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id carburetor riser


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I bought a 1952 Merc in original condition and am having the carb rebuilt. There is a riser between it and the manifold. I've never seen one like it and wonder if anyone else has. it looks to have some sort of adjustment screw on the front of it, that I have not touched. When I look down inside there are two little fans as you can see in the pictures. I don't know if this is a stock item or not. The few other people who have looked at it also had no idea. I think someone out there can tell me about it. I am curious and would like to know. Thanks in advance  





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It is a useless (and potentially destructive) gadget. REMOVE IT!

It is somebody's great idea to improve performance. As the air passes into the engine the propellers spin and the window screen 'break up' the nasty globules of gasoline thereby achieving better atomization.


According to the ads in the back of magazines and the JC Whitney catalog. By dong this you will double your horsepower and increase your gas mileage so much that you might have to stop periodically to drain the excess fuel from your tank(!) There were always plenty of testimonials to support the claims, but never any scientific testing. 


Even if there were globules of gasoline that needed breaking up, the basic laws of physics remain. Adding restrictions to the air flow (a spinner and a screen) can only make an engine less efficient. 

And when the spinner breaks off and enters the engine . . . . ?


Just remove it and hang it on the wall. 

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I remember seeing ads on TV for these things...  "Install the revolutionary Turbo Injector system on your car and improve your mileage by 50%!  Don't waste money on premium gasoline ever again!  Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back!"  There were a whole host of these contraptions marketed including the the water injector plate which someone finally hooked a nitrous bottle to and invented the nitrous oxide injection system used on hot rods today.


Remove it, replace it with a thick intake manifold gasket to reduce heat transfer to the carburetor and find a trash can that isn't too busy...

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In sailboat racing we used to call such things a, "go fast". Something totally useless that someone got sucked into buying believing that it would make their boat go faster. Many car owners were/are afflicted with the same gullibility. :(



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Wow, you guys are tuff! Just kidding. Thank you everyone that replied, I learned some more. I really thought that was a stock item or option on the vehicle. I'll take nothing for granted from now on. I am going to take m-mman and Bloo's suggestion and hang it on the wall for a conversation(and warning) piece. Thank's again guys.




On 6/14/2020 at 12:28 AM, Bloo said:

Get that thing off of there before it dumps parts in your engine. Such products still exist, for fuel injected cars. Useless then, useless now. Hang it on the shop wall for a conversation piece. :)


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AT least the manufacturer put the screen below the propellers so those parts would not fall into the engine.😁   If the screen is well attached......😯



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