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July 9 National Collector Car Appreciation Day


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Last night, at SEMA’s request (with ARMO’s [Automotive Restoration Market Association] encouragement and guidance), the United States Senate passed Senate Resolution 513 (S. Res. 513) designating Friday, July 9, 2010 as “Collector Car Appreciation Day.” This may be one of the only things the US Senate has done that we can all be happy about.

To my knowledge there are no special events planned to mark the day, but perhaps we can all celebrate in some way. Maybe Hallmark will create some greeting cards for our special day ? :D

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thanks Tom - it's a Friday and clear on my calendar, so I'll drive something interesting that date. I'll make sure our local newspaper car guy knows about it too. I'm sure between now and then we can cook up something worth recognizing in the local media.


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TC, having been there when this idea came up I remember all too well the issue of driving your car on "collector day" and getting targeted by law enforcement in some states as it would violate the technical terms for antique plates and/or insurance provisions!:P

The original goal of this bill was to have some sort of conclave at different state capitols to dialogue with elected officials about our hobby needs. This has already been done in several states. I know Mike Yager (Mid-America Corvettes) has done this for awhile in Illinois.

Since this is such a special day Terry, do we get the day off?:D

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Hopefully Woodstock will be out of the local Mercedes shop with a new wiring harness under the hood ($2,164.52 later :eek: ) so that we can take it for a spin on this wonderful new holiday. :cool:

Just got the call, Woodstock is ready to come home. :)

Steve, I say go for it. Terry is a nice guy, he'll understand. :)


Edited by Shop Rat
Update the cost of the new wiring harness and work. (see edit history)
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Thank you Senator Jon Tester.

Search Results - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

Resolved, That the Senate--

(1) designates July 9, 2010, as `Collector Car Appreciation Day';

(2) recognizes that the collection and restoration of historic and classic cars is an important part of preserving the technological achievements and cultural heritage of the United States;

(3) encourages the Department of Education, the Department of Transportation, and other Federal agencies to support events and commemorations of `Collector Car Appreciation Day', including exhibitions and educational and cultural activities for young people; and

(4) encourages the people of the United States to engage in events and commemorations of `Collector Car Appreciation Day' that create opportunities for collector car owners to educate young people on the importance of preserving the cultural heritage of the United States, including through the collection and restoration of collector cars.

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I agree sounds like a good day to drive my car to work after all it will be a Friday. There has to be some kind of car show, special event, etc... in route right after work to satisfy the insurance requirement. Sounds like a good day to me.

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TC, having been there when this idea came up I remember all too well the issue of driving your car on "collector day" and getting targeted by law enforcement in some states as it would violate the technical terms for antique plates and/or insurance provisions!:P

Don't most states with antique plates have a provision for driving the car to a repair shop? There's GOT to be a way to invoke that. What about just driving the car to a cruise night that Friday night? By driving the car to work first, you're consolidating trips and saving gas. ;)

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Since Woodstock was purchased as our "driver" antique car we opted for a vanity regular plate so that we could drive it whenever and whereever we want to. When, or if :o, Bill ever gets the Falcon Sprint ready we already have a year of manufacture plate for it.

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  • 1 month later...

As the day approaches I am bringing this post back up to the top. Suffice it to say a lot of hard work went into the creation of this day - and many of those hard workers are AACA members.

Remember that all publicity for our hobby is good publicity and that this is a wonderful chance to let the public know how much we enjoy our cars. Plan an event with your region or chapter, drive you car to work, or just take your car out of the garage and watch your neighbors stop by to enjoy!

The timing of this event if fantastic - as we celebrate our 75th anniversary in Louisville, the following week the entire country can celebrate our love of the hobby.


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Guest Bookreader

South Jersey Region plans to celebrate this event. Because many of the members do work; they are going to celebrate on the following day- Saturday, July 10th by having a mini-tour and breakfast together in one of South Jersey's diners with the cars parked on view for all to view.

This region works during the school year with a local Vo-Tec automotive school and also supports scholarships for a local school. They include the local high school into helping with some areas of their annual swap meet. They are very committed to working with youth in all areas; the Alex' Lemonade Stand charity and many other charities that bring their hobby and region name forward to the public.

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I also will be fortunate enough to be enjoying National Collector Car Appreciation Day--I will be at the National Antique Oldsmobile Club National Meet in Lansing, Michigan, the home of Oldsmobile.

I will be sure to make mention of it at the Board Of Director's Meeting, as well as the General Meeting that morning.

And, of course, enjoy the rest of the day with my fellow collector car enthusiasts!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I just realized that I won't be able to celebrate National Collector Car Appreciation Day as I intended....we'll be headed to my wife's family reunion in the mini-van.

BUT, we will be towing my 1968 Apollo Travel Trailer with his model year plates and historic registration!!!!!

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