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Everything posted by bhambulldog

  1. Brake Shoes Kanter http://www.kanter.com///productdetail.aspx?Tg=2576172&Mak=Buick&Yr=1958&Dv=1&Dpt=1100&Sb=0&Vdr=&Itm=&MDv=1&MDpt=0&MSb=0&Cat=802&Prc=522 C.A.R.S. old Buick parts http://www.oldbuickparts.com/catalog/up-to-1960-buick-group-brakes-brake-overhaul-kit-1958-buick-p-18626.html
  2. What would be the advantage of an electric choke? A thermally actuated choke (stove pipe) reacts to the engines own rising temperature An electric choke reacts to a rising temperature created electrically
  3. Most interesting !! Nice work Lief, Thanks for showing that
  4. Te engine compartment as it is hides nothing. for selling, It's a good strategy
  5. Did you try Russ Martin? http://nailheadbuick.com/transadaptors
  6. Spin on filters were created because they were cheaper for the manufacturer. Not because they are any better. For me the canister is much easier to remove. A boxed end wrench is much easier to manipulate than the clumsy filter wrench. And, the same effort to install. A spin on filter is not immune to problems... Changing to spin on, would be changing for the sake of change
  7. Jasper offers rebuilt transmissions also with a nationwide warranty
  8. Absolutely put your Buick in the BCA national show !!! Every one will be glad to see you and your Buick. !!! You'll be glad you did...
  9. Some old Fords don't have dipsticks. They have a pet-cock at the full level. and another at a safe level below full. If oil does not appear when the lower one is open, oil should be added. You should try to find a shop manual for your car A Pontiac manual or Motors manual One or both of them are a must have for the old car hobbyist
  10. If your engine does indeed need rebuilding I don't understand the hesitancy for a replacement engine Jasper rebuilt engines carry a nationwide warranty. You can't hope to get a warranty like that with a locally rebuilt engine. The Jasper replacement will be a like engine to the original. If there were to be a significant difference in value of two like cars, one car with a replacement Jasper engine vs another car with a locally rebuilt original engine; In my opinion the car with the Jasper replacement engine would edge out the other
  11. I didn't drive the Roadmaster. I did buy new plug-wires, rotor button and distributor cap . To replace those contaminated by the burst power steering "O" ring....
  12. This could be a good strategy , to know what they're looking for (at)
  13. Back in those days, highways under construction weren't barricaded. It was OK to travel at your own risk., on unfinished roads. Dad didn't drive onto an un- finished bridge, but he did drive off the end of the paved highway at 65mph in his brand new '56 Chevrolet station wagon. It was a drop off of about 18 inches to the sub-grade, I was told it was quite a ride...
  14. Adam, That's about what I remember for mine to get to me, three months or so.
  15. SMS did my door panels and seat fabric 14 years ago. We did wait some time for them to be returned. But they still look great today. And a perfect match. Wait or not, I would use SMS again.
  16. wow A fire extinguisher in the Roadmaster saved Mom's '73 Lincoln once. About 1978, Mom let my Brother take her '73 Lincoln to the coast. The starter went out during the trip. My brother had a garage change the starter out. The 'mechanic' left the positive lead from the battery dangerously close to the exhaust. A few days later , the Lincoln burst into flames, parked behind the Roadmaster. Dad pulled the extinguisher from the Roadmaster and put out the fire.
  17. I knew that greyhound rang a bell !!
  18. That's '53 Skylark pricing. Does the market on the Cabellero support that price?
  19. I've been using 30w in mine since 1970. I add one pint STP (blue bottle) to get ZDDP (zinc)
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