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Nice day for a ride

Bill Stoneberg

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Bill it is still too cold here in Wichita however the weather is getting better but WAIT it is going to be a high of 6 on Wednesday....Get out the shotgun the groundhog is due on Wednesday. Enjoy the warm days while you can.

Chuck Kerls

Wichita Kansas

42 days till daylight savings time

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Its 75 and sunny down here in advance of the cold from the will take us down to 30. I got both the 47 and the 50 out and gave them some exercise. The riv still sleeps...

Its nice driving Buick's when it not 100 degrees out and more then that in the car.

We killed some bugs and got a sunburn driving the 55 Century CVT for 2 hours. Back to reality in a few days, since the temps will be in the teens. Shut the door up there or we'll send you some 100's this summer.:D


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(All of this is due to "global warming"? In listening to Ed Wallace's radio show Saturday, he noted that ALL of the weather issues/abnormalities of the past decade were, at the time, attributed to "global warming". Such a deal!)

In North Texas, there is one time of the year when the weather is usually yuky, consistently AND traditionally. That's Stock Show time in Fort Worth--The Famed Southwest Exposition and Fat Stock Show at Will Rogers Coliseum. Usually, the weather is poor for the downtown Fort Worth parade, but as the stock show ends on 02-05 and the SuperBowl at "Jerry's House" in nearby Arlington is on 02-06, perhaps the weather is another facet of "Texas Hospitality" for our northern football enthusiasts as they enter the area? Not supposed to be above freezing until Saturday!

I'm glad that others are also into "scale miles". Just that my "scale miles" were decades ago. It's about using cars as a theraputic escape from the trials of our daily lives, possibly using "diversionary tactics" as a different set of trials are presented--a change of focus.

Those warmer breezes will be here soon -- just depends upon where you might be. Haven't heard of any snow in Houston, yet.



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NO slush up here!!! It's all still frozen, with Saturday being the first day that it will not freeze (that's "32 degrees F" freeze, not single digits freeeeeze!) this week.

Got to stay home today, which was good for several reasons. I've been working through some investment newsletters today (they accumulate VERY quickly!). Lots of upside in some respects but general doom in some others--gotta get that gold/silver/other popular commodity outa the ground and into those fruit jars while you can still pay people to do it, it seems. Maybe just some of those "oil plays" with future high-priced crude so we can afford to drive our own vehicles? Sometimes, it seems like 50mg of Meclazine is needed just to stay balanced!

(Cue Mr. Earl's CD of "Buick Driving Songs"!)


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Guest Dan Cook
It wasn't up before the snow flew...sigh....

Derek, don'tchaknow you're supposed to park them on the leeward side of the barn where the drifts don't pile up!

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Derek, don'tchaknow you're supposed to park them on the leeward side of the barn where the drifts don't pile up!

I had very limited choices to what was available physically for space and accessible with the trailer...it is what it is. It's not like there were floors in there anyway.

My pretty little red Rivi Airhead....

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Guest Dan Cook
I had very limited choices to what was available physically for space and accessible with the trailer...it is what it is. It's not like there were floors in there anyway.

My pretty little red Rivi Airhead....

Who yo callin' RED??????/

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Y'all have a warm front up there today, Rick? Down to about 6 degrees (not counting the wind chill) down here tonight.

We found out this evening that one of the problem powerplants which went off-line due to the demand was near Austin. Has 5563 been riding his bike around them again?

Seems a little odd . . . no school in a 150 miles radius of DFW, so everybody's home. Majority of people were told to stay home from work, so no larger businesses were open. Those two "no working today" things should have decreased the demand by themselves, but that apparently was not enough. Something seems flaky about this whole situation--lack of planning, lack of foresight, and other things we can't mention here (except in a PM).


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We found out this evening that one of the problem powerplants which went off-line due to the demand was near Austin. Has 5563 been riding his bike around them again?

No he hasn't. :) Too cold for spandex, but thanks for asking...

It has stayed below freezing here for going on two days, and they are actually forecasting snow with accumulations of up to three inches. That's a blizzard here. I figure my xeriscaped front yard will all be killed off and I will need new palm trees after this.


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Palm trees????? Where's Jimmy Buffet???

There is a place up here where the homeowner did a xeriscaped front yard and the neighbors complained because it wasn't covered in grass. They found out that a city ordinance permits xeriscapes IF they are done correctly and maintained. It's still there . . . looks "different", if not a little out of place in the older neighborhood with other front yards "grassy", though. Anything in the shape of a Tri-Shield?

5563, we had to lobby for that snow event to move a little more to the south, so y'all could see when THE Gov comes back to his mansion . . . follow the footprints as other high-tech tracking devices aren't in the new state budget.



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Sorry for going political. Also sorry I misquoted the rental price. That'd be TEN GRAND a month! Yay Helmet Hair!

Anyway, we did get enough snow to have a minor snowball fight this morning. Of course, it rained first so that there would be a good ice layer as a base. What a difference a week makes.

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Minus 10 this morning with 2 feet of snow on the ground. Roads are a mess, can hardly tell what color my wife's car is with all the salt and dirt on it. It will be a long while before I can get my cars out for a drive. More snow forecast for tomrrow night, Tuesday and again Thursday. I suppose I should start them up and move them out in the driveway to circulate things for awhile.

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20 degrees this morning 1/2 inch of snow on the ground. Austin with its hills is shut down.

Nobody driving nothing moving at least early. Accidents galore. Later on in the afternoon sun was out and warming up, will be 60 tomorrow and thats when you find out how well you insulated your pipes. Water running out through the ceiling, no good. No leaks or burst pipes, good.

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Definitely not a good day to ride or drive on Thursday night and Friday morning!

The setup: 2 days of temps in the teens and 20's; working in San Antonio 3-11p Thursday evening.

The forecast: Snow flurries turning to snow showers later

The plan: monitor the weather radar on the computer and head for home 35 miles away before it gets here.

The reality: It started RAINING at 10p and by the time I scraped the ice off the truck windshield with my comb there was a solid coat of ice on all driving surfaces. I tried to drive to a motel but did not make it even using my Carhartt coveralls under a rear tire for traction (the coveralls actually worked 4 feet at a time...I had left my floor mats at home for cleaning...the 97 f150 even with locking differential was totally useless). Anyhow after parking the truck off the road and walking for a half a mile on ice (used the Carhartts again this time walking on the legs since leather sole boots are also useless on ice) I finally made it at 2a.

The theory: the rain formed over San Antonio because of the extensive use of 'comfort foods' like beans and peppers resulting in emissions that warmed the air enough to cause rain instead of snow.

The result: next morning a half inch of snow on the ice plus some crushed rock in some place and I was able to drive home.

...Now what did I tell you nawthn boys about shutting the door?


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This whole winter is unbelievable. Was supposed to snow today but it's been raining and sleeting and there's at least an inch of ice on the driveway and walkway. Won't be any running of the cars here for at least another week.

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No firewood or a big round bale in the bed of the truck for additional tractive weight? No working defroster??? Got where at 2am??? No "singing" mud grips????

Sound like y'all got some of what we had earlier in the week. IF the snow had not been preceded by rain, the wind might have blown the sleet off of the roads, but as it all started with rain, then cold, then sleet, then snow, it was a little flaky this time. TxDOT was out in force with the sand trucks, though. East-west Interstate pretty much stayed open all through it, but those north-south freeways in the Dallas area were clogged.

It was NICE today, though, with temps in the middle 50s and clear skies.

Take care,


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Its 75 and sunny down here in advance of the cold from the will take us down to 30. I got both the 47 and the 50 out and gave them some exercise. The riv still sleeps...

Its nice driving Buick's when it not 100 degrees out and more then that in the car.

Was down in Austin last weekend.. Beautiful weather.. Wish I had brought my Reatta convertible along.. Alas it does't fit in the overhead compartments.... :(

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