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Everything posted by dibarlaw

  1. Bob: Great Job! I posted on the forum last year or so the same technique.(I should have done a 3-D CAD drawing as you have done since that is one of the classes I teach). I made several units for other Buick friends. Mine is still doing fine on the 1925-25. But my original goal was to stop the leaking and ruining the leather fan belt. My first attempt was to bore out the ends and make bronze bushings with a spiral groove in the original casting. This lasted about a week and then locked up. So then went to the lathe and started hogging out aluminum! Now it seems that the front lower pulley seal is leaking. So I keep making new fan belts.
  2. Took the 1925 out last Sunday for a 10 mile spin since it was a 45 degree day. Need to keep her exercised before the white stuff shows up again. She does not like to be out in the snow.
  3. Saturday June 20, 2015– 7th Annual Mason-Dixon Freysinger Car Show. The date is set. Mark your calendar now. The Mason-Dixon Chapter and Freysinger Buick host their 7th Annual Buick Show at Freysinger Buick/GMC, 6251 Carlisle Pike, Mechanicsburg. PA. Peer judging with 10 Buick Classes, 3 awards per class, including modified. Again this year our show will include: Pontiac, Olds, Cadillac and GMC, with 1st thru 3rd for each marque. Also Best of Show Buick, Dealer's Choice Buick, long distance award and oldest car award. Dash plaques to first 75 entries. Registration 8:30-10:30. Show 9-3. Advance registration $10 until June 9th. $12, day of show. Free hot dog and drink to all exhibitors. We are looking for volunteers to help with various aspects of the show. See list in Mason-Dixon newsletter or website.
  4. Congratulations! The 1933s and 1934s are such regal looking automobiles! I wish mine Buicks looked half as nice as this example. Merry Christmas and many Buick Bliss miles in the new year.
  5. Mark : Thank you for all your support and guidance to us new guys. I now know a little about trying to do a newsletter. I know I had promised articles for Pete Phillips in the Bugle. Dean Tryon, in the 1915-1918 group, Joe Suarez for the 1936-38. Being the director of the Mason Dixon chapter I have had to generate material for our newsletter since it seems no one else in the chapter contributes and I also feel tapped out. I am sure our members do not appreciate my ramblings about my 1920s and 1930s cars ( most of which I had already posted on the Forum) when they would rather read about Regals, Reattas and Rivieras. Bless you for making this Hobby enjoyable: Larry DiBarry
  6. Leif : I have a friend in our local club who has a 1927-54 but he has it in storage 60 miles away and it may be weeks before I can get there to take photos. Here are a few that I received when we bid on a 1927-54 when we were still looking for the "Driver Buick."
  7. Leif: I have already looked at buying a 1923-54 roadster (My experience already documented in my thread "Looking for a driver Buick") and thought about either of the 2 1923-55s recently advertised. (Too much of a project for my garage space and pocket book). I did consider buying the gage on e-bay to at least say I had a part of one of these cars. Maybe one of the 54s or 55s would magically appear! Also thank you for photos you sent to me long ago of the front interior floor of your 1925-25. I am finally getting around to doing the linoleum and aluminum edging. Progress so far. After
  8. Joe: Good Luck on that. I am sorry the previous material did not hold up. The brakes on my 1925 were done with the woven material and looked excellent. That is until I found out the previous owner had his "GUY" reline the brakes and install them with steel split rivets! Still sorry that we could not meet you this summer on our way to the Buick nationals. This September we went to look at a 1910 model 10 runabout that was supposedly looking for a good Buick loving home. I made an offer, which was no where near what the 89 year old owner wanted. This was considering that it was sitting in a trailer for 3 years and was not running. On our first phone conversation, when I asked what the car was he said" what do you offer me". Not knowing if it was a runabout, surrey or touring. Restored? Newer, older, complete (who, what, why, when etc.) with very few relevant answers. On the phone he stated that it had a top. Upon inspection it did not and he said it never had a top, even though it had the fastener rail and prop bolts. It was restored by him in the late 1980s according to "FACTORY SPECIFICATIONS"??? It needed considerable freshening up. He wanted to start at $20K and "dicker up". So I tried to get close to his start point but I needed to drive it at that price. I asked if it would be running when we went to inspect it? All he would say was it started with one pull of the crank. Needless to say it was not able to be started when we arrived. Oh well we at least tried. I myself would love to have a brass Buick. Have a Happy Thanksgiving and keep us posted on your progress.
  9. We were at a book store in Doylestown Pa. last week and bought a copy for my son. This is the same 2-A we saw in the Sloan Museum. We were there to investigate the area as a possible stop on the 2016 Pre-War after tour. The main tourist attraction is the Mercer (not the automobile) museum.
  10. I finally put the top up on the 1925 today. I had been waiting since last May for a local fellow to make up a top boot and spare tire cover for me. On Thursday he said he may not get to it till after the first of the year. So up goes the top. Then took about a 10 mile drive to give her some exercise. Also took the 1937 out since it had not moved since Oct 25th.
  11. On my 1925-25 my float needle was always leaking and it seemed the shut off was not shutting off below the vacuum tank. I added another 1/4 turn ball valve just behind the carb and all is well for the moment.
  12. I remember trying to contact the seller of a 1925-25 from e-bay 2 years ago to ask the same thing. Just give the buyer my contact information in case he would need help. Also since it looked to be very original, a good source for information for me. Each time no response. I hope it was sold to a Buick Guy and we can see it when finished.
  13. The 1940 has been saved! A fellow Mason-Dixon chapter member brought it back from Emporium this afternoon. He will be using it as a parts car for his other 2 1940s. He even said it had a fairly nice "unbroken"! horn ring.
  14. The 1940 has been saved! A fellow Mason-Dixon chapter member brought it back from Emporium this afternoon. He will be using it as a parts car for his other 2 1940s. He even said it had a fairly nice "unbroken"! horn ring.
  15. I thought a fair asking price for this would be $1500 and he could come down or part out which he was willing to do. But now he is disgusted that no one has called and wants to take all to scrap. It does have a complete drive line and almost all the trim was pulled off and stored in the trunk so no hard work for removal. He wanted to just scrap it but I pleaded, convincing him it has value to antique car enthusiasts. If I did not quote him something higher than scrap price it was going to the crusher!!! I know myself when a 1925 standard, fairly complete chassis with a reported rebuilt engine came up and I offered $400. since it was in Tennessee. The seller wanted to wait till the end of the sale. I was out bid on e-bay at $175. (I missed putting in my bid). So I thought all was sold. When I called a week later to get information about parts that received no bid. He said no one called so he took all to the scrap and Got $158.00. Last year there was a 1925 model 54 Sport Roadster chassis mostly complete for about $400 in NY. I called all I knew who could have used this. No interest. So now is probably being made into appliances in China... I know all of us do not have large properties to save all these parts cars,(I don't). But I want to get them into the hands who can use them.
  16. The gentleman who has the car really needs the money so if there is no interest he will take it all to scrap. So an offer over scrap price of (about $500) will probably take it. Again I hear of all the complaints about all the old salvage yards being scrapped out and when a useable parts car comes forth no one is interested. Come on, all the driveline and trim is worth it!!! Again contact. Richard Renolds 814-512-0556
  17. Not mine. 1940 Super Coupe. As Director of the Mason-Dixon Chapter I Occasionally will get a call about something for sale. The car was presented to me as a 1946 Super 2 dr. The owner sent me about 30 photos as I was able to see it is quite rough. And also see that it was a 1940 not a 46. But with a complete driveline and quite a bit of trim pieces tucked away in the trunk it may provide a worth while donor. Located in Emporium Pa. If interested contact: Richard Renolds 814 512-0556 I posted photos in the Wanted/For sale section. He has had no calls. At this time if he gets better than scrap price you can probably pick it up. Otherwise he will take all to scrap!!!!!
  18. The gentleman who has the car really needs the money so if there is no interest he will take it all to scrap. So an offer over scrap price of (about $500) will probably take it. Again I hear of all the complaints about all the old salvage yards being scrapped out and when a useable parts car comes forth no one is interested. Come on, all the driveline and trim is worth it!!! Again contact. Richard Renolds 814-512-0556
  19. What was on the switch was "sash chain". For those of us who remember windows with weights clanging around in the wall.
  20. This is what was on a 1924-45 I bid on last year. The owner had already passed so no info on what the switch originally was to fit. So Mark thank you for the leads as I want to set up a brake light for my 1925. A simple angle bolted to a cross member with a pull/on switch attached to the brake actuator rods.
  21. Congratulations Dave : All it takes is perseverance .... and money. Looks great. Hopefully we will see it at next springs Buick Brunch. I just listed a 1940 Super parts car for sale in the for sale section. I had to send a photo of your car to the fellow whom I posted it for. Just to show him what a real nice 1940 coupe looks like. Best of Luck: Larry
  22. Yes Pete it most certainly is a 1940. Originally he had described it as a 1946 or at least that was what was told to him by the woman on whose property it was pulled from. Then the barrage of photos came. Looked 40ish to me! He said there is a title.
  23. Not mine. As Director of the Mason-Dixon Chapter I Occasionally will get a call about something for sale. The car was presented to me as a 1946 Super 2 dr. The owner sent me about 30 photos as I was able to see it is quite rough. But with a complete driveline and quite a bit of trim pieces tucked away in the trunk it may provide a worth while donor. Located in Emporium Pa. If interested contact: Richard Renolds 814 512-0556
  24. We drove both this weekend. The 37 had not been out for 3 weeks, so we did about 10 miles to exercise her. Then on Sunday we drove "Beulah" to church and then to mingle with the fall foliage. We finally have some color around here. So I have a picture of my lovely wife Joan behind the wheel of our 1925 "Beulah" during the drive after church.
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