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Working For My Favorite Magazine

Guest shadetree77

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Guest shadetree77

I just wanted to share my excitement with you guys. Shortly before the recent Nationals, I got an email from Pete Phillips Editor of the Bugle. He informed me that I would be receiving a Literary Award at the awards banquet for the hub cap restoration technical article that I submitted to the Bugle earlier this year. As if this wasn't exciting enough, he also asked me if I would like to be the Technical Article Editor for the Bugle!:D I have gladly accepted the position and my first article will appear in the September issue of the Bugle. I'll be responsible for submitting a technical article monthly on an as needed basis (there's not always room for a tech. article). I'm very excited to be offered an opportunity to write for my favorite magazine. I'll be using a lot of material from my Me and My Buick thread, so if anything looks familiar to you guys, you know where it came from. :) I'll be sure to make plenty of references in my articles regarding all of the help I get from you forum guys. I'd like to put a little spotlight on just how helpful and friendly this forum is. Maybe that way, I can increase forum participation amongst the BCA membership. Also, if any of you would like to submit an article contact me through the forum or through email. I'd like to get some different articles submitted occasionally so we can get a variety of car types in the Tech Article section. I also want to send out a big thank you to Pete Phillips for this opportunity. Thanks Pete!!

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Robert I read your article in the Bugle and thought it was very good. Looks like Pete has made the right choice. You might want to put some background information in a post here on the forum, like more information on what you do and some other personal stuff that the guys here get to know you. Pete says really good things about your writing. You have already heard from two of the best guys on the forum group, Mike and Lamar. Good job and good luck

Chuck Kerls


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I hope you understand that the USA government did this, NOT YOU......., if it weren't for the bridges and roads you wouldn't have this WONDERFUL assignment. Just kidding.......I'm proud to be an American, for sure.

I am very happy for you Robert. You, and you alone did this, good work my friend.

Dale in Indy

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ROFLMAO! ;) Dave BCA#46470 1952 56C I hope you understand that the USA government did this, NOT YOU......., if it weren't for the bridges and roads you wouldn't have this WONDERFUL assignment. Just kidding.......I'm proud to be an American, for sure.

I am very happy for you Robert. You, and you alone did this, good work my friend.

Dale in Indy

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Guest shadetree77

Thanks guys.:) I'm looking forward to it. I've been asked to write for local and college papers before but I've never gone through with it. Mostly because the things I was asked to write about weren't very interesting to me. It's hard to write about something if you're not very passionate about it. I've got plenty of that when it comes to working on my Buick though so writing a few tech. articles shouldn't be too hard. I think it will be fun and for the most part, it's just an extension of what I already do here on the Me and My Buick forum. Like I said before though, if any of you want to submit a tech. article at any time just contact me. It would be nice to get some year model variety thrown in there occasionally. Anyone can submit an article. Any of you guys that have a Me and My Buick thread can do like I'm going to do and comb through your old posts to come up with article ideas.

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Guest Rob McDonald

ROBERT, having you on the Bugle masthead just might be enough to get me to re-up my BCA membership. I admit to have letting it lapse recently - well, 1992 seems recent to me. I wonder if they'd let me have my old membership number back, if I could find it. The club is very lucky to have your gifted writing and enthusiasm working for it.

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Guest shadetree77

Thanks guys. I really appreciate the support. Rob, I read on here one time about a fellow that let his membership lapse waaaay back (sometime in the 70's I think it was) and he said that when he renewed his membership, he contacted them directly and they were able to dig up his old number and give it back to him. Might be worth a try. I don't know what it looked like back in '92, but today the Bugle is a really great magazine that I can't wait to get every month. It's well worth the "price of admission" so to speak.

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Guest Rob McDonald

WHOA, this is spooky... That's it, I absolutely must renew my BCA membership now! Thanks '53MACK for looking that up. I just told wifey that's why I should never throw anything out, at least nothing related to old cars. You can imagine the eye-rolling I got for that.

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Congrat's on your new position.

I've read a lot of your posts helping to solve others problems, and giving tech tips. Will look forward to much more now.

Thank God for "spell check" !!!!

Just kidding............

Mike in Colorado

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