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Everything posted by 60FlatTop

  1. If the car made it through WWII and was really within spittin' distance of Central Park, Sam Adelman or Henry Austin Clark would have been involved in some way, it might even have found its way to a garage near Norwich. I'd bet it is around. Bernie
  2. Funny how all the parts that would wear out tend to go to hell when a car just sits. Drive "em! And those 10, 15, 25, and greater storage periods are never planned and prepared for are they? On the current car in question, when was the last time a few drops of oil were dripped into the breaker plate lubrication pad? Or is it all dried out? That's a light throttle performance killer. Ask the guy who owns this car. Bernie
  3. I think the sad side of exploiting a legitimate business, in my mind, is the two shops, one near Buffalo and one near Rochester, that I chose not to stop in because I didn't want to risk dealing with the personalities portrayed on TV. I spend money, I didn't stop. Someone lost a bag of groceries. And if the legitimate guy lost the groceries............... Darwin said it ain't supposed to work that way. Anyone interested in a bumper sticker "Reality TV, Survival of the Lamest!" I'll get some made. It is exploitative but I know a print shop run by midgets and I can film the stickers being made. 1924 Cadillac and staged reality, huh? How about 1923? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TUnlRU7M83k . I just imagine the 2015 update on that one!Bernie
  4. If someone was to make a parody of these shows, or if someone actually IS, how would we know? Friday night PBS ran a good special on Judy Garland. I watched it. I'm still reading Probabilistic Models of the Brain. That fodder will have to wait. Bernie
  5. Find an Italian restaurant. Someone should be able to fix you right up. Bernie......... O'Daily I like those cars, a lot. I almost bought a black '88 instead of my Chevy.
  6. I was close to 30 years old before I found out merci beaucoup wasn't a '39 Mercury coupe with a nailhead. But then, look at my signature picture. Bernie
  7. John Utz and Roy Berch liked to do that. They would enrichen the carb just a bit before shutting them off. That left a little extra fuel in the cylinders. When things are just right the advance rod will cause the points to snap and the spark will ignite one cylinder. That's all it takes. I miss John and Roy. There is an old cartoon showing a Rolls-Royce limo, a boy on the ground with a damaged bicycle, and a bobby. The owner is getting out of the rear seat and the caption reads "He wasn't SUPPOSED to hear me coming." It is really hard to buy a quiet exhaust system; too many Tim Allen wanna be knuckle draggers accept the noisy stuff. Commoners. Bernie
  8. You might want to contact the seller and ask, specifically, what manufacturer's name, if any, is on the boxes. I bought a similar kit from a national old car supplier for a 1965 Electra I had. All the parts were in generic blank boxes and the castings and machine work were not the same quality as most replacement parts. I remember that one castellated nut was so poorly made it slid over the threads of the ball joint stud. I used the original. Its an easy question I always ask now "What is the manufacturer's name on the box?" "I think" or "it should be" are incorrect answers. Bernie
  9. Sometimes I ponder the concept of post war cars, those built from 1946 to current. That's almost 70 years. Prewar is a group from 1899 to 1942, getting to be more of a minority all the time. The hobby can officially be considered 78 years old on Easter, http://www.myclassiccarcollection.com/WHT-1910-001.html So one could figure the hobby is in its final years of a saeculum. We had four generations of economic and lifestyle changes since 1937. There are a few years left, but then, things don't happen as linearly as we would like. Bernie
  10. New York weather is as rough on cars as California sunshine is on real estate agents, the ones with the leatherette cleavages. I always tell people that car dissolve in water. That's what rain is. It sure is a timely post. I am suffering from cabin fever and know my way around that area pretty well. Maybe we'll take a ride up to Rome, hang a left and spend a night at the Edge Hotel I know a nice little restaurant in Lowville and I know how to get disorientated by the wind farms so we can get lost on the Tug Hill Plateau. Bernie
  11. Put one of the rear windows down about 3". You'll never notice the vibration again. Bernie
  12. Memories, I bought one of those drive in storage tents a lot time ago for extra space. The Riviera was inside when heavy snow made one end collapse. Then in thawed. Then it froze. I had and 800 pound female ice mold of my left front fender that could not be removed. I still have an engraved memory of that thing rolling across the back yard in the wind. Bernie
  13. No gaskets on mine since around 1994 when I tried them on the Riviera. It blew. Be sure to install the factory style bolt locks or you might have to snug them up every couple of years. Bernie
  14. There are, traditionally, three fabricated annual price cycles for retail gasoline. During the rising cycle wholesale and retail pricing is very close. Sometimes it is changed on an hourly basis. During the price decline there is a greater spread between wholesale and retail that allows a profit to the retailer. Without the cycles you wouldn't find a gasoline station. About ten years ago I did some thorough research into the gasoline retail business. The three annual cycles make the business case to buy a gas station. I tried to find one for sale and the nearest available was about 80 miles away. Most are owned in groups. And in my area. many whom have bought a station have added more over the years. It is a lucrative business and I would still have an interest in one within 20 miles. Problem is, they are all locked in to larger companies now. Gas prices are like your old Hugh School physics problem with recoil in a spring. The energy never goes negative. Bernie
  15. A guy my age shouldn't recognize the music from that video of the kid in the barn. And writing a ticket for "stupid" is a violation of Darwin's Law. Why do so many people fight against natural selection these days? I must have been about 13 or 14 when my Grandfather tossed a pint of gasoline on a smoldering leaf fire to get it going. Poof, burning leaves all over the place. This is a good topic. For me, about 1 PM and all the gar in the '60 will be fresh. Oh, and waaay back in my Navy days we had JP 5. Bernie
  16. Maybe they printed this quote out on a big sheet of paper are coming up with the proper phrasing of how it fits: [h=2]"The Buick Club of America is a non-profit membership corporation dedicated to the preservation and restoration of those vehicles built by the Buick Motor Division of General Motors Corporation."[/h]I found it online so it must be true. I even attached a copy to the survey. Bernie
  17. Maybe it was the scammers who started covering up license plates in photos, so the owner wouldn't recognize their car. Bernie
  18. Positive ground. Are you still running the twin ignition? I had a 1935 that had a late single distributor installed. I converted bake to twin. Be sure your mechanical advance weights are lubed and free, makes for hard starting when dry. Also periodically run the car on one set of points to be sure both systems are working right. Bernie
  19. A 1000000 watt stereo, aftermarket wheels, and an old Chevy just seem to be such a capricious thing to own. Its like they are in their own bubble. Bernie
  20. I had the Buick out Friday. It shows 3/4 left in the tank that was topped off early in December. Drove it up to town for coffee in the afternoon and took my wife out to dinner Friday night. That's about 15 gallons. On a good day I get close to 15 miles per gallon and average 30 miles per hour just driving around. The sun is shining! 7 1/2 driving hours from now it ain't gonna be a problem. Probably Monday around noon. I have heard the stories and the story tellers are adamant. Of course, I have heard stories about a lot of other world problems that never seamed to affect me. It just makes me think some parts of the internet are like a bunch of old boys sitting around the cracker barrel. Where did those guys go, anyway? Bernie
  21. This was posted two days ago at the end of a tough winter. Yesterday the sun was shining, I got the Buick and the Packard out, no snow in the driveway. Please disregard my comments. Can we reword this song? Bernie
  22. Look under the car! The little lady might have thought it was a great place to store the China. Not my wife, but I know who's did. Bernie
  23. #9, good advice. Don't reply or antagonize the phishers, low life's, and Nigerians. Just let their emails float off to a black hole. They'll get you. It's a hobby to you, a livelihood to them. Bernie
  24. Just thinking through the keyboard; if you cap off the heat tube at the choke element can you pull a vacuum on it? Bernie
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