a brick building. We did not loose power here, buy my parents, who are only a mile away, did, and my brother, who si several miles away, also lost power. My parents power came back on today, but my brother's has not. We did not loose any trees, but I spent Sunday helping neighbors cut up their trees.

I have a few pics from the neighborhood.






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I got though to a Cousin in Monro, Connecticut. He said there are trees down everywhere and the forcast is that the power will be out in his area for a week. The land line phones are also out and will be for sometime. Good thing he has a cell phone. Dandy Dave!

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Hearing from the people that had little or no problem is great, my greatest fear is for those without power and may be have water problems. They are unable to tell us their story at this time. I hope their problems are minimal.

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