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Buick Bugle 6 times a year?

Guest pacernut

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Guest pacernut

Why doesn't the Buick Club do what the Riviera Club does as far as number of issues printed per year. The Riview of the Riviera Club publishes a beautiful magazine 6 times a year with less color photos and their dues are only $30 a year. The National needs to cut costs so why not try this. Also our local Southeast Michigan Chapter publishes a internet newsletter with lots of color photos to those members that have an e-mail address. 70% of our newsletters "The Valve Chatter" are sent out by e-mail every month . alweatherly@comcast.net al weatherly BCA#7786

Edited by pacernut
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Why doesn't the Buick Club do what the Riviera Club does as far as number of issues printed per year. The Riview of the Riviera Club publishes a beautiful magazine 6 times a year with less color photos and their dues are only $30 a year. The National needs to cut costs so why not try this. Also our local Southeast Michigan Chapter publishes a internet newsletter with lots of color photos to those members that have an e-mail address. 70% of our newsletters "The Valve Chatter" are sent out by e-mail every month . alweatherly@comcast.net al weatherly BCA#7786[/QUO

How many times is this going to be covered????? How sad that this has to continue. The Bugle is not going to change, not now, not ever. If you had been at the membership meetings in Colo. and Ames you would know that. You cant sit on the sidelines and keep spouting crap about what you think should happen. If you are going to belong to the BCA, you have to attend the meetings where things can be discussed and changed, until you do that, you can only make noise at best.

I take issue that posts like yours only helps to fuel negative comments and people on the outside of the club read this and wonder why they would want to join where people cant get along.

The BCA is a wonderful club I was always told by my mother that if you didn't like the way things are in the country, you have to get out and vote, well the same goes for the BCA.

I think our elected board does a great job and the hardest part of their job is to listen and read crap like this.

Dues are high but that is the way it is and our Bugle is top notch don't mess with success.


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Mr. Weatherly, I respect the low membership number that you have been in the BCA a long time; however, just llok at the number of Rivieras on the road, in collectors hands or whatever, and compare it to the overall Buick ownership, production figures, etc. That should, in my opinion, indicate why the BUgle is presented on a regular monthly issue, and not six times a year.

I think the current and recent past BoD have done an excellent job in expense control, but I am of the opinion also that we of a sound budget and do not need to cut expenses by reducing the Bugle.


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By the way, since you and others keep coming in here telling us about the Riv club's annual dues, just how is that club doing?

Are you gaining members? Anyone complainging because the newsletter doesn't come out more often? Anyone over there complaining about the dues being high at $30 per year?

Somehow I would suspect if you go through every club on this forum, there are some members in every club unhappy about something.......

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our local Southeast Michigan Chapter publishes a internet newsletter with lots of color photos to those members that have an e-mail address. 70% of our newsletters "The Valve Chatter" are sent out by e-mail every month .

Does that mean you are saying that 30% of your chapter doesn't have email?

If that same percentage holds true in the National club, over 2500 members would be left out of the loop. Doesn't seem fair to them to have to sit through a bi-monthly black and white Bugle while the rest of us get color photos jamming up our inboxes. Plus, does that mean Pete takes a pay cut, then leaves us for another magazine? He now has a hell of a resume.

Did you recently purchase a Riviera? There is only a 1950 model 52 listed under your name in the register. We know that you also own a Pacer from other posts on the AACA website. Are you a member of the AMC Club, as well? What are their dues?

I'm not trying to be argumentative, just trying to get all of the facts.

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Where's that dead horse picture???

But, Mike you bring up an interesting thought. How many BCA members do have email? I took a quick count of Buicktown, and about 40% don't have listed, but I know that a few more do but haven't shared with the membership chairperson for club records. Then there's the other problem, some still have very outdated technology, such as dial-up, webtv etc, that aren't much good for the 'big' stuff like a newsletter, heck even some of the 'higher' tech folks can't recieve huge files!!!:eek:

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webtv is great, for what it is and for emails and Usenet news groups. But it is outmoded and out-dated for many of the newer file formats. With a 97 mhz processor and 33.6 modem, it'll take all night . . . if it doesn't click out by default . . . to download a modest bunch of pictures, and then even longer to go between pictures.

I suspect there are probably more people without email in the BCA than many might suspect. Many less who have opted for cable or DSL connections, possibly, too. And then let's consider that some parts of the nation don't have Internet access other than by satellite (with all of the issues that THAT brings with it), but if you're one of those people "under the canopy", you can get an air card that'll work on cellphone connections . . . but if you don't want to pay $50.00/yr for BCA membership, then you might think five times about the monthly charges for the air card.

Please DO NOT try to imply that the BCA ought to follow exactly what the ROA or other clubs do--period. What works or is agreeable for one club is not necessarily what any other club might desire or want--by observation--PERIOD!!! It is a good idea for the BCA to see how it compares to other similar clubs, but NOT a good idea to do something just because another group might do it a particular way . . . yet customizing or modifying what others clubs might do to better fit the clientel of the BCA CAN work. BUT don't consider for a milli-second that the BCA and ROA might have exactly the same orientations on some areas of club operation, with all due respect. There can be some things that can be done the same way for both groups, but that doesn't mean that everything about the two groups can or should be the same.

From what others have noted, the Riview is a great magazine with many tech articles which explain many things about Rivieras. As it is more specialized than "THE BUGLE", there might not be enough contributions to justify a monthly publication. By the same token, Pete could probably put out a weekly publication with all of the accumulated contributions he's received.

How 'bout a Moon Pie and an RC Cola??



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I must be missing something The Riviera Club dues are $30 dollars and they get six magazines ($5 per magazine), the BCA dues are $50 and we get 12 magazines (about $4.16 each) and we need to change?

One other thing to consider is even those of us that have dsl still want a physical magazine.

Carl BCA#5538

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But, Mike you bring up an interesting thought. How many BCA members do have email?

I met a fellow 1955 owner in Ames who had parts he was willing to "share" and when we were exchanging contact info, I asked his email address. He reeled off his street address. He didn't know what I was talking about. SERIOUSLY! There are still people who don't have computers in this club, maybe a relatively small percentage, but they do exist.

I think it'd be a bummer to get rid of these non-computer users from the BCA, don't ya think?

...and yes, I consider myself relatively computer literate, but I want a hard copy, just in case the other TWO people in my household are taking up the iPhone, desktop computer, work computer, iPad, or old notebook computers laying around here and I can't find one to use. :D

Sent from my iPhone.

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For all of you who want to go back to Black and White like the Bugle used to be, look at this months Bugle.

It is the National Meet issue and there are plenty of Black and White photographs.

Tell me you like to see a beautiful Maroon 51 Buick in B / W or a 64 Wildcate, 1 of 6 made...Or how about the Landeau or any of the pictures from the National .

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One more thought,

You are asking the wrong people. Let's say there are 100 BCA Members who regularly post here on the forum. At a low estimate of 8,000 BCA Members in the club, that leaves 7900 people not participating in this (very easy to participate in) forum. Arguably a more helpful, more informative way to enjoy our mutual "love" of this hobby, and our beloved marque.

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Guest dcdpgh
By the way, since you and others keep coming in here telling us about the Riv club's annual dues, just how is that club doing?

Are you gaining members? Anyone complainging because the newsletter doesn't come out more often? Anyone over there complaining about the dues being high at $30 per year?

Somehow I would suspect if you go through every club on this forum, there are some members in every club unhappy about something.......

The ROA is on very solid ground these days, thanks for asking.

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Guest Oldie & Goodie

I'm brand new to the BCA and at $50/yr. I think it's well worth it.

$1 a week?

Heck I waste more than that on a lottery ticket that ain't ever going to pay off.

As far as "delivering" my magazine by computer, no thanks. Bad enough the hard copy gets taken to the reading room, don't need to be carting the computer in there.

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Guest mgibson

I am well satisfied at $50.00 per year considering what we get. I belong to ROA and Volvo Club of America. Rolling (the Volvo magazine) is comparable to the Review and the Bugle except it may be 5-10 pages shorter than the Bugle.

Dues for Volvo Club of America are now $45.00 per year. The big difference is that Rolling is only published six times per year!

Some who post here seem not to understand "economies of scale" principle. If you produce less, then the unit cost will increase. Produce more and unit cost will decrease. Henry Ford and Sam Walton understood this principle very well. The answer to holding or lowering costs is to recruit more members!

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The ROA is on very solid ground these days, thanks for asking.


Please realize that nobody here is against the ROA or any other car club. The Original Poster is the one who made the comparison. The last thing we need is infighting amongst ourselves.:eek:

This (key lime) pie is for the OP:


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Guest wildcat465

One question that has been asked to Mr. Weatherly on his other thread is who HAS been polled? I have not been able to see an answer to that question. I can say that my main chapter I belong to has not been polled. What information has been gathered from whom to support this "better idea" on how to run the BCA?

Where's that dead horse picture???

I kinda like this little one Roberta.

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One question that has been asked to Mr. Weatherly on his other thread is who HAS been polled? I have not been able to see an answer to that question. I can say that my main chapter I belong to has not been polled. What information has been gathered from whom to support this "better idea" on how to run the BCA?

from : Buick Club National Dues

I recently sent out an e-mail or snail mail to all officers and directors of the Buick club of America....

..... I senyt this message to all directors and officers. So Far after 1 week I've received 4 chapters and vote totals of104 in favor and 6 opposed.

You mean this?

A guy comes on here and with his FIRST post (without even a "Hi guys, Love you, love the show. Long-time listener, first-time caller. Etc.) raises everybody's blood pressure again. I must say I believe that (by definition) is a troll.


Picture please.

Derek took the lead in pontification the last time all of this went down. I pretty much got this one. Who's up next? My cheeks are tired from the tongue that is so firmly implanted in there.

Especially when:

sent from my iPad

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I was led to believe from the letter that was partially read to me by our Chapter Director that the originator sent a copy to all BOD. The Yankee Chapter has the letter and we expect to dicuss and conduct a poll at our meeting on Tuesday. I will let all know what we determine, but I look at it as a non-binding vote as it is not an official document. Then again, when only about 10-15% of members make the meetings and the chapter membership is only about 30% of all BCA members in the area., it is definately not of significant meaning for what all BCA members.


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We can beat it with my old camshaft... One good hit? BAM!!!


Like you could lift a camshaft. :rolleyes:

Like the man said...

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Guest sintid58

Since this has been posted so many times I vote we send the people who want it so bad their Bugles six times a year just to keep them happy. I belong to the ROA and the AACA both have that format and fine magazines but the ROA's does not compare to the Bugle in colors and size and the AACA is quite a bit larger, I wish they and would pay for a monthly magazine from both.

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Mr. Weatherly, I respect the low membership number that you have been in the BCA a long time; however, just llok at the number of Rivieras on the road, in collectors hands or whatever, and compare it to the overall Buick ownership, production figures, etc. That should, in my opinion, indicate why the BUgle is presented on a regular monthly issue, and not six times a year.


John has the only answer needed. I stopped in on 2 of my other favorite makes at Hershey - Peerless (I am a club member) and Kaiser-Frazer Owners Club. Much smaller numbers and 32 years total for Peerless, 19 years or so for K-F.

If Rivieras were covered every month, they would re-do topics.

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