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DF'ers Meeting at Hershey

Peter J.Heizmann

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The annual question...

If any DF members desire to put a face to a keyboard, please go to Class 5 (Motorscooters) at 1:00 on Saturday, 10/9. I will make a sign with "DF Meeting".

These short get togethers can be fun meeting people you have communicated with on this Forum.

(Thanks to Chris Wantuck for reminding me...)

Regards, Peter J. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

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Been too busy to get a chance to view the DF. I should be working on my region's newletter right now but..... smirk.gif

Are we going to met again at Rick's place on Wed? If so, SalG, I'll need to be strapped to your roof again wink.gif. I know better that to expect to be able to ride in the car with all the treasures grin.gif. My spaces are the same as last year WBF-4&5.

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Hi, David...

Look forward to seeing you at the DF'ers Meeting.

Certainly not in my place, or, anyone else' for that matter to answer for Rick.

See you at 1:00 for the DF Meeting...

Regards, Peter J.

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As I said last year, it would be nice if those attending Rick's little get together would bring along something for others to nibble on or drink.

The DF doesn't pick up the tab for this little shindig and Rick goes to a lot of trouble to have us there. Why, he even cleans up the shop. grin.gif


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Believe me Howard is right. I think he had a job at Harrisburg Hosp. in house cleaning, Dept. & cant break the habit. Last year I was there he was removing the lights & cleaning them. That I understood, but when he told his son to check the key holes in the office door I left. His friend (mabe?) Jack

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Man, I offer a place for you guys to hang out on a Wenesday night and what do I get? crazy.gif One things for certain, I'm not going to sweep or even take a air hose the joint this time, so wear your old dirty clothes! cool.gif Hal, I did fib to you. HVS is only being nice because he's sign up to use a Hoover Rent-A-Wreck while in here. laugh.gif

Seriously, the place is here as always, so everyone is welcome to stop by and get accquainted. The BBQ sounds great to me Ron.

Jack my friend, I'm still thinking what to say to you yet. So, hang in there. grin.gif


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Guest Hal Davis (MODEL A HAL)

I wish I could get up there for Wednesday night, but it looks like the drive-all-friday-night-to-the-show-on-saturday whirlwind tour for us again. I'll be there in spirit. smile.gif

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Dave ~ Don't forget to stop by RNE 45-46 on Friday. Do I get your share of BBQ since you won't be there Wednesday?

Rick ~ Does I hasta have one of them license things to rent one of yo recks? confused.gif


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tommy...rightfully so at the time. You'll get over it...

If your poodle needs a fire hydrant, my TR-6 is Pimento Red in Class 25-D. Tell your poodle to got at it...

Look forward to meeting you... <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" />

Peter J.

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> Dave ~ Don't forget to stop by RNE 45-46 on Friday. Do I get your share of BBQ since you won't be there Wednesday? </div></div>

You'll be my first stop on Friday. Well there's coffee, so you're second. Well...third, depending on how fast I drink the coffee. smirk.gif

Enjoy the BBQ. I usually live on turkey wraps from the HERCO food court there anyway!

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Don't come in at the crack of dawn. My bunk is some miles away so I probably won't get in before nine. If you get desperate, I believe we will have a used coffee recepticle at our spaces if Ron doesn't forget to order it.


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I havn't been able to convince my wife that I need to go out on Wednesday so I have never made it to Rick's even though I sometimes drive right through town on my way to where I stay in Middletown. As far as Saturday I usually help Doug Drake with the kids program. Anyhow I'll probably see you guys in Philly in Feb.

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Guest Art Griffin

Wish I could attend, but I will be manning the Membership Trailer on the Show Field from Noon until 2 PM on Saturday. Sorry I'll miss, but I will plan to attend at the Annual Meeting in Philly in February.

Have Fun!

Art Griffin

Cape Canaveral Region

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Joe, nice thought. Appreciate the offer. It may be a gamble based upon last year when just 3 of us showed up, had a good time, but, just 3.

Would be nice to meet you, so please stop by.

Regards, Peter J. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

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Hi, Art...hope you held your own in Florida.

I'll look you up at the trailer.

Regards, Peter J. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

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Hi, Bill...

If the weather is bad, we could go just a short distance to the entrance of the Giant Center.

See you there.

Peter J. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

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Tommy, you are right...what was I thinking.

Forecast here in Reading, about an hour from Hershey, looks good through Friday.

Regards, Peter J. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

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Guest imported_jmarsicano

Well, now I have a problem. A co-worker has offered free tickets, free tail gate, and free ride to PSU for the weekend (I'm a PSU grad).

Now... heres the problem for this weekend. Cars or football...football or swap meet...Drunken college girls or beautiful restorations....

Too much to consider on a monday morning.


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