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Warning to those that might be driving into/through the state of W.Va.

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Guest Xprefix28truck

Indiana signed this into effect July 2011....But they can't ask to see your phone if they suspect you of it. You have to admit to it. $500 fine. Not sure if anyone would admit to it...LOL They did give out 11 tickets for it last year state wide.

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Guest Water Jacket

Great Spirit, Gaia, God, Zeus, Minerva, Mr. and Mrs. America and all the ships at sea bless those making texting, cell phone use while driving a serious crime, and enforcing it. When will people learn that driving a 3,000-, 4,000- or-more-pound projectile demands undivided attention? Now,if only we could permanently revoke anyone's license if caught driving intoxicated.

The above's a start at least, great news for the rest of us who occasionally share the roads with such self-absorbed twits. Somehow, people managed to get to their destinations before ubiquitous cell phones, let alone texting, tweeting, ad nauseum.

Profound thanks for posting the above.

"The clowns at the circus, they're real funny. On the highway, they're murder."

-- Broderick Crawford (Dan Mathews), Highway Patrol

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why is that we have to legislate common sense?

Jim, that's an easy question to answer; the average american driver is stupid and only cares about one thing ... themself.

I never did a quote before, so I hope it comes out correct.


1933 Chevrolet

1962 Triumph TR4

1984 BMW 633 CSi

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I can not text while sitting at home,Let alone drive.Great law.A few neighboring cities have done the same thing.Still see it though.Picking up your cell,just to see who is calling,takes time off the road.The cell phone is a great thing,But normally do not answer it until i am free of what i am doing

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Guest Xprefix28truck

Just a side note....A bad one by the way....As I posted above Indianas law went into effect at noon on July 8th. My father in law was killed by a woman who was texting while driving at 2:48 on July 8th. He was 200 yards from home on his way to work. She was texting her boyfriend that she was running late for her date. She never made it.............The local sherrifs department still have her phone..

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Maine has an anti-texting law and a distracted driving law. There was a story in the newspaper a couple of weeks ago about the State Police conducting an enforcement on the Maine Turnpike. They have an unmarked Ford Windstar with a plain clothes trooper driving and a uniformed one in the back running plates radioing ahead to other troopers. They were driving under the speed limit and as people passed if they were doing anything but driving, they were stopped, including eating, drinking from a water bottle, etc., not just talking on the phone or texting. I don't remember how many they said were stopped but it was a lot.

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Guest bofusmosby

The phone companies should eliminate texting all together. It has cost too many lives. Heck, if I want to talk to someone, I'll call them. Never have text'ed anyone.....well, I don't even own a cell phone.:D

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Won't happen. They make too much money off texting.

Chapel Hill NC is enacting a ban on cell phone use while driving and it's coming under a lot of fire, from the state AG no less. Seems like he of all people should know what a phone-distracted driver can cause.

I have a cell phone, but I despise the thing. I will not answer it if the car is moving.

Edited by West Peterson (see edit history)
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There are supposedly laws here in Washington and Oregon prohibiting cell phone us and texting while driving. I'm not sure how agressive police are enforing the law but I still see my share of these blatant law breakers on a daily basis. I was almost hit by one that ran a stop sign that made no effort to even slow down while approaching it. Luckily I WAS paying attention. I constantly worry about my wife and daughter when ever they're on the road.

I can only hope that some day there will be some serious enforcement but even repeat DUI drivers are still out there so I seriously doubt anything will be done about it.:(

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Susan, the same WV bill also makes talking on a handheld device a secondary offense. In July 2013 it will be a primary. I'm glad but I hope they enforce it because DC has had this as law for years now but 3 out of 4 drivers are doing it. I take a commuter bus to DC and watch all the people texting.

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Guest my3buicks

They stopped far short with the texting ban - it is no more distracting than , putting on lipstick, doing your hair, shaving, eating, fiddling with your stereo, reading, etc, etc.

Is the law really going to stop texting???? NO - there are speed limits, people speed, etc

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