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Peter J.Heizmann

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Everything posted by Peter J.Heizmann

  1. Please read Steve's message... It is very important and I can attest to the results to get an AACA "Family" member back on their feet. Believe me "It Works". Doug..."Hang in there. You have more people thinking about you than you know."
  2. Bryan, Just looked through the 2009 Hershey Fall Meet booklet and it lists "11 Vendors" in the Hood Ornament/Mascot listing. As keiser mentioned there are many miscellaneous vendors throughout that have some or many hood ornaments Regards, Peter.
  3. Hi, Folks. Today, we were at the AACA Museum show in Hershey. (Super event to put on your calendars. Museum is open all day not to mention a wonderful, diversified display of vehicles on the grounds for everyone's taste). While we were manning the AACA Membership booth/tent Steve Moskowitz, Sue & Dave Birchmire, and, I were discussing the absolutely beautiful area, Pat. (Lake, winery country, very scenic roads, etc.) Steve had a good point: "What a great area to host a Tour". Consider that, please with your Region. Regards, Peter.
  4. karmann...Welcome to the AACA Forum. Moved your questions here for more exposure. The "Forum Questions" section is for questions on navigating the web site. When you have a chance scroll around the entire AACA web site. There are many more exciting areas of the club. For example, on the Home Page check out the Library, Museum, and other topics or services. Within the General Discussion forum scroll down to the numerous marque areas of discussion. Best regards, Peter.
  5. There you go, Peter. (Thank you, Matt). Could have been lost in the mail or overlooked. The great staff at HQ will assist. (Phone: 717-534-1910) Regards, Peter.
  6. Hi, Peter. The Grand National awards do not have a "Junior" category. They are titled 1st Place GN, 2nd Place GN, or, 3rd Place GN. Only the 1st Place GN receives a grill badge. If your trophy states 1st Place then you are entitled to the grill badge. Others will probably chime in here. Check the award you received in the meantime and tell us what is on it (1st, 2nd, or, 3rd). Regards, Peter.
  7. Pat and all the GVACS team, Thank you for an excellent job well done. The people were absolutely great. GVACS members, local people visiting, and, so many more within the surrounds. Really made us feel welcome and at home. I believe everyone can attest to the absolutely great variety of vehicles present. There was something for everyone to see and discuss. Did I mention how great the people were? Really appreciate everyone's efforts that provided a super weekend in beautiful country. Best, Peter.
  8. Hello, Trevor...Welcome to the AACA Forum. Moved your query to the Ford / Mercury section so hopefully you can receive answers. Sometimes it takes awhile for respondents to post however I feel confident they will. Regards, Peter.
  9. You could try Broadway Title, Birmingham, AL. Lost Car Titles, No Car Title at All? Others on this Forum have used them. I may be off target however if I recall old threads correctly you sell the vehicle to them for a nominal fee they title it in Alabama then sell it back to you. Then you have a title to transfer properly from California to Texas. Regards, Peter.
  10. John, Thank you for bringing the topic of this thread "Car Show Fees" back on subject. Peter.
  11. Folks, Many of us have endured various weather reports and weather realities the day of meets. Some meets have beautiful weather, some have miserable weather. An example comes to mind. At the meet in Greensburgh, PA some years ago I agonized over the scenario when the rain was a downpour and temperatures cold. Upon leaving the hotel there was literally a "crowd" of car owners talking back and forth about taking their cars off the trailers or driving cars that arrived in dry conditions. What bothered me was the 2 years of many meetings and preparations for a single day of showing a vehicle that most hosting Regions & Chapter "volunteers" donated to this fine AACA organization only to overhear many say "it is staying in the trailer". I fully understand the reasons of cleaning off chassis', mud in the tire treads, etc., and I am not trying to tell anyone what to do EXCEPT think of the hard work the host people endured...SUPPORT THEIR EFFORTS as best you decide. Personally, I am yanking my car 495 miles to New Bern. Not going to yank it back 495 miles just for a joy rid towing a trailer. See you there, Peter J.
  12. Karl, As Matt stated, go for it. That is one great historical vehicle which to me is what the AACA is all about for future generations. Beautiful!! Hopefully you will show it in HPOF and allot time to answer questions from spectators. Don Barlup, VP of National Activities, is well versed in similar trucks of the past. (Hahn, Pullman, and, more just as they were found). On the side, nice to hear you chime in here. Best regards, Peter Peter.
  13. Hi, Mark. You should check the Meets & Tours forum. Here is the link from Bill Pritchett: http://forums.aaca.org/f213/nj-florham-park-aaca-club-show-280201.html Regards, Peter.
  14. I think we addressed all avenues to include reprimanding/raising children which is really off topic. As others have stated it was an isolated incident, action was taken by authorities, the AACA has properly responded, respondents offered good tips. Figure on average there may be 4500-to-5,000 cars entered in meets per year every year not including car corrals with no incidents. Let's let this isolated nonsensical event "die". My opinion as a member of the AACA. Peter.
  15. Dave is correct, 1930. One addition: You do not have to be an AACA Member to use the Library services thus the fees apply. On the other hand Dave's input is on the mark: By joining the AACA one of the many benefits is 1 1/2 hours of free research time "per year".
  16. 1930...Check out the Library site or phone the Library tomorrow. As Matt mentioned in his post you could do an on-line search tonight, too. On the Library site there are instructions to search. If you do not find it, again, give the Library a phone call or e-mail: critter@aacalibrary.org Regards, Peter.
  17. 1930... On the "Home Page" click on "Library". When it opens you will see "Library" in the right column. Click on it and once open you will see "Request Form" at the very top. Below are the reasons there is a charge (501c 3 rules that are mandated for a non-profit) plus a request form. In addition to the assistance Matt forwarded you can always phone the Library at 717-534-2082 and speak to our Library staff. NOTE: Search our archives on-line or ask the staff if they can readily identify the existence of the material in question. Because we are a nonprofit corporation, our archival information and research services must be self-supporting. The following schedule reflects our fees in time and materials to fulfill your request. Please note, the processing fee must accompany this request form and be in US Dollars. We accept: major credit cards, PayPal, and checks made payable to the AACA Library. Regards, Peter. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Processing Fee $10.00 (this must accompany your request) Research $30.00/hour* (chargeable in units of 10 minutes @ $5.00) *PAID AACA MEMBERS ARE ELIGIBLE TO RECEIVE UP TO 1.5 HOURS OF RESEARCH FREE. Copies b&w: $0.30/page color: $0.50/page Scans $1.00/page for color TIF & PDF
  18. Great! Hang on to it. The HPOF class is growing leaps and bounds in popularity. Regards, Peter.
  19. Were any of the vehicles mentioned 25 years old or older?
  20. Bob, May be worth your while to see if your AACA Library & Research Center would have an original to copy. On the home page, click on "Library" and you will see instructions to request a search. Or, you could contact our excellent staff at the L&RC in Hershey, PA: 717-534-2082 Head Librarian: Mr. Chris Ritter crittter@aacalibrary.org The L&RC retains an enormous amount of original materials. Hopefully they have what you are looking for. Regards, Peter J.
  21. Hi, Gloria & Wayne. Glad you folks made it. I was stationed at Ft. Hood (Killeen, TX) in 1967-68 prior to going on a fun filled, Gov't paid-for, 17 month vacation to Southeast Asia. While at Ft. Hood our favorite weekend hobby was going to Shakey's Pizza Parlor in Austin, TX and give the "Aggies (sp) a hard time. Drove down in a 1960 Buick convertible owned by a die-hard old car nut. Do me a favor...see if they are still there. I still have a cheap plastic spinning top that they handed out. Place was neat. Had a gent on the piano and a banjo player. You could sing along to their tunes and had a screen with the song's words. Great times! Have a good time. Peter.
  22. oldwhizzer. I looked up "Steering Wheels" within the vendor section of the 2009 Hershey Fall Meet booklet. In the Red Field is one "Richard A. Gumm from Reno, Ohio" (Red Field location #RND-30 - 32). Others listed under Steering Wheels: D&D Automobilia, Mount Airy, NC Donald I. Eash, Mount Airy, NC David W. Johnson, Kennebunk, ME Snyder's Woodcraft Shop, Nazareth, PA You could Google for phone, etc. The booklet does not list phones/addresses/etc. Hope it helps, Peter.
  23. Keiser...you are correct about the Duryea logo as it is the "car on the left" (singular). On the other hand if you refer to the "cars" (plural) in the center of the page it would be the "marketing logo" not the official AACA "duryea" Logo. If I recall accurately the "Marketing Logo" was an artistic compilation of features from more recent cars designed to attract the more youthful market. One can always click on the little used "Search" function and type in "Marketing Logo". This was discussed at length some years ago. Regards, Peter.
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