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What about 2011??


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Its in Danvers MA, at the Crowne Plaze. The meet starts the week after July 4th but the $ 109 rate is good from a week before to a week after.

If you can, spend the 4th in Boston. They put on a hell of a show for the 4th. Its worth doing once in your life.

Make sure you tell them you are with the Buick Club, so you get the correct rate and the meet gets credit for your rooms.

Yes, you can probably find cheaper rooms but you hurt the hosting club and ultimately drive meet costs up when you do that.

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Guest wildcat62

I'm looking forward to it. It's going to be a long drive but it's an area of the country I haven't seen before.

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For me it's perfect...

Close ~8 hrs...All the attractions of Boston, July 4 celebrations. So that covers why my wife would like to go...

Thats all before I even think about the fact that it will be my first national and may even have my restored 54 76R there...but I doubt it.

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1800 odd miles, 30-32 hours according to mapping sites. More hours / time if I avoid the Interstates. Flying may be an option.

Since BUKE won't get the longest driven pre-war for a change, I would debate driving the '41. I'd need to accumulate a bunch of spares and possibly grow a bigger pair to do so. I couldn't do it with the family. I have also put forward the idea of driving the Rainier for display only...that way we could be relatively comfortable, travel at speed, and get reasonable fuel economy. Of course, it would also make a difference if there were others to travel with.

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John Henry was their spokesman ( spokesmahn? ) He was saying that we Minnesowtahns shouldn't tease him about his awkcent because of our accent. What accent? we don't have an accent don'tcha know? Ya sure, you betcha.;)

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Guest buickapollo455

East coast clubs get out and support it, Get out and do your part to make sure the club does not go under or just break even. hope you have 400 plus amount of cars. push it early and get the word out soon.

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I'm moving to San Francisco LOL. Seriously I love to see everybody drive the car across this beautiful country of ours but come by boat ,trailer are plane it will be our pleasure to have you. Yes John Henry is working hard to get it all set up to get good prices on the tours and I'm sure we'll have them up very soon.

Have a great Buick day


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Well, considering Roy uses mapping software to get distance between your home zip code and the meet to get the distance, any extra miles you put on wouldn't count...however, if you wanted to make that work, you'd only need to go just over half way, then back...so consider driving on up to Winnipeg and I could show you a few of the sights.

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You might have shaken something loose. Maybe you should have that checked out

nah, that happened back in '72 leaving the Gunnies office. Couple months before I got out of the Marines, the Gunny axed if I had ever thought about reinlisting in the Corp. I said "Yes sir...thought about, laughed about and forgot about it" Never knew what it was that hit me in back of the head as I left his office. The evidence was gone when I woke up. :D;)<!-- google_ad_section_end --> <!-- / message --><!-- sig -->

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I went to a show once (I honestly don't remember which one) where they not only gave out a long distance award for those that drove their car the furthest distance, but also a "Trailer Queen" award for the person who trailered their car the shortest distance. If I recall correctly, the winner was within 5 miles of the show field. I thought that was funny, and everyone seemed to take it lightly as well.

It is difficult to determine a longest distance award. The BCA awards for longest driven are sponsored by the Reatta Division, and they have instructions to measure only the distance from the registered address to the meet. Otherwise, it would be impossible to determine logically. We would have to have the drivers come tell us and you all know what would happen then. I know people like Bruce Kile and Ed Logan (from Texas) that drove all over the country before arriving in Colorado last year, putting on several thousand more miles than if they just drove straight in, but we don't count that, at this time.

So, BUKE, for next year, just put some address from Alaska down on the registration form.......

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For us Canuks we should get extra credit for having to cross a border...you would be amazed to see how big that wall actually is, no wonder why mail takes so long to cross it :rolleyes:

...as an aside, I was told recently that Canada is really CDN. Its just that when we CDN's tell people how to spell it it goes like this:

C eh...N eh...D eh... :D

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For us Canuks we should get extra credit for having to cross a border...you would be amazed to see how big that wall actually is, no wonder why mail takes so long to cross it

I'm not sure why we let you guys in in the first place! :)

Alan Alda had the right idea in Canadian Bacon!

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I'm not sure why we let you guys in in the first place! :)

Alan Alda had the right idea in Canadian Bacon!

Might have something to do with us injecting cash into your economy...could be something else.

If you'd rather I didn't cross, I could probably arrange that...it would make parts of my life easier...and less costly.

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Because of distance, the only meet I've attended was Buffalo in 2001. Danvers is about 3-4 hours so if I can get the time off, I'll be there. Otherwise, I could still attend Saturday. Until I retire, it's just impossible for me to attend unless it's a 1 day trip. No sense in going to a BCA National if I can't take my Buick. That's part of the fun.

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I have been to one National with my '32 for judging (Batavia), as well as the Riv for a Driven Award, also took the '32 to Flint in 2003 and the Riviera to Flint in 2008. But I have been to Kokomo, Buffalo, Danvers, Rochester, MN, Colorado Springs and now Ames, and I have enjoyed each one. It is good to see friends, meet new Buick people and some cars you just might not see at shows close to you. I know I saw more then 30 cars for the first time and that was only the ones I spent some time viewing (and judging), so there were also many others that I saw but did not spend much time with. I think it is worth the visit even without your own car.

Watch for the October issue and you will know what I mean.


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A National will be the only place you can see some of the cars and meet the people along with them. The 1954 Landeu was a great car made better by Bob Coker and Lamar Brown.

The Buick Apollo and RoadHawk are cars you never see anywhere else.

If you go just to take your Buick, you would miss 1/2 the fun. You go to meet people and enjoy thier company and to look at the cars.

I have flown to some of the longer meets and had just as much fun. Its as much fun as you make it.

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