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Everything posted by vermontboy

  1. What is the bulb number of the burnt out bulb - there are different configurations wand wattage of 5 inch sealed beam bulbs depending on usage.
  2. The only real option for retail sales is shows and those are problematic here in the Northeast - rain, wind, etc can damage a lot of inventory on each outing plus a fairly short season. I've done both shows and Ebay. mostly with ephemera but with a bit of auto parts or lit thrown in as well. Shows do have the advantage of being able to package stuff for sale to other vendors. You know what is destined for the dumpster at the end of the season anyway. You made money on the stuff that already sold and it's very cleansing to get rid of the rest even if it cuts into your profits a bit. From reading your posts you know how to make piles when buying and selling so there is no learning curve - but at smaller shows the piles have to be smaller. You can also unload bulk with a few of the large brick and mortar dealers (there is one in Syracuse). They pay reasonably well on better stuff and not so well on the bulk stuff but it gets rid of all of it when it seems overwhelming.. It's time consuming to do a show and it's hit or miss but when you go home with an empty truck it feels so good...... If only I were a bit younger
  3. The headlights are close together just like on the other vehicles in the picture but my guess would be the picture is early 30's.
  4. Always remember that the Chicago mob - Capone, Nitti, etc. were brought down in the early thirties by tax evasion charges - nothing to do with strong arm tactics and murder. The IRS can come in and close you down, lock the door, and seize your assets overnight.
  5. The material handling company I worked for employed 800 factory workers and they got paid in cash - this in the mid 1980's. Brinks pulled up like clockwork every Friday and handed out 800 envelopes full of cash. It was part of their union contract. The rest of us got checks.
  6. Amen. When my students (business related Construction Management courses - Estimating, Specification Writing, Planning and Scheduling, and etc) would begin to think that they were ready to go out and take on the world I always knocked them down a bit. I told them that I had just spent 40 hours with them - they had barely a general rudimentary knowledge which would enable them to learn, and that they would learn more in their first week on the job than it just took them 4 months to learn. Because they were all hoping to become project managers they often made fun of the tradesmen that actually do the work and make things happen. We always had at least one or two tradespeople or Mr. Handymen enrolled in our program looking to become project managers or expand into general construction and I would have one of them bring in a carpenters square and explain all of its uses. It created an instant appreciation for those whose contribution is "hands on" When I was working for the Federal government I watched a "kid" fresh out of the military start as a GS-3 mail clerk. He had a GED. He slowly worked his way up the ladder and is now in Executive Service - 18 years later. His highest degree is still the GED. Experience trumps formal education even in the government. The point of all this is that in all probability your job experience may well make you the expert in the classroom. That is particularly true if the course is being taught by a professor with no real world experience. Go ahead and take the courses if you want to - they look good on a resume but may not add much to your knowledge.
  7. Started to write this prior to your answer to Mercer 09 but I will leave it intact. Please don't take the following as advice - it is merely an observation. I am 68 and during my career I worked for contractors, ran the design/proposals department of an international material handling company, taught the business related courses in a Construction Management program at a 4 year University (tenure track - they abandoned the program), had an antique shop, and spent the last 20 years working for the Federal Government as a Construction Analyst for the SBA. The full time teaching position paid one half what my previous position paid (we were bought out twice and I refused a move that would have meant a 50 per cent pay increase but the company was going public and the principals stood to end up well off. There were no assurances that they were going to stay - intentions yes, promises no). Taking a small golden parachute was the correct option it turned out - they were scheduled to go public three weeks after Black Monday 1987. The point of all this is that in all probability no matter what you do the sun will rise every morning, somehow the bills will be paid, and life will go on. Advise would be to carefully write down the pluses and minuses, weigh each of them with your live goals, reach a logical conclusion and do what your research shows most likely to be a better plan. Observation would be that the happiest people I know have always gone with their gut feel. And they realize that they may be wrong and are willing to move on should that be the case. So what did I do - I always stayed in my current position. I enjoy comfort - nothing to prove. .
  8. If only we were all twenty somethings we'd make it down in a couple of days ... nothing like a road trip. Unfortunately it takes some of us that long to pack up our meds and other things necessary for what we now consider a long trip. Plus planning, etc. I remember packing the family in the car and taking off on a 300 mile camping/fishing trip after work on Friday with a $20 bill and a gas credit card and setting up our tent at 2 in the morning by the side of a stream ..... the will is still there - the ability isn't ....
  9. Based on a few old threads make certain that the serial number physically on the car matches your paperwork. I've owned more than one vehicle where that was not the case but when you buy a car within the state (NY) there is no check. Rebuilt engines could have been installed, door tags rusted off, firewall plates removed and reattached with screws, etc. I believe that California requires a check for incoming vehicles - hopefully someone who knows will comment.
  10. Being fascinated by a hobby and understanding it are two different things. Frankly it won't work for vehicles where most parts are not "off the shelf" as they would be in your example of the BMW 5 series. Personally on newer vehicles Google provides a priced data base in a couple of clicks. Fast and efficient. I will let others explain why ... I hope that team of developers isn't eating away at your retirement fund... I've been involved in the antique car hobby since 1961 so have more than a little time spent in the pursuit of parts, many people on here have been involved far longer .. it's complicated.
  11. Th old cure was to mount a can on the firewall and put a few coils in the fuel line and place it inside the can. Then you put ice in the can, cooling the fuel before it enters the carburetor. There were also more elegant "cans" available on the aftermarket....
  12. Resilvering should get you all the light you need for night driving at a speed reasonable and prudent for your 1837 Buick at night on secondary roads. On a 4 lane in deer country the auxiliary driving lights would be nice but my experience has been that with the current traffic on our NYS Thruway the only time you can use them is from around midnite to 5 AM - too much traffic at other times,
  13. The pictures aren't great but given the nature of the book it doesn't bother me - you won't get a lot of detail even if the pictures were better. You want great pictures use google or some of the other resources. Very happy with my purchase - it is an incredible reference.
  14. I like it. A bit of American ingenuity at work, and who's to say it won't last? I reminds me of a picture on another thread of a leather belt replacing a main (or rod) bearing. Once it is oil soaked it might last a long time on an old slow turning low compression engine. A large equipment manufacturing company I worked for found that a guide shoe made of hard maple lasted 4 or 5 times longer than one made from any of the new "wonder" materials available at the time (and this was the 1980's).
  15. Drum brakes are fine, light left foot pressure on the brake pedal through deep puddles or stream crossings. Properly adjusted they are as drama free as disc brakes. Downshift going down steep mountain grades just like the truckers have to do (Vermont has some pretty steep hills - never had a problem with fade. ) Point is no matter what older vehicle you are driving you have to adapt to the car - it will not adapt to you...... you actually have to think a bit and pay attention to what is going on, which isn't all bad.. Just my two cents.
  16. vermontboy


    Penn Dot document dated September 2017 (pdf file) https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=4&ved=0ahUKEwjHgNPl_PjWAhVJxGMKHUtZBEkQFgg3MAM&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dot.state.pa.us%2Fpublic%2Fdvspubsforms%2FBMV%2FBMV%20Fact%20Sheets%2Ffs-vinverif.pdf&usg=AOvVaw18qfU4LSNysmHvAHAjG0iv
  17. Back in 1969 I drove a Model "A" through the winter when temps would hit 20 below regularly. I had the negative cable made up from 2/0 welding cable and it always cranked well. If you use undersized cable it may haunt you - do it right. The price difference is really negligible in the long term.
  18. Both are kind of a puzzle but I wonder if the 1955 Cadillac has a fatal title flaw or would set off lights, bells and whistles with a VIN check. The flaw may be so old that no one would remember but I can't think of another reasonable explanation. Naturally skeptical I guess - i've seen a lot of things go wrong over the years. If I were going to buy an identifiable part from it I would want a copy of the paperwork showing the seller owned the vehicle.
  19. I'm curious as to the price of rebabbitting today. When we had the rods poured for my dads 1933 Pierce Arrow 836 back in the early 60's they were $8 each and were returned individually wrapped and boxed with rod # and size listed like little jewels. Never had a problem with them - wish I could say the same for the head gasket....
  20. Greatly appreciate the information. Ouch on the mag wheels, etc. Today we would not have painted the body - only the fenders (right front needed leading behind the headlight). But the body was absolutely beautiful. The rounded corners were just starting to rub through to the primer and there were traces of the original pin striping. -0- rust car except for the one fender. Right rear fender had been filled a bit due to a crease. But lacquer was cheap and spraying was cheap ($75) - we did the rub out. No wonder it is so hard to get the numbers straight on the older vehicles when they have to check the VIN - see copy of the Massachusetts registration.
  21. Finally found the information on my dad's Pierce-Arrow. Would certainly like to know if someone knows where it is - I don't have to know where - just that it's in good hands. It was a beautiful car..... information from a 1960 Massachusetts registration. VIN 236S2276 Engine 1070440 Thanks
  22. Is this an out of state car being registered in NYS for the first time? I don't recall ever having the VIN checked on any of the vehicles I bought in NYS and registered here. Just curious what has changed in the last few years. Also not sure of the cutoff for when they switched from engine numbers to VIN numbers but I know that I had a 1949 Dodge that was registered by the engine number. NYS is a non title state up until 1973 I believe so you don't have to deal with that.
  23. What is the purpose of making things invisible unless you know to "mouse over" them. Have any of these designers taken a basic graphics course? Perhaps we are supposed to see all white space and move the mouse around to "reveal" what is hidden? Just show me ALL of what is available to see rather than have me guessing - tired of playng games with these so called modern "developers". And I've been around computers since the 70's when mainframes filled up a very large room. Since I am sure that we are paying for this they are supposed to give us what we need.
  24. I suppose if we were all 14 again it would make sense to make this forum "just like F...book" or other social media. This forum is NOT like social media in form or function. Today it's all about revenue generating "clicks" (why it takes 10 minutes to click through a story that takes 20 seconds to read when condensed to one page).It is a huge waste of time. This 68 year old would like to see post numbers back. And dump the heart logo and bring back our nice simple "Like" instead of "responded to"........ Just my two cents.
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