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Everything posted by old-tank

  1. Your 'best guess' is a good guess! Sometimes a definitive answer is expensive.
  2. If it runs, don't worry about it. If the points were open when the key was left on, then no problem; it the points were completely closed, then the coil will get hot and the ballast resistor will get real hot ---- the ballast resistor probably heated the firewall and that is where the odor is from. Points that are barely closed will arc like a welder and burn...you can sometimes demonstrate by rotating the distributor with the ignition on. If you can, charge the battery with a battery charger. Alternators don't like to charge dead batteries. Willie
  3. My methods: glue the pan gasket to the pan with weatherstrip cement, then install dry or use anaerobic sealer or brown gasket cement; use brown gasket cement or anaerobic sealer on both sides off the timing cover gasket. Seal the bolt threads on all since they either go into a water or oil cavity. Don't use RTV unless you want it to look like a Chevy engine. Willie
  4. Party's over, time to hit the road. We have Dallas, TX in our way today
  5. http://buickrestorer.com/relays.html Most likely it is the relay (just because it is new does not mean it is good). Start the car a few times under the hood by jumping 12v+ to the black wire on the relay that goes to the starterr solenoid. Willie
  6. New engine: 600 rpm in neutral until worn in when the rpm will creep up; I like 550-600 to keep the water pump flowing when stuck in traffic. You can alway turn it down to show off at a cruise-in. Willie
  7. Springfield! We turned a 700 mile direct trip into 2000 miles. Party time. Willie
  8. Left Dillon CO yesterday am 32 degrees; Hays KS 95 degrees...not bad if you find a micro brewery with with a nice Oatmeal Stout. About 400 miles to Springfield where I can really get into trouble Willie
  9. Same thing happened to me. Same vendor. Same zinc plated retainer (which tells you it is junk). The rubber will not stay bonded to the retainer and is not compatible with exposure to transmission fluid. You did not install it wrong. Check Fatsco, Bob's Automobilia and others. Willie
  10. The hot gas bypass valve (actually a liquid bypass valve) is generally useless on 55's. Even when working correctly, it regulates temp before you want it to. Around here I leave it disconnected to achieve 'max a/c' at all times...if it gets too cold or the evaporator freezes, just turn off the compressor by moving the temp control all the way counter clockwise. You should stop fretting over the stinkin' thing. Willie
  11. Locks the front pinion bearing against shims in the case...all that should be in your service manual . Do you have a service manual?
  12. Good deal Paul. I'll send you some hot weather to give it a workout. Willie
  13. x2The best way to good floor pans is an intact running/driving car
  14. The three catastrophic dynaflow leaks I have had were the front seal, O-ring on the torque converter and the torque ball seal. Willie
  15. Gonna be hard to leave this for steamy Spingfield (or the home turf). The 55 is going over the mountains like a goat --- a three-legged, asthmatic goat. Back on the road tomorrow...or the next day...or... Willie
  16. Another 180 miles to Dillon. No power here. Nearly beer time.
  17. Good for you! It helps some like me when i start thinking it is crazy to drive a 60 year old 55 (and driven by an old fart). Willie
  18. Another 450 miles to cooler Pueblo CO. No problems getting over Raton Pass this year. It must have been the &*%$# Airtex fuel pump that had an intermittent failure. Gas mileage is 15-18 mpg (don't ask buick5563 what he gets--- he'll say'that new car smell'). Next stop Dillon Co where the high temp today was 45*. Willie
  19. Good deal. We'll look for you or look out for you...
  20. Who's traveling this year? What car? Looking forward to seeing you (you all) Willie
  21. 450 miles to windy Lubbock TX. No issues, except that the mechanical fuel pump could not keep up with temps over 90*. I plan to get over Raton Pass this year (vapor lock using mechanical and electric pumps kicked my ass last year even though we had no problems 3x before). If we make it, a 2 day stay in Dillon CO is planned before leaving for Springfield. Willie
  22. Ok, I can't stand it anymore --- we're leaving tomorrow from south central Texas. First stop Lubbock, Tx; next stop somewhere in Colorado before heading west. Willie
  23. Gonna have to explain why this will not work on this car. I have drilled or ground off the head of the pins on many 55's to get the drums off. Willie
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