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Photo without caption #16

Peter Gariepy

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Reading the earlier posts I've learned that either I've a lot of relatives that I never knew aboat or there really is something to that six degrees of separation stuff. That aside, I’d really had no idea that someone was taking picture that day, I’m somewhat embarrassed getting caught of guard like that and would have dressed a bit better for the occasion. My apologies…

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"Now Hon, look what's on your shoe! Didn't I tell you that if you wanted to go walking around here you'd need to at least wear some high boots like these?

"Now you just stay here by the fender and don't get into any more trouble. I don't want to have to smell any more than <span style="font-style: italic"><span style="text-decoration: underline">that</span></span> when we drive home!"

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"We'd like to welcome you to your first judged car show. You appear to be real serious restorers, so you'll understand the five-point-deduction on line eleven for 'possible use of plastic filler'. Other than that, and we don't know what category to put you under, you'll score mighty fine. Maybe even double digit!"

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