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How has the virus affected you?


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Very much the same down under. Working on the house now and will follow that up with some fix up and tuning on the Riviera. I think we are better of than the USA here but I guess that can change any minute. Our restrictions:



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Well with all this unexpected time on our hands its a great opportunity to work on our Rivs.

As you can see Gene has lots of nice parts waiting for you. 

Just about the only positive to come out of this mess is cheap gas.

I think this is going to continue for longer than we expect and heaven help us if there is COVID-22 

Tom Kunek


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I dunno -- I've filled up every car, every can, and every tank.  Yeah, it might (and probably will) get cheaper, but at that time it might be against the law to go get it.  In the meantime, if I'm stuck here, I've got a year's worth of chainsawing to get to.  Now, if it would only stop raining...

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Haven't driven my daily in like 3 weeks but took the Riv out yesterday because we just couldn't take it any longer (was almost 60*).  Didn't actually leave the car, but it was nice to leave the house.  Working from home is OK, but it can get on your nerves because you always feel like you are "on" - there is no home/work life separation which is annoying.

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Can anyone tell me why people are buying toilet paper when this is a respiratory virus ? Things are pretty quiet in Iowa now but it's coming this way and our governor refuses to put out a shelter in place order . It is very clear that states that were ahead of the curve with stay at home orders have significantly less cases and fewer deaths . Wear your masks and stay safe ! 


ROA 14549

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15 minutes ago, kreed said:

Can anyone tell me why people are buying toilet paper when this is a respiratory virus ? 

People are buying it because they're freaking out.  Having explained the why, there's also the why they might want to (not that this ever occurred to the early hoarders): commercial and residential toilet paper are entirely different products.  They're made from different materials and in different plants.  You can't do a quick change from making one to making the other.  Since more people are at home, the demand for residential TP is increasing (by perhaps 40%). Thing is, there's no excess capacity to make more.  Because TP is a low-margin product with a steady demand, factories already run 24/7.  Ergo, supplies for your cushy home TP are going to be tight, while the sandpaper they buy at the office will remain available.

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2 hours ago, kreed said:

Can anyone tell me why people are buying toilet paper when this is a respiratory virus ? Things are pretty quiet in Iowa now but it's coming this way and our governor refuses to put out a shelter in place order . It is very clear that states that were ahead of the curve with stay at home orders have significantly less cases and fewer deaths . Wear your masks and stay safe ! 


ROA 14549

  Probably because people are stocking up on staples to reduce the frequency they need to shop and therefore possibly expose themselves to contamination. It would be a shame to become infected with a potentially deadly virus for the sake of a few rolls of toilet paper when one would purchase them in the same quantity in an overall time period through frequent shopping trips anyway. This is why I personally discontinued the use of toilet paper for the sake of the common good...but hoarded my favorite alcoholic beverage very early on...helps to suppress the fact my ass always itches  👍,

Tom Mooney

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Too bad that Sears no longer puts out two catalogs per year plus a Christmas catalog. As my grandfather used to tell me "When your out at the two hole in the middle of the night, just make sure that you don't grab a moon beam."

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My dad lived on a farm as a kid.  He once told me that when the family ran out of Sears catalogs, corn stalks usually used to feed the pigs became the family's new TP substitute!  I kinda think he was pulling my leg on this one.

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