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Reatta issue of the Bugle

Barney Eaton

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The December Bugle is in the mail and it is crammed with Reatta articles, pictures, and information. There was more that we would have liked to include but we only had so much space.

* article with pictures by Helen Hutchings on the design engineering and development of the Reatta

* Introduction of the Reatta with early history, differences in models and year, buying a Reatta, judging a Reatta. Included in the above are some nice pictures of Reattas and Reatta items not often seen.

* Article, Bringing GM33 to life, pictures in development, sketches by David McIntosh, and a photo from 7/08 at the Reatta Roundtable of some of the key players in the Reatta program.

* Article by Chuck Kerls "The Modern Collectible"

* Article "Maintaining your Reatta

* Article on Ron Tipps, yellow modified "BMBLBE"

* Article on "The Last Reatta" the 1991 Red Reatta coupe vin # 901554

Yours should be in your mailbox soon.

For those not belonging to the BCA or the Reatta division.

I believe the Reatta division purchased extra copies with the intention of giving one to new members until the supply is diminished....please check with them

I also purchased some extras for anyone that is not a "joiner"

The price is not established as the BCA has yet to bill me.

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Reattatude</div><div class="ubbcode-body">The December Bugle is in the mail and it is crammed with Reatta articles...

Good! Though interesting, I was getting tired of the parade 1960 LeSabres, Invictas, etc. grin.gif </div></div>

This is exactly why you need more than one Buick collector car. I have 3 so I can find something of interest in most every Bugle. Tell your significant other. It is a sickness that is easily cured with large amounts of capital. grin.gif

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Guest CL_Reatta

If there are enough, I aswell would like to be on the purchase list... I need to remember to join... keep forgeting for 2 years lol

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I havent gotten mine yet... : (

Apologies to those who revere the 1960 model, I dont have good memories of that car, lol. My folks would "lend" me to this older lady who drove me around shopping in one of those LeSabres I also had to spend the night with her and she would make me eat a prune before going to bed so Id do a "bigjob" the next day...mebee she needed them but I didnt!

They just felt sorry for the lady, her husband was dead and lost son in battle. Anyway, they are OK cars...as for diversity I agree, I also want a Wildcat. Anyone who has free one they dont need lemme know. Disposal capital is at a low at the moment. So many cars...not enough money $sigh*

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For those of you who keep forgetting to join the BCA, you can now join electronically at https://www.buickclubofamerica.org/subscribe.html.

It will take your credit car and sign you up.

I got my Bugle yesterday and even though I like the older cars, I was intrigued on how they were designed and built and what some of you have done with them. I spent the afternoon reading about the Reattas.

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I would like to be on the list to purchase this Bugle. Is it anything like the Inside Buick issue from GM strictly on the Reatta? I have the Inside Buick issue and it contains pictures of the 1985 driftwood test car with dark brown leather interior, or the focus group car with a conventional Buick emblem and wire wheel covers. I found it on Ebay from a former Buick employee as it was circulated within GM when the Reatta was released. If anyone sees it on Ebay I would highly recommend it as it has development, early developmental photos, etc.

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Just got my issue today. I quick scanned it to see if my car was in there at all [not!]. At any rate I did see that they talked about the sunroof and then they snapped a pic of one with the glass [aftermarket] instead of metal [factory]. I added a sunroof after I bought it, so I am going to say that it was my car in the Bugle with the glass sunroof in a red/tan.

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Dave...... Pete Phillips is the Bugle Editor and he has a person do the layout (and she does a great job) but she is not a car person. The glass sunroof slipped through. I really wanted this issue to be a perfect as possible. The pre-printing master was not sent to me...I don't know if I would have caught it, but it did slip in. While not an error, the tan interior shot on page 16 should have the caption "suede seats". The picture was taken from the 1988 Reatta brochure and is one of the few clear shots of the early suede seats.

The seven pages that represent what I wrote could have been 30 if we had the space. Jim Finn was the only person that frequents this forum to get face time (and he deserves it)

The "Can you spot the differences" on page 14 was Cindy's idea and the only thing I can say is if you are going to ask the question, somewhere you should give the answers.

I don't know where she got all the pictures, but the top two cars appear to be early Buick press pictures and the main difference is the mirrors appear to be painted body color. The bottom left is a 1990 production convertible and the bottom right is a 1991 production convertible.

Lastly...note that virtually all factory photos of convertibles lack the little black tape strip behind the door and the boot, but all production convertibles had the tape.

Helen Hutchings article on the Design and Development is very informative with lots of names and details. Helen was a GM employee in the LA office and accumulated lots of information on all GM cars that went to LA for the automotive magazine writers to test.

The article by Nance on pages 24 & 25, shows the sketches that David McIntosh displayed at this years Reatta Roundtable. David was the designer that made the initial Reatta sketch and he worked on the Reatta design most of the product life. A small detail he talked about in Flint are the rear bumper guards. They were last minute additions. The rear bumper would not meet federal requirements and the guards were added to increase the bumper footprint for rear impacts.

In the picture of the people around the red 1991 convertible on page 25... the fellow to the far right, Don Cantleberry, was Assistant chief Engineer on the Reatta program and had more interesting stories than anyone I have ever heard talk about the Reatta

PS... I have video recording of the 2008 Reatta Roundtable that is about 3 hours long. The Reatta division is considering making DVD available for sale. It includes all the questions and comments made by the people in the photo and is a wealth of Reatta trivia.

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Guest Greg Ross


From what I've been told/ read over the years there was no specific cut-off for the suede trimmed seats. When ordering was done for start of production for the '88 model "X" number of seat leather sets would have been ordered in some estimated mix of colors. When those sets in which ever color were consumed that was it for suede. On that basis, a rare interior color? could have come out with suede well down the serial number list potentially.

BTW I have the "sunburst" wheel center trim, and definitely prefer it over the plain black.

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Tan was the most common interior color on the early Reattas because so many of the early cars were red. For that reason, they ran out of tan suede first....around vin 901800

The other colors showed up in later cars...grey and blue lasted past 902400.

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Guest dpannell

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Barney Eaton</div><div class="ubbcode-body">

PS... I have video recording of the 2008 Reatta Roundtable that is about 3 hours long. The Reatta division is considering making DVD available for sale. It includes all the questions and comments made by the people in the photo and is a wealth of Reatta trivia. </div></div>

Barney, In the event a DVD is made sign me up for a copy.... I was fortunate enough to be there but would love to see it again.

Thanks, Dave

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The article was well done and I did not mean my comment to be derogatory regarding the glass sunroof. I just want to hold to the fantasy that the car in the picture could be mine. As you remember it was raining that Saturday in Flint and this pic has rain drops on the Reatta. If I also remember correctly mine was the only red/tan at Flint with an aftermarket glass sunroof.

So I could say that was my car.

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The Reatta club has made a purchase of extra copies of the December Bugle and they are available by contacting Carole Madsen at carolemadsen@att.net The cost for members of the Reatta Div is going to be $5.00 per copy including postage. I you wish to purchase a copy and not be a joiner of the BCA and Reatta Club the cost is $10.00. This issue of the Bugle is well done on our cars and is a must for Reatta owners. Copies are limited



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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: nic walker</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I sent an email to the above address for Ms. Madsen expressing my desire for an issue, an address to send a check to..... or questioning if Pay Pal is an option, and it came back as un deliverable?????? </div></div>Try leaving off the www. on the front. <span style="text-decoration: line-through">www.</span> carolemadsen@att.net

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Nic, you can contact Carole Madsen at 708-349-8879 she will give you all of the information that you need. She handles all of the Reatta wear stuff for the club. I would like to take a moment and invite you to join the BCA and the Reatta Div. As someone once said, Membership has its value.

Happy Hoildays to everyone.


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