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What About a Centennial Award?


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Larry Schramm made a good point on another chat string, so I will start a new one on the topic, and start it here on the Pre War Site.


Are we missing an oportunity within the BCA by not offering some sort of Centennial Award for 'vehicles' (see Larry, that covers Trucks :) ) that are 100 years old? The HCCA and AACA have gotten alot (IMHO) out of this effort. Some will say we are too late, but the fact is, very few early Buicks attend the National Meets and this could get more of them out and I'd bet the total is ~30 we have missed so far and we could catch them up very quickly by sending them out and I'm certain those owners would agree and support the effort.


I'm not suggesting sending an award to all, just those who take/make all the effort it takes to get a 100+ year old Buick to a National Meet. The whole Pre War Division was formed to be a catalyst to get the older cars to meets and to get us together and chatting just as we are.  I believe this would be yet another way to do just the same thing.  'Grandfather' those who brought a 100 year old Buick to a National Meet since 2003, and start handing out the award to those who bring in the future. 


Has this been discussed?

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AACA presents a CENTURY PLAQUE (badge) to 100 year-old vehicles which participate in a National Tour or MEET.


HCCA sells a Century Badge ($5) to any member who applies and furnishes documentation.


While I no longer have my 1914 Buick B-37, both of the above referenced badges went with it to a good new home.


I agree that we are missing out on an important way to recognize these fine vehicles.

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Brian et al, I agree wholeheartedly that there should be a Century award and think this is a good place to start the discussion. But I would also suggest posting your and others thoughts in the General forum and more specifically in the Current Issues and Suggestions for a Better BCAhttp://forums.aaca.org/topic/244280-current-issues-and-suggestions-for-a-better-bca/page-6

Hopefully a board member will take the idea and run with it. Let me know if I can help in any way.

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Thank you Lamar.

Can we run it here on the Pre War site for awhile so it may be seen by the Pre War folks and gather Pre War comments and then move it? Say, a week?

I for one read the Pre War site nearly every day but rarely do I venture to the General Forum. Nothing against the General Forum, I just get enough time read the Pre War if I'm lucky. There's some good stuff and people out there.

I did get some private email traffic on the Century Award (I like that better than Centennial). I like hearing what people think.


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Think it's a great idea and something that should be included in a Board lead initiative to get more pre-War cars out to Nationals.


And, to think, I only have to wait another 14 years to get my Century Award.


Bill McLaughlin

1929 McLaughlin Buick Roadster

Supporter of "All Together Parking by Era"

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I applaud Brian for putting this out before the group and agree with letting it gain some momentum on the Pre-War forum first.

At the Springfield Nationals there was some discussion on this subject.in our group. I got wrapped up in other things and did not put it out at the general membership meeting. Anything that promotes bringing out the earlier Buicks gets my support.

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IMO, there is not a lot of desire for the brass & nickel cars at the BCA meets.  We are spread all over the place.


There was even a rumor that some of the post war owners were complaining that no one was looking at their cars and taking pictures.


Again, ya think it might be the layout of the show?


See my previous comments about how The Henry Ford/ Greenfield Village does their car shows.  They are the very best top tier experiences for both the exhibitor and the attending public.

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I agree as it should encourage more older cars at a National.  I good time to start would be 2016.  Sorry I missed this communication some time ago, but I was busy with a bit of brain and skull surgery. If I missed this also on the thread about improvement, I will check back there.  I have thought about this since about 2010, when I was running for the BOD. so hope we can institute something.



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I would support anything that will see the older cars being brought out for all to see. If the owners of these cars think that a century award will make a difference then it does seem like something we should be looking at.

For me when it comes to Club events something I think organisers might forget is the older Buicks often get left in the shed because the distance is too far for the vehicles that can't keep up with modern traffic which means we tend to see them in static displays rather road trips. Just a few thoughts

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I would support anything that will see the older cars being brought out for all to see. If the owners of these cars think that a century award will make a difference then it does seem like something we should be looking at.

For me when it comes to Club events something I think organisers might forget is the older Buicks often get left in the shed because the distance is too far for the vehicles that can't keep up with modern traffic which means we tend to see them in static displays rather road trips. Just a few thoughts


Distance is only part of it.  A big part is we are put out with the great unwashed on the back side of the loo spread out so we are not put together.  Kind of the divide and conquer mentality.  Split us up and we will go away.

Edited by Larry Schramm (see edit history)
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Distance is only part of it.  A big part is we are put out with the great unwashed on the back side of the loo spread out so we are not put together.  Kind of the divide and conquer mentality.  Split us up and we will go away.

I am sorry, but I just do not understand this point.


In Southbend the eldest vehicles were the first class, right outside the door of the convention center. In Portland they were the first row one would encounter exiting the main doors of the hotel.  In Springfield, the first class seen when coming through the main doors from the registration table.


Southbend was an anomaly with that fence between the driven/display class. . Portland and Springfield had two separate classes, modifieds and archival(unrestored).  In Springfield there were only a few prewar cars ( less than a half dozen)  and they were parked on the end of the class closest to the prewar classes.  Portland there was a distance between the two, but visible from either class.


So what am I missing on this issue?

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I attended South Bend (my most recent Nat. Meet to attend) with my 1923 Model 45 having driven it from 18 miles south of Flint (Fenton, MI) to the meet (~250 miles one way).  I was less than pleased with being placed in a side lot behind a fence with no access to the main show field as a Driven Class when I arrived.  Others there in the side lot, felt the same way.   I spent about an hour over there in the side lot at the 'Kids Table' before I moved to the 'Adults Table' and the main lot where most of my Pre-War cars & pals were.  I believe I had my partner-in-crime Mark Shaw with me when I moved my car as we honked the horn and gave the main show field gate the 'Bums Rush'.  Others followed.  I thought I was helping the Judges by not asking to have my car judged since it has been judged several time.  By trying to 'help' and placing my car in the non-judged Driven Class, I got parked in a side lot away from all the other friends, cars and action.


The whole hot potato of parking together has been discussed here on the forum at length and sadly I have heard the message did not get through to the Chief Judge who controls the parking at a meet and he again created different lots and did not let all cars/classes part together as many members have expressed a desire to do at subsequent meets.  We have lost members and cars attending meets because of this.  Rather sad as we constantly talk about how to improve and retain membership and something very simple is right in front of us and we seem to find 'reasons' as to why not to implement one lot with everyone parking together by years and only selecting venues that allow this.  And, perhaps lets say a Class, say, Modified wants to park together and not by year.  Fine, park them all together and do it right on the main field.


With that said, the point I believe my good friend Larry Shramm is making is that if the BCA continues to place Pre-War and Driven Class vehicles (and other classes) in a lesser field position (or side lot) then a Century Award will not be enough to encourage the owner to attend a National Meet.  I agree. 


Larry's other point (if I may Larry) is that he was told newer vehicle owners (non Pre War) were not happy where he parked his Truck at Springfield and too many Meet attendees were looking at Larry's truck and talking to him and taking pictures and not stopping to look at the newer cars and the non Pre War (newer) owners wanted the 'old truck' moved.  I guess I never thought of it, but there would appear to be members who find Pre War vehicles a distraction.  Personally when a 'wow' vehicle shows up at a meet, regardless of year, I think its great.  Good for that guy or gal, they brought something really cool, maybe a brand new restoration or barn find or rare model and people love it.  The Wildcat II at South Bend comes to mind.  Very cool.  Loved it.  Never ocurred to me to ask that it be moved so more people would look at my illegally parked '23. Ha.

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Here is recognition for 100 year old/ Century vehicles that are not a museum piece that never moves from other organizations.

( and they probably qualify also)


HCCA medallion                           AACA heavy brass medallion                                       

                                                     Presented by President of AACA         Buick Club of America




Edited by Larry Schramm (see edit history)
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See how proud Larry is to show his.  And it looks like his are already mounted on his truck.  Well done.  And the President of the AACA personally persented the one to Larry.


I did get one email that suggests the award should allow the vehicle to park at any National Meet in any location the owner so desires. Sort of like a free parking pass.  Nice to get/see some humor.  I'm confident we will solve this parking issue.  The jpg of the No Parking sign someone sent was pretty funny too.  And an PM from a BOD member that was positive too.


And that gets me to an important point.  The BCA is alot of things, but one thing it has to maintain to grow is to be FUN.

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