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ME & MY === 1958 Buick, 1958 Buick, 1958 Buick and……..


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I was understanding that the last digit in the engine # referred to the model. 4 for Special,  6 for Century, etc to 7 for a Roadmaster.  I just called that off the cuff without verifying. I could be incorrect.  But I don't know what a 3 represents.  And I would have to research the transmission codes to verify if that would be possible.  

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I see just now you posted after I left today.

I don't have anything in the way of reference material to help out with this. Maybe if you reach out to Buicknutty he might be able to advise as it was he who suggested this motor was a 1956 322.

I'm going to try and take off the speedometer gear anyway along with as much as possible but not clear why yet...


Let me know what you discover please.



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As stated above, continuing to dismantle what I can and today I managed to removed the starter but man, was that inside lower bolt a bear!! 

Had a heck of a time getting a wrench on it properly and to apply enough force to loosen it's grip.

Finally found a wrench that would go on and lying on my back managed to hit it with a hammer till it let go.


Then I decided to remove the motor mount and bracket.

Another awkward rusty bolt but persistence paid off.

Then went at the bracket, the mount had to be removed first for access to the three bolts in the block and... surprise!




The lower bolt near the cross over pipe apparently goes into the cooling passage as water gushed out of the hole!!


Looking at the mess wondered what I'd be faced with trying to loosen the exhaust manifold bolts looking at the rust around them.


Surprisingly the french locks were not bent over and after putting a wire brush to the bolt heads I grabbed my enforcer pipe and put it on my ratchet.

Managed to get them all to snap loose without breaking any.




By now it was getting late so will leave it as it is for now. Hope I get lucky with the cross over bolts into the manifold...

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This weekend I managed to find my 1" wrench to take out the speedometer gear in the transmission. Naturally it took a bit of a tap like everything else on this block.




I cleaned it up on my wire wheel and came up with this information.




Not sure if that helps further identify the year or not?


It cleaned up nicely and rotates fine.



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Decided this morning to start the week with something special. No not my Buick Special as the forecast for Tuesday night into Wednesday is for somewhere between 2-4 inches of SNOW!!!  Climate change indeed....


Anyway, if you have been following along, back a bit Buicknutty came and picked up the other motor I said he could have, helping me make more space in the garage here at home. After cleaning up and taking a break he says that he has something for me.

Seems he has many trees on his property and makes home made maple syrup and handed me a nice bottle of his work to sample.






Thanks Keith, it really hit the spot!



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Happy to say as of today 2/3 of the garage is now cleared of items that needed to be packed up and moved out.




I needed to make a trip out to the sea can but... by 3 pm it started with snow flurries and shortly after was building up on the grass making sure things would be wet before I got unloaded so went home to cover up the lawn mowers and hope the weatherman is wrong this time. Expecting 2 - 4 inches and freezing temps.


Not what we were looking forward to with May just around the corner.



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Fortunately this time of year most snow, even 3 inches, didn't cover any roads so no issues travelling around town.





The wife and I had a 9 am appointment to get our vaccination shots and found it quite organised therefore somewhat quick. With the 15 minute wait afterwards and reading the two page typed things regarding the vaccine, I headed back to the old garage expecting it to be cold inside but the sun was warming things up to a comfortable level.


I can honestly say I see an end to this clean out soon.

Have been so blessed with the new owner generously letting me not have a deadline!




Had two surprises while checking things out in the rafters.

One was a heavy box unmarked and once down found these.




The other was this large cardboard which I was actually considering leaving up there for the tear down.

Good thing I checked as it was a set of kick panels for the Special @Lancemb had sent me!!




With a gusty wind all day the snow fell off the trees and melted once on the warm ground. Like you stated Lance, we are soon out of the last signs of winter.


It's good to see the Limited clear of snow again.



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Good for you and Cindy to receive your shots, my neighbours and Stan and Jane Uher too this week.  The fellow installing the upholstery in my McLaughlin got his last week and I expect he will be here tomorrow safe and sound.  I wish I could say I feel invincible, but we are always mindful.


Regards, Gary

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I sorted some picture files this morning and while looking at them to place in some kind of order, thought I'd share just what this move started out like.

From exactly 2 years ago this month (2019):




And today:




My understanding from the owner is that by July of this year the garage will be demolished and the lot will be severed for him to build a new house. He found out that the severance is going to be 2.5 feet short of the minimum requirement in this area so he has to go through a Variance Procedure and if one person objects he will loose his 1,000 non-refundable application fee.

Meantime he has almost totally gutted the house on both floors including the attic ceiling to redo everything new. 




It's been interesting to see along the way as with having been built in 1908 this process has revealed a lot of history like the original knob and tube wiring, some of the reconstruction that I heard went on in the late 50's and the fact the lumber is FULL dimension 2x4's and so on.




The work being done to the house well, that's fine for anyone who has that kind of time and money but the garage, Going to be so sorry to see that go...


What these pictures are doing for me is reminding me of what NOT to let myself do again with the garage at home!

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Actually Bill it might be something of local terminology but yes the current 155 ft frontage is able to be "split", in normal cases, to a minimum 59 ft lots in this area.

Lot's currently are running in the area of 200,000 for an unfinished empty lot so can understand the owner going through the efforts to recoup some of his rebuilding costs that way. 

We looked at this many years ago but a good friend of mine in the industry said to me then that is was about the bottom line at the end of the day for the efforts and time it would take.

Having a young family with education cost and the times, just wasn't going to work for us.

The current change with housing/real estate values this past year has people gambling on future returns. 

Go for it, I'm dealing with enough right now.

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We call is subdividing down under and unfortunately is on the rise. Where there were once a house on a quarter acre block we now end up with two or three. Often the person subdividing is speculating and never lives on site.

For those that do, they probably end up spending all the profit and more on sound proofing and screening materials so they don’t have to see or hear their neighbours every move or noise!


No doubt councils love as they gain twice the rate income from the same property, no need for further infrastructure and all the other “benefits” that they will try to sell you!


Not a fan of it at all. Give me some decent space for a shed and a garden and some distance from my neighbour!


Just my two bobs worth


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Yesterday I tackled moving the spare motor for the Overland with help of my block and tackle. 

Could have used some help to guide it up the ramps as it wanted to drift off to one side but got it loaded slowly.




With no room in the sea can or the storage container I took it over to Mom's to put in the garage. She was out somewhere so backed up, set up to unload and tucked it in beside my sister's '66 Corvair. 


I then made a trip out to the sea can and after cleaning up a mirror that got broken due to a tire and rim that fell over on it, I head back to continue more cleaning out of the garage.


I've mentioned before that the rules of the road seem to have been rescinded since the pandemic and sure enough don't I see this on the 100 km/hour roadway that takes one to the International Ambassador Bridge.




It's this kind of thinking that doesn't help with the frustration people have to deal with.

Where is a cop when one needs one?? 🤨😏🙄

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 You certainly are making great progress, Doug. Lots of work though! Dividing large properties in Toronto is big business too. They will buy 2 adjacent older houses, tear them down and build 3. I'm not against anyone making a buck, but it really makes the neighbourhood look much tighter, and yes much less outside space for those of us that like it.

 Our old place in Scarborough wasn't quite wife enough to do that to, but it was otherwise a prime lot. So they new owners tear our old 1,200 sq ft house down and put up a 4,000 sq ft one and then sell at nearly 2 million or so.


 Back to Buicks! Neat to see that old series Ontario plate on your car, Doug.

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4 hours ago, Buicknutty said:

Back to Buicks! Neat to see that old series Ontario plate on your car, Doug.


Hey Keith thanks for your thoughts.

Yes I want to get back to the Buick's soon too!


The license plate on the Special is from 1972 which I will post a shot of later when I find a good shot of it.

That was when I registered it in my name and was the last year in Ontario that we had to turn in our old plates for new ones. In 1973 the Province started the "new" stickers in an effort to save the plate replacements. I believe I have the 1971 plate that wasn't turned in somewhere, but with all the cleaning/packing up can't put my hands on it right now but know I didn't throw it out!


Dare I say that's the kind of thinking I got myself into with this moving out situation saving things.....

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Well I'm in turn 4 of this horse race and the heat is on!


Spent yesterday loading and unloading the trailer twice to bring some things home and out to the sea can.

On the first trip home I get a call from a friend saying he was going out for a ride and wondered if he stopped by I could use a hand. Sure I said, meet me at home.

This was the first load.




After that was completed he offered to help at the old garage so over we went.

I didn't mention what he was driving...




Said it was only the 2nd time he has had her out in almost a year. (he has 5 other antique cars that run)

It's great to have friends with like interests.


With the trailer full again and it being almost 6 pm, I thanked him and  suggested he head home as I would unload it myself after dinner.


With today forecasting light rain showers will see how things go but I'm almost DONE!

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Yesterday the light rain showers were perfect for me to leave the work I contracted and go to the old garage. By mid afternoon I decided enough was put in the container and made the call to have it removed today.

There will be small cleaning up of misc things to either go in the other sea can or the trash later but soon, very soon, I can call this effort FINISHED!




Time to gather up my rain suit as today is only good for DUCKS!

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As luck would have it my oldest boy has conscripted my trailer and me this Saturday for a patio project he wants help with since his wife and son have gone to Hamilton to visit her family for the weekend. My father used to call it "COD", call on dad and was always ready and willing so happy to carry that tradition on while I can.

Besides, both the Special and the Nash are a ways out in storage and the only two that currently run in the collection...

There will be time for them yet.

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FINAL DAY for loading up the container as it left around noon!

Fortunately with the miserable rainy day it was I was able to back the trailer in the garage as far as I could to get a few more things loaded that I didn't want in the container now.




As I kept at it I received a call saying they were 15 minutes out so moved my rig out of the way for them.

It is quite the system they have for moving these things.






And it is controlled by a wireless unit much like one does with a radio controlled model car or plane.  He can adjust this drive unit to keep it level at all times ensuring nothing inside is subject to sliding around. Should have gotten into this business...



I have not spoken with the neighbours yet but can bet they are happy to see it gone from view.




This will soon be my parting shot as it will be demolished soon along with the green fence and part of the side of the house where the door is to comply with the mandatory 60 lot size in order to "sub divide" the lot. The owner is planning to build a new home for himself and family and re-coupe some of his costs by selling the old totally renovated house.

The neighbourhood its a changin'.

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After lunch I went back and cleaned up some of the misc cardboard and plastic from the floor plus put a few things in the trailer.




One of the last things to deal with will be that nailhead/transmission you see on the right which I will finish stripping out before it goes to the scrapper.


I also made an arrangement with the owner to remove the patio stones on the side of the driveway so grabbed a shovel to lift one at a time, grab the edge and walk it into the trailer. Rain, mud and weight, all in the effort to save a buck...?




Hmmm let's see, what else might I be able to salvage? (oh no!)



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I feel your pain!  I've been helping my father-in-law clean out his house as he prepares to sell his home.  His experience is much the same, although thankfully on a smaller scale as he was an electrician and A/V guy, so no engine blocks or large pieces.  He was frequently going into the piles of recycling or garbage and pulling things out that he "might" need... at 85 and almost blind, he won't be needing any of that stuff.  I mean, who needs 4 garbage bags full of floppy disks or 4 VCR's and hundreds of feet of component input cables?


 On the other hand, I was looking at the same stuff saying, that may come in handy, or I may it need at some point... ended up talking myself out of all of it, with most of the stuff being sold, donated or recycled.  I'd rather not keep moving and storing the same stuff!  Besides, I forget everything I already have stored for future use, so end up buying something new anyway.  Your garages are looking good and seems you'll be back to the Buicks soon!

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11 hours ago, dei said:

After lunch I went back and cleaned up some of the misc cardboard and plastic from the floor plus put a few things in the trailer.




I also made an arrangement with the owner to remove the patio stones on the side of the driveway so grabbed a shovel to lift one at a time, grab the edge and walk it into the trailer. Rain, mud and weight, all in the effort to save a buck...?




Hmmm let's see, what else might I be able to salvage? (oh no!)




I don't know @dei

It seems to me that salvaging a lot of old stuff is what got you into this 4 month project in the first place.   😉

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1 hour ago, JohnD1956 said:


I don't know @dei

It seems to me that salvaging a lot of old stuff is what got you into this 4 month project in the first place.   😉

Don't I realise that John!

The "oh no" part was my lame attempt at humour. Maybe should have posted some kind of face to accentuate the point?

The patio stones however are going to be used in a pathway to a new shed I will be putting in at the back corner of my property so while salvaged, not going to sit around not being used. My good wife will not allow that to happen or I will suffer dire consequences! 😍

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19 hours ago, dmfconsult said:

I feel your pain!  


 On the other hand, I was looking at the same stuff saying, that may come in handy, or I may it need at some point... ended up talking myself out of all of it, with most of the stuff being sold, donated or recycled.  I'd rather not keep moving and storing the same stuff!  Besides, I forget everything I already have stored for future use, so end up buying something new anyway.  Your garages are looking good and seems you'll be back to the Buicks soon!


From one Doug to another, I appreciate your post which explains exactly where my state of mind has had to go into!

Having been raised in a modest income family (no excuse) watching Dad do things with discarded objects, it just came naturally to pose what you said, "that may come in handy". 

Timing is everything in life and this was my time to get things in order. So be it.


Yes, I will be happy to return to the Buick's again (plus the other antiques) and thank all of you for enduring my many none car postings.

I, like I'm sure many of you, have missed the car adventures both on and off the road... Let's hope this summer we can get back to those gatherings and fun times! 😎


Stay Well,




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This week will be the last efforts needed at the old garage.

The last and final thing to move is the engine/transmission unit that most likely will end up in at the scrap yard.




Since I had a bit of time left to officially be out decided to take apart as much as I could not only to lighten the moving but also was curious to see what the pistons looked like.





That was fun... 

Fortunately all the head bolts came loose quite easily. No way is this thing going to going to loosen up to be able to get at the transmission bolts so once I pull the other head, drain the oil pan, out it goes.






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On 5/5/2021 at 9:55 PM, Buicknutty said:

That is a pretty scary engine!


Scary for sure!


I didn't go any further taking the other head off to see just how scary that was but had to load it up to get it out of the old garage since the crew were hoping to start tearing down the garage in the next day or two. Spent the afternoon Wednesday getting that done.

I set up my ramps supporting them as this thing is HEAVY!

Attached my trusty block & tackle and slowly worked it up into the trailer.




Had one very scary moment when I went to lengthen the blocks... I placed a 2x6 across the bottom wheels which appeared to be holding and as I stretched out the blocks (still attached) the unit started to roll down the ramps!! By the time I grabbed the block line the one wheel rolled over the edge and I had to put all my weight into pulling the unit back so it would not fall off onto the ground. (Two people would have avoided that)

Saved it and slowly lined it back up tying another line to hold it in place while I finished repositioning the blocks.




The rest went smoothly and once on board was able to relax.




So to make a short story long, the next day I wanted to go take it to the scrapper and called to be sure they would assist in taking it off. The girl said no problem but make sure to drain the oil before hand. Oh Joy! There wasn't much room to get my oil drain container under it so ended up with a large aluminium 4 inch pan. Once I got the tight drain plug loosened, what starts to come out but WATER! 

This thing for sure had to have gone in a river or lake so didn't feel bad for sending it to become a part in a new vehicle.

Even with the water taken out of the pan it wasn't big enough to hold all the oil so naturally made a mess but...  Off I went.


Hit the scale and the truck, trailer and load weighed:




Not bad for a 1/2 ton F150.


Went back to the old garage to gather up loose garbage even though the destruction will make things look bad while in progress but didn't want stuff on the floor for them.

This is my parting shot and the final results of roughly 5 months of work.



Soon this will look very different from what I was used to seeing when I pulled up...





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44 minutes ago, EmTee said:

Just for fun, post the 'before' pic to go with the 'after' pic above...  ;)


OK @EmTee, at the risk of totally embarrassing myself, here you go.




At this point there are just four cars and parts inside as I had the Nash parked in the carport covered up. It really was the start of the bigger "slippery slope" as once I moved the Whippet out, found I had even more room for "stuff"... like that rolling work bench for example. It did get used for a few projects before it got to this point but as the saying goes, Any flat surface needs to have something on it... my bad.


I'll limit it to this as my back (and mind) starts to hurt just thinking about this! 🤕



Thirteen years later I think I might have learned this wasn't a good way to go and hopefully won't put my boys through the same trouble when my time comes but...still plan on enjoying some of what I have left before that time comes.





Trusting anyone viewing this will learn what NOT to do to one's self.

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10 hours ago, dei said:

"...at the risk of totally embarrassing myself..."


Doug, quite to the contrary, please understand that the point I wanted to make was the effort you made and the satisfaction that you now feel for a job well done.  You should be proud of the accomplishment - I know how difficult it is and wanted to underscore the accomplishment.  That has to be a big load off your mind.  Now get going and enjoy that '58 Special!  ;)

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