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Everything posted by dibarlaw

  1. Tonybuick: Thank you for the photos as I had been planning to install bumpers on my 1925-25. The set I had bought "Buckeye" will look quite correct except the brackets that came with it are of a very different configuration. So the adapter plates you show look like what I will need to make mine work. As to hidden hunters question. Buick did not supply bumpers so all that appear on our cars are after market items. Higher end products were nickel plated while some like mine may be a combination. From what I gathered from others I have spoken to on the subject of bumpers. It seems to be a city/country cousin situation. If you lived in the city with its hectic traffic, bumpers were a necessity. In rural areas with no traffic and occasional trips to town, bumpers were not as important. Unless you needed to nudge a cow now and then. Larry
  2. buicknewbee: Thank you for the account of the test drive of the 1931 Buick. I was interested in this car also. One of the local Buick club director's father showed interest in purchasing this car. He had called me to ask my opinion as to what to expect. His main issue was that the model 55 is the smaller series Buick and would probably be too cramped for him. Also he thought the price was too high. They bought a 1930 Model A sedan instead! I believe that this is the car currently advertised in the Buick Bugle. He sent me the same photo as appears in the Bugle. But at the time would not disclose the price or location. I told him if he was no longer interested I certainly would be. Even at the asking price I would have to sell both my cars and would still be short! From your description the photo shows better than the actual condition. But I still like it!! I was going to PM you with some touring car leads that I had come across and could not act on. Price/Distance/Condition. But as I know if the wife dislikes it as you have indicated it is a lost cause. I have been sorting out the 1925 Standard touring we bought over 2 years ago and still have not gotten to a point where I feel that my wife can safely drive it. I know she would love to. We do enjoy our short outings in it. She is comfortable with driving our 1937 sedan. Got to get the women involved!
  3. Truly a magnificent automobile that looks to be very correct exterior appearance. Would love to have a car like this. But I would have to sell my 1925 and 1937 Buicks and would be still under the money.
  4. Drove our 1937-41 to the Mason-Dixon Spring car collection tour. About 175 miles round trip. A 1941 Chevrolet was the only other pre-war car there. Drove the 1925-25 around town and over to a friends shop who is making it a Boot for the ratty top.
  5. Jacob: Thanks for joining us! I teach high school Tech-Ed and would be delighted to have more 16 year old students with your drive and attitude. When somehow ??? I manage to discuss vintage car matters with my class they are not the least interested in them. Or cars in general for that mater. It was quite the opposite 30 years ago when I started teaching. At the time I was a collector of antique radios also and this brought me into contact with others of similar interest in the era these artifacts represented. The 1920s and 1930s. That is what I have concentrated on ever since, except I have been working down the radios since the fellows who kept me interested in them have since passed on. I have tried to get some of my students interested but to no avail. Still it is great to have you along. Let us enjoy the ride. Larry
  6. John: Just was re-reading the article in "Classic Car" about your 1932-57S and wondering how you were doing. So sorry you are experiencing a broken part. Good to know that it should be easier to mend than some of the die-cast metal parts on our Buicks. Get well! Larry
  7. Dave : Thanks for posting. Other than a few bits and pieces. I don't believe I would running back up to your place to pick it up. Also don't have a nice out of site place for a parts car. Unlike your trek to California to pick up the 1915! Looks to have a fairly nice nose strip and emblem. The only parts I am looking for my 37-41 is a battery box and a better air cleaner. Interesting carb linkage set up. So it looks like it was on the road for a long time. Best to you: Larry D
  8. Hidden Hunter: My experience also had me get a new case from BOB'S. The casting did need some reworking as it was probably made from a mold of an original. I had to make bushings for the repro switches in order for it to work smoothly. I had the same problem as you as the micarta back plate had burned out sections. I drilled out the contact rivets and made custom fit ones of brass to be on the proper contact plane. Leif Holmberg sent me some information and parts from Sweden. (Thanks again Leif!)Then filled the burned depressions with Super Glue. Once back together it works great.
  9. Hentzee: I know about the speedometer issues as mine is also very fragile. I believe when we spoke over the phone I mentioned about trying to PRINT out a copy (3-D Printer) of the drum yoke that was badly swollen on the big series speedometer I bought to experiment with. Of course the other issues can be the crumbling case. Will keep you posted. Larry
  10. zeke01 Thanks for the tip and I checked their site but there in nothing even close to what is to be in my 1925-25. The photo of the gage face should be nickeled but this is about 1/2" larger than what I need. It has a long heavy steel wire looped about a pivot pin and the cork float attached at the end. Also pictures of what mine looked like and what I made up.
  11. Mark: Thanks for the tip. I will start a search. Larry
  12. Congratulations. You at least have a gas gage! Mine was missing on my 1925-25 and the bezel was split. There was just warped piece of plastic for a lens and filled with silicone. I made a new bezel from aluminum and a new lens/gaskets. But I still need a gage unit. I borrowed one from a neighbor with a 1924-45 to use as a pattern but it is 1/2 inch larger than what mine is to be. The threaded collar from the tank was very out of round probably from the former owner trying to remove it with a pipe wrench. It took quite a bit of work to get it round again so I could thread on the new bezel. So until the time I find a gage the "stick" will have to do. Larry
  13. The following items are from a gentleman near me who is cleaning out his fathers estate. Before he puts them out for sale he would like to identify them. I could not tell him if the dual carb set up was only for the 320 cu.in. engine in 1941 and 1942. Larry
  14. Tom: I am including a photo of the 24-45 "over the top" that that I already sent you photos of. I also see that my neighbor nearby with the 1924 also has these lights in his car. I tried to contact him several times last week but no response. I will also give you a call as requested.
  15. jbbuick22: Thank you for the lead. I sent to McMaster-Carr and they had them to me in one day! What service. Of course the nuts are made in Taiwan. Now if I need to change a tire I can use a regular 3/4" lug wrench! Now I just have to replace two of the missing bolts that were regular hex. I had two but they were just about stripped out. I have a group of the longer type 4 bolts for the master wheel. They are in better shape and I could turn off the stop lug and build up weld a stop to match the others. Never done! Larry
  16. Congratulations Phil! The thrill of accomplishment. The same feeling I get every time I get my 1925 out and back home. Now progress will be accelerated. Best of Success: Larry
  17. Rod : I know when I redid the parking brake band on my 1925-25 the only thickness available to me was 1/4". I had to lay out a 1/16" offset and grind down to 3/16" to fit inside the drum. Good thing the new stuff is non asbestos! Although I remember in the early 1970s having to grind the brake shoes to fit the drum. My parts book shows 3/16" thickness for both external and internal. Larry
  18. Leif: Thank you for posting this information as it answers a question for me. The bolts on my 1925-25 are type 4. Which confirms that I do have later wheels. 1926-28, 21". I know that 2 bolts were missing and the previous owner had installed regular hex head bolts, I did find several of the type 4 to replace them. As always thank you for your help. I still have to look out for one of these Master Parts books. Larry
  19. Members &Friends of The Mason-Dixon Buick Club   This is the April 26th tour as developed By Dick Beckley. Please try to attend as these two collections are reputed to be quite an experience. Please e-mail Dick Beckley with your RSVP (dbeckley@epix.net) so he has a head count to provide to the restaurants.  Look forward to spending the day with you.  RSVP Dick Beckley or Larry DiBarry 717-938-4975 717-263-3804 From: dbeckley@epix.net Karen and I had a chance today to do a dry run for the Sat. Apr. 26th tour of Calvin High’s and John Denlinger’s collection. We tried out the Bird-in-Hand smorgas board, after picking it from a small list of restaurants in the area, taking time, price, ability to serve in time, and location into the mix. The food we had was good in mid-afternoon so it should be even better during the busy time as smorgas boards usually tend to be. Gluten free items are on the menu, as well as other dietary considerations. Priced at $13.99 for the complete buffet and $8.79 for the soup and salad bar, I considered it reasonable. So with this done today the following schedule for the day is as follows:   8:30:  Leave Galleria Mall as a group. We will assemble in the eastern corner of the Mall parking lot between Boscov’s and the Hampton Inn & behind the Texas Roadhouse. We will leave out of the Route 24 side of the mall turning right onto Route 24, going under Route 30 and turning left on US 30 East. At 24.7 miles, take exit for Rt.340 East (Old Philadelphia Pike). At top of ramp at traffic light, turn left on 340 (Old Philadelphia Pike) go 1.8 miles to 3rd traffic light. Turn right on Witmer Rd. In a very short distance take first right to 2370 Hobson Rd. The Denlinger Collection is on your left in 300 ft. There are 3 almost identical buildings, two on the street and one behind the other two and they are in a residential area and look like homes. There are two driveways into these buildings. We will need to pull in both and keep our cars tightened up close so as to preserve parking space. We will need to back out last car first when we leave this collection for our lunch break.  The trip to here from York should take about 40 minutes and touring this collection should take about 2 hours. We should plan on leaving for the Bird-in-Hand Smorgasboard around 11:45-12 noon. Directions from Denlingers to Bird-in-Hand Restaurant are as follows: From the Denlinger collection proceed back 300 feet to stop. Left on Witmer Rd. Right at stoplight onto Rt. 340 (Old Philadelphia Pike). Go approximately 1.9 miles, through the Village of Bird-in-Hand and the Smorgasboard is on your right. Park in the large parking lot wherever you can find a space. Enter the restaurant at the main entrance facing the highway. We should allow about 1, 1 1/2 hours for our lunch break here. More info on this later. I have to contact a tour manager concerning seating, etc.   At approximately 1:30-1:45, we will leave our lunch location for the Calvin High Collection. Directions to that are as follows: Left out of parking lot onto 340 or try to exit out the back of the lot onto the side street that has a stoplight onto 340 as this is a busy pike and hard to turn left onto. Proceeding on Rt. 340, cross over US 30 in about 1 mile and make a right turn at the first stop light onto Greenfield Rd. (another .4 mile) Go thru a single lane underpass and continue over a single RR track turning right immediately after the RR crossing onto Independence Ct. Bear left almost immediately to 107 Independence Ct. This location is Cal High’s Collection. It is a decorative block building with a beautiful Green Spanish Style Roof and a classic bell tower in front. Parking is tight but being a Saturday, you should be able to find close parking as this is an industrial park.   Calvin tells me that we should allow about 1 1/2 hours to tour his collection so you should be on your way home in the 3:30-4 PM range. Upon leaving here just exit right onto Greenfield Rd. and cross over Rt.30 and make a left turn and down ramp onto 30. This is very easy.   I have copied both John and Calvin on this e-mail so if they have any comments or ideas for me to improve this instruction sheet, I will pass them on to all. This serve as the instructions for this tour, so feel free to circulate or e-mail this to interested participants. I would like an approximate head count from the Cadillac folks, the York Club, and BOOM, as well as our Mason-Dixon Chapter by  April 16th, so I can give the restaurant an idea of what we need set aside for us and also so I can give both John and Calvin an idea of how many folks will be on the tour.   I’m looking forward to running this tour and hope to as many of you participate as possible.   Dick Beckley or Larry DiBarry 717-938-4975 717-263-3804
  20. Update on the vacuum tank. Over the weekend we put about 10 miles on each of our Buicks. Took the 1937 out on Saturday and the 1925 on Sunday. The 25 ran Ok but still not quite up to how it should run. Each carb adjustment seemed to secure a bit more power. Vacuum tank seems to be working fine. After shut down and shutting off the fuel valve at the vacuum tank I put a small coffee under the carb. I expect a bit falling from the riser. But after several days I have over 1/2 pint collected. So it has to be backing up from the Vacuum tank into the manifold. I have seen some setups that the vacuum line has a loop in-between the tank and the manifold would this have an effect? Still dripping!!!!!
  21. dibarlaw

    24-45 Buick

    Hentzee: I just e-mailed you about the pictures you requested. I can check if the 24-45 my nearby neighbor has the correct gear set up. And or take some pictures. Mine on my 1925-25 are similar. I believe "BOBS" can supply these gears. Now you need to join the BCA and the Pre-War division!
  22. I found a similar car in white at the "Brass at Berks" tour March 2013. Waited around for over an hour for the owner to return so I could speak to him. Never did connect.
  23. Rod : I probably have 10 photos of that Maroon 1924-45 from the 2012 Nationals in North Carolina. To me it was the most beautiful Buick there. It was just stunning. I would have taken more pictures except my shoes were sticking to the asphalt at 108 degrees!
  24. Rod: So good to see progress on this model Buick. I have not seen any 1925-55s in the US. I worked on a model 45 and negotiated on a 1926-45A last year. My 25-25 will need some wood attention on the lower drivers door. So it is good seeing some "inside-out" pictures. It would be great if your model 55 would look like this someday!
  25. bulldog: Very nice looking car. I lost out on a 1923 model 54 Buick Sport roadster 3 years ago and I am still having remorse. Yours looks to be a model 44. I would love to have a McLaughlin version. As they are really a cut above the Flint versions in fit and finish. Unfortunately you are on the north side of the border and would have to sell my 1925-25. Ah at least one can dream though. John Fesser needs a mate to his 1923-45 McLaughlin Touring. Go for it John
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