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Chevy Bob

Chevy Bob

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Hello Everyone -

I'm new at this forum with writing my own ideas and/or comments.

In the past, I just read the forum and did not participate.

Now, I'm upset about certain things with AACA and/or a national meet.

I have questions about the upcoming Homestead, Fla. meet.

Also, I have questions to National AACA about the raised fees for 2011.

Does everyone already know that car registration has been increased to

$ 30.00 for the 2011 year ?

I do not see any discussion on the forum about this.

Does this mean that everyone is OK with this ?

With the economy in the rut, I do not feel right about this.

Maybe the following year (2012) would have been better.

Secondly - Does everyone know, concerning the Homestead Meet, that the races will be going on during the Winter Meet there ?

The noise is back.

Last year we had the noise from the races and the noise from the jets flying around over head.

Any discussion about this ?

I'm just asking.

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Welcome to the Discussion Forum. I am not personally aware of the change in entry fees, but with what I understand about the cost of the trophies, I am amazed that AACA has been able to keep the fee as relatively inexpensive as it has been.

AACA membership is costs less than either of the two Model A Clubs that I am also a member of. The magazine alone is worth much more than the annual membership in my opinion. The actual entry fee for a meet is just a small portion of the total cost for the average member to attend a meet.

I don't know anything about Homestead, or the meet, or the surrounding events that will contribute to ambient noise levels. Sometimes, event planners get surprised by other events that get planned nearby at the same time of their planned event. I do not know if this is the case, but you could contact the meet chairman and find out.

Sorry that you are not happy, but I don't think there is much that can be done at this time to change any plans that you are not happy about for that particular meet. AACA is run by a board of directors. You can certainly contact any of those directors to voice your concerns. If you are not happy with the way the club is run, be sure to vote for directors that share your views, or maybe you should consider getting involved and helping with event(s).

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Matthew -

Thank you for your reply.

I understand that planning a national meet location can be difficult.

Most of our members would like a nice location with the host hotel close by.

This is very hard sometimes to establish.

But, this meet was at the race track, last year, and they knew the noise was a problem afterwards.

Couldn't the date for this Homestead Meet have been a week later or earlier to ecape from the track use ?

Don't get the wrong impression, I enjoy the AACA and the hobby.

But there are times when you do not raise fees during a bad economy. (A right time and a wrong time.) Now, for the 2011 year, does NOT seem to be right.

Just my opinion.

Chevy Bob

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The A.A.C.A. is like any other business, they must cover their expenses or go under. That would be a tragedy for the hobby we all love. No one wants to pay a higher price for anything. But sometimes there just is no choice.

It does seem strange that the Homestead meet would be held at the same time as a NASCAR event. But we haven't been to that race to know how much impact they have on each other as far as places to stay, etc.

Next year there will be a meet in Bristol, TN. It will not be held at the same time as the races because the races are pretty much always sold out for the night races in August. People would have to stay too far away from the show field and most likley a host hotel would be impossible to get close by.

If someone doesn't like racing then the noise from a track would tend to put their teeth on edge. Then there are those of us that love the smell of race fuel in the morning, afternoon, evening......:rolleyes: :cool:

Edited by Shop Rat
To remove the reference to the magazine. Peter feels it is misleading to refer to it here. (see edit history)
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Susan -

Thank you for your comments.

I plan to attend the Meet in Bristol, Tn.

I hope things work out well for the Appalachian Region.

As for the So. Fla. Region, they must be using the track because its the best location for them. I see no problem with that.

But, knowing you are going to have another Winter Meet again the following year, one would think they would correct the time factor for 2011 and not have the meet at the same time the track is being used with very loud race cars.

Perhaps the choices were not there.

I don't know.

I just hope this doesn't hurt the attendance for the meet.

As for the increase of the reg. ( for 2011 )of our cars to $ 30.00, we have no choice.

Chevy Bob

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Tommy -

Homestead, Fla. has a fairly new race track and the SCCA has their races there.

The SCCA are the ones having their race the same time the So. Fla. Region is hosting the

Southeastern National Winter Meet. ( March 3-5, 2011 )

This track also supports NASCAR.

These cars make a lot of noise. The show field is right outside of the track.

Hence, the very loud noises.

Plus, for 2010, back in March, when they hosted the Winter Meet at the track for the first time, we also had F-18's or some fighter jets, from Homestead Air Force Base flying over the show sight at low altitudes.

Perhaps this year (2011) the jets won't be there.

Chevy Bob

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Tommy -

Homestead, Fla. has a fairly new race track and the SCCA has their races there.

The SCCA are the ones having their race the same time the So. Fla. Region is hosting the

Southeastern National Winter Meet. ( March 3-5, 2011 )

This track also supports NASCAR.

These cars make a lot of noise. The show field is right outside of the track.

Hence, the very loud noises.

Plus, for 2010, back in March, when they hosted the Winter Meet at the track for the first time, we also had F-18's or some fighter jets, from Homestead Air Force Base flying over the show sight at low altitudes.

Perhaps this year (2011) the jets won't be there.

Chevy Bob


With due respect I believe the negative PR coming out of this thread is very unfair to the hard working volunteers that put on meets and the Homestead Meet in this case.

Why not contact the South Florida Region, get the facts, then, post them.

People thinking about attending are reading this and the reason I really believe it unfair that already there is misinformation. You do not like the price of $30. Well, only the Region can explain it and I would bet it is due to costs out of their control. The people noting that $30 is worth the AA Magazine are not correct. Current AACA Annual Dues are $35 and "well worth the cost of the AA Magazine".

The timing of the Meet and a race: I will bet it is also due to circumstances out of the Region's control. The Region does not own the property where the meet is held. The owner's of the property tells the Region when they can hold meets. Again, out of the Region's control.

Please, in all fairness to the South Florida Region, contact them, get the facts, then post them here.

Thank you,

Peter J.

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.....The people noting that $30 is worth the AA Magazine are not correct. Current AACA Annual Dues are $35 and "well worth the cost of the AA Magazine". .....Peter J.


Please re-read the posts. You will find that no one mentioned the cost of the membership. Only that the magazine was worth the price of the membership.

The amount of $30 was only mentioned regarding show vehicle entry fees.

It would be a good idea, as you stated, for Chevy Bob to contact the Region in question with his issues. None of us here can speak for them.

Chevy Bob,

Here is the contact information for the South Florida Region.

South Florida Region

President - Andrew Leavy

9665 NW 49th Pl

Coral Springs FL 33076

Here is the link to their web-page.


Edited by Shop Rat (see edit history)
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Peter -

Thank you for your comments.

You are correct that the So. Fla. Region is at the mercy of the race officals.

And I understand that the Meet location is a hard place to find and accommodate for all.

Perhaps like I stated before, the dates should have been changed to bypass the races.

This Region did the same show last year.

They know about this problem.

As for the price increase, ( nothing to do with the Homestead Meet ) I was only talking about the show car registration for 2011.

I was not talking about the AACA dues.I like AACA and my fellow antique car guys.

But, this economy is bad right now. People may not understand that a place like Florida has been hit hard. An increase in Car Show Registration may have been a bad choice.

But, perhaps you are right. We should not discuss the show and let the cards fall.

I do appreciate your input.

Chevy Bob



Likewise appreciate your comments.

To make it clear 2 respondents to this thread topic erred by indicating the $30 registration fee as annual AACA dues.

I remain that is the questions here should have been directed to the South Florida Region first so we all have the facts before going so public.

When I was a on the National Board I served on the National Activities and it is one heck of a monumental effort to find a venue large enough to accomodate meets. Again, I am willing to bet that the dates were dictated by the property owners...(Wrong in the past however we will see)

Personally, I have entered my TR in 37 National Meets and had an absolutely wonderful time at each and every one of them. I guess I am easy to satisfy and roll with the punches.

Give the South Florida Region a fair chance to respond here, folks.


Peter J.

Edited by Peter J.Heizmann (see edit history)
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.....To make it clear 2 respondents to this thread topic erred by indicating the $30 registration fee as annual AACA dues. Peter J.

Actually Matt and I did not refer to the $30 registration fee as annual AACA dues.

Matt made this statement: "AACA membership is costs less than either of the two Model A Clubs that I am also a member of. The magazine alone is worth much more than the annual membership in my opinion." I agreed with his statement.

I have deleted my reference to the magazine since you feel it is misleading to talk about it on this thread. Matt can decide for himself what he wants to do.

It is not right to accuse either of us of doing/saying something that neither of us did.

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Actually Matt and I did not refer to the $30 registration fee as annual AACA dues.

It is not right to accuse either of us of doing/saying something that neither of us did.

I referred to the references that the $30 registration fee Bob is questioning came across that the AA Magazine is worth the membership (which is $35 per year). Never mentioned names.

Point is: Let the South Florida Region respond and go from there.


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Peter and all,

I do see that I have a minor typo in my original attempt to answer Bob's original post. I am going to leave it as it is and try to continue from here.

My original response was intended to respond to Bob's statement of:

"Now, I'm upset about certain things with AACA and/or a national meet.

I have questions about the upcoming Homestead, Fla. meet.

Also, I have questions to National AACA about the raised fees for 2011."

It was my intention to point out the everything about AACA is really a deal in my opinion. I have no idea if the cost for that meet, or any meet, or all meets is going up. Even if the cost is increased, I have no problem with it. I am still amazed at how inexpensive AACA membership, meet entry fees, and tour entry fees are.

You get a lot of fun for your investment in AACA. I don't think I would be having nearly as much fun in retirement if it were not for this Discussion Forum, provided for free by AACA. I enjoy attending National, Regional, and Chapter meets and Tours.

As I said, I don't know anything about this meet, or the surrounding area or events. I trust that the meet organizers are doing the best that they can to put on a great meet. I may just have to check the calendar and see if I can make it down there.

Again, let me suggest that Bob contact the Meet Chairman with any questions about the meet. If he has a question or complaint about AACA, he should contact the appropriate director, or he should get involved, volunteer and work to do things how he thinks they should be done.

I consider Peter and Susan both to be friends. I recognize that it is easy to misunderstand something when reading it. I don't think that it is a major issue and I don't think that any of us are going to get upset over a minor misunderstanding.

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It is very difficult for the average member to understand all that goes in to running this club. AACA, through its board of directors makes very careful decisions in regards to costs. Raising the car registration fee was a simple measure to stop the hemmoraging of trophy costs to the national club. Despite very agressive work in trying to find other vendors both in the US and Asia we are taking a big hit on our trophies. Costs rose last year 40% and we had to eat them. It would takes volumes to explain all of this but do the simple math about the awards we give out at national shows and it is painfully obvious that we lose money at the vast majority of our meets (thanks to two long standing regions the trophy costs are not an issue).

However, the club does not want to lessen its award programs! We take pride in giving out awards that we feel are meaningful. We are constantly trying to make our awards better, not cheaper. In 2011 our Junior trophies will have a real marble base!

As the person who is hired to run the financial side of the club I can testify to what goes in to trying to run this club successfully and soundly so future generations will have an AACA to serve them. We have expanded awards and services over the last seven years and have hired professionals to run the club and library. We have heavily invested in our magazine to make it the premier magazine in the country (IMHO). AACA provides more value for the dollar than any other club I am aware of, anywhere in the world. Our dues are ridiculously cheap and the cost to enter a car in a national meet are equally in line. Most dues for large national car clubs are over $45.

Bob has a right to his opinion but to me a $5.00 increase given what we offer in return is not excessive. None of this money goes to the region, the $30 fee goes to national to help offset our awards programs. Anyone want to hazard a guess what the Senior trophy costs? I have posted it here before so some of you know it costs triple the registration fee!

The location of the meet and date will not suit everyone but look at our national schedule! It could not be held the following week as we have a meet in Puerto Rico. The region stepped up and very graciously agreed to host a meet again this year and this is when the facility was available. Some of us loved the racing and gave us a break to go and watch the cars. The banquet is being held off site this year so the noise will not be a problem during dinner.

Host hotel locations and costs are hard for every meet planner. Most of our meets are held during times we run into the tourists season, there is no way around this in many cases.

Don't forget, that your national directors are not reimbursed for going to all national meets. Many directors have to attend every meet and the $$$ comes out of their pockets. When they approve of costs (most show cars) it affects them as well!

As for we having no choice..you do! Contact your national directors (their names are in the magazine) and attend round table meetings at meets to speak your mind. This club is run for the member's benefit period. The club still has to survive financially, still has to pay its bills and still needs to build resources for the future including the new website heading to you by our annual meeting. Hosting this forum ain't cheap either folks!

Anyway, this has been longer than I wanted. I completely understand Bob's frustration so I hope he understands mine. There are explanations and reasons to everything but it is not always easy to communicate them to everyone.

Thanks for listening.

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Not only is there a meet in Puerto Rico the following weekend, but some people might plan to make both meets in one trip so you couldn't reallymove it back,either. There is also a cruise leaving from San Juan the day after . This cruise is sponsored by an AACA group led by Don Reid of the Queen city Region. I am thinking of doing all three.

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I judged at Homestead. Can't say that the noise particularly bothered me but I was a bit disappointed when a group of drivers set up a stand and started giving autographs during the show. If I were just a visitor to the show I would have come away with the impression that the AACA meet was just an added attraction to the racing and not an event unto itself. I get the same impression at Charlotte and at any AACA event held in a mall parking lot. Our cars deserve to be showcased in nicer surroundings whenever possible in my humble opinion though I understand the time/cost/ space restraints.

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It is very difficult for the average member to understand all that goes in to running this club
That is a major understatement. It took chairing a meet for me to ever to be able to comprehend all that goes into operating AACA. I don't know it all, but after seeing firsthand what I did see, I appreciate what everyone on the national level does. From Steve Moskowitz, the ladies in the office, to the national directors, they all work hard.
As the person who is hired to run the financial side of the club I can testify to what goes in to trying to run this club successfully and soundly so future generations will have an AACA to serve them. We have expanded awards and services over the last seven years and have hired professionals to run the club and library. We have heavily invested in our magazine to make it the premier magazine in the country (IMHO). AACA provides more value for the dollar than any other club I am aware of, anywhere in the world. Our dues are ridiculously cheap and the cost to enter a car in a national meet are equally in line. Most dues for large national car clubs are over $45.

I want to say that the Early Ford V8 Meet in Saratoga is $85. Also understand that for the full time employees that make their living for AACA, you most likely won't find many people who will work at their jobs as hard as they do. I consider a lot of these people as 'gifts' because if they left, it would be very tough to ever fill their shoes.

[quote name=The location of the meet and date will not suit everyone but look at our national schedule! It could not be held the following week as we have a meet in Puerto Rico. The region stepped up and very graciously agreed to host a meet again this year and this is when the facility was available. Some of us loved the racing and gave us a break to go and watch the cars. The banquet is being held off site this year so the noise will not be a problem during dinner.

Host hotel locations and costs are hard for every meet planner. Most of our meets are held during times we run into the tourists season, there is no way around this in many cases.

In 2007 when I began preparations for the 2010 meet, I met with the chamber of commerce, and many of the merchants. The Chamber of Commerce was concerned that the meet could affect normal tourism. The show field was held at the local college, and with the LPGA coming in mid June, I had a 3 week window to schedule our meet. As fate would have it, after three years of planning, the college began a construction project 8 days before the meet started. At the last minute we had to change signage, traffic, and spectator parking. The project wasn't supposed to taks place until the Monday after the meet, but the county let out the bid without working with the college.

Because of the demands that is placed on the National Directors, that's why I have no interest in being one. With the additional meetings, plus the meets, it takes a lot to be a National Director. For me working nights and having rotating days off, it would take not only a large amount of my money, but also a large amount of time away from work. The next time you guys go to a national meet, watch your National Directors. Most of them are running around like chickens with their heads cut off, and from my vantage point, I see no fun in any of it at all. Even if there was a form of compensation involved, I personally don't see the appeal, and I applaud those who are willing to put themselves through the abuse. I've been watching those guys for a while and I don't see any fun in what they do. To be on the national board is not within my financial means.

That is one statement that can't be emphasized enough. I had some members of my region who refused to participate in the national meet that we hosted "because they weren't going to bust their butt so that AACA national could get their cut." We still have members who believe that, and despite what you put in the region newsletter, tell them, they will never believe any different. I can say that AACA National does not get a cut, and that registration fee covers not only the cost of the trophies, but the dash plaques, and up to $7 towards judge's breakfast as well. When you take that $30, and spread it out, that money doesn't go far. Also remember the time and efforts of the folks in the office who work to assist the regions who are hosting the meet as well.

The cost to put on the meet in Canandaigua was over $60,000, four months prior to the meet we were at an $8,000 deficit, one week prior we were at a $1,500 deficit, and we worked our butt off and turned a profit.

It's easy to go to a meet and complain, but it is hard to put the rubber to the road when it comes to putting on a meet. What impresses me more is how the Hershey Region has put themselves through that kind of abuse for 55 consecutive years.

After doing what we did in June, my appreciation for the entire club and how it operates has grown. To be honest with you, I don't know how they get the things done with what they have to work with.

Edited by ex98thdrill (see edit history)
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  • 2 weeks later...

My $0.02

As some on here have surely seen, I am sometimes critical of some of the decisions the AACA makes; however, I continue to be a member because (1) i think the AACA does a great job of keeping the Antique Automobile hobby thriving and (2) none of the issues are large enough to cause me to not want to be a member.

Thirty dollars to show a car shouldn't be an issue for most folks. If you can afford $25, the extra $5 is in the noise.

As far as the Homestead Meet. As others have said, until you are in the middle of planning a National Meet you can't truly appreciate the work that is involved. I was the Co-Chair for the 1996 Grand National Meet in Huntsville, AL as well as Region President that year. I spent MANY long hours working on that meet - so many that I didn't have time to prepare my Senior Car for the Meet so I didn't enter it. There are many things that go on behind the scenes of a Meet that most members never see. And seldom does anyone acknowldege your hard work but there will always be those who complain about this or that.

I suggest you decide to either go to the Meet understanding there may be noise or just don't go.

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THe registration fee is chump change compared to the Hotels. Taking advantage of the meets, they charge through the roof. For Fall Hershey, I used to stay at the Mariott in Harrisburg until they started charging $260.00/night, and you had to book for 3 nights minimum. Now I drive down in the morning and back home in the afternoon. I really miss the banquet, but what can you do. I can't drop a grand on one show.

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.....Taking advantage of the meets, they charge through the roof. .....

I am very proud to say that for the Meet in Bristol next year those of us that are going to be camping at the Lakeview RV Park just down the road from the showfield, we will be paying LESS than what the regular rate is.

I personally arranged for that with them. Bill and I stay there for the races and they decided to lower the rate for the AACA members that stay with them for the Meet. :)

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THe registration fee is chump change compared to the Hotels. Taking advantage of the meets, they charge through the roof. For Fall Hershey, I used to stay at the Mariott in Harrisburg until they started charging $260.00/night, and you had to book for 3 nights minimum. Now I drive down in the morning and back home in the afternoon. I really miss the banquet, but what can you do. I can't drop a grand on one show.
I won't disagree with you one bit, but understand, that is the way Hershey is. It isn't to the fault of AACA, HERCO, or the Hershey Region.

The hotel/motel owners at Hershey know they can take advantage of people, so they cash in. York is about 30 miles away from Hershey, and you can save a lot of money if you're willing to drive 30 miles. We used to sleep in the back of the pickup during Hershey, but then about 10 years ago we found out that they had lodging available at Fort Indiantown Gap. Being that my dad and I are both retired Army, we can stay there, and it is very reasonable. It isn't plush, but it's clean and it's cheap. If we can't get a room, we'll sleep in the truck at our flea market space and we'll grab a shower at the stadium.

Another option other than York may be Carlisle.....

Yeah driving 35-40 miles each day may be a pain in the butt, but if it'll save you in excess of $100 a night, it's well worth the drive. THen again, when we went to Louisville this year, we booked our Hotel through priceline.com and saved about $80 a night there as well.

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Since I'm the Chief Judge this year at Homestead, I'd love to see more judges registrations start coming in. I have about 10 so far. Let me say this, Bob and others. I was glad to see Steve Moskowitz come in and answered this post, number one; but also, deep South Florida has grown so much, it is nearly impossible to find a large enough Meet site and the racetrack stands out being able to handle our cars, but remember the race track is a commercial facility. Also, I want to commend the South Florida Region for stepping up to the plate when another Florida Region withdrew late into the game plan. Two years in a row is no small undertaking. Cape Canaveral Region stayed the course for 2012 and also to fill the void, my own Region, Orange Blossom Region in Lakeland, stepped up to the plate for a second National; and is holding the 2013 Meet after having done the 2009 Meet when the Region was only a couple of years old. There is a lot of dedication within AACA that is spread all around. I'm grateful to have been a member for 49 years as of January 1 coming.

Edited by Dynaflash8 (see edit history)
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Guest melmann

As show chairperson for the upcoming 2011 national winter meet down here in Miami, I wanted to add my .02 about this event.......

It is extremely difficult to find a suitable venue here in Miami for a national meet in the heart of tourist season. We are extremely fortunate to have the priviledge of using the Homestead/Miami Speedway facility that can accomodate everything we need.

Let me address the issues that were raised by some. Obviously, doing back-to-back national shows allows us to tweak anything that was not 100% last year. That is not to say that last year's event was bad, but there are things that will be improved.

For most folks, it was very exciting to be there while The Grand Prix of Miami is being held. This is one of ROLEX series races, and it attracts thousands of spectators to enjoy our antique car show. During our car show, the only racing going on are the qualifying rounds. We will have the track's PA system turned off to minimize announcements and music. The actual race is held at night, during the awards banquet. This year, we are holding the awards banquet OFF SITE at a country club nearby. So, noise during the awards banquet will not be an issue.

The food venders service, the lighting, the signage, the trailer parking - will all be improved.

The cost of hosting a national meet can be enormous and can wipe out the treasury of any region. The Homestead/Miami Speedway has minimized all of our costs, and rolled out the red carpet to the AACA.

I am grateful to our chief judge Earl Beauchamp, not only for playing such an important role in this show, but for his wise counsel to our region throughout this process. Thank you earl !! Come on judges, let's get signed up early.

The week following the winter meet, is the special meet in Puerto Rico. So, our date is purposely scheduled a week prior so that judges and members can travel down to Miami and then fly from here to San Juan.

Looking forward to seeing everyone join us at the 2011 National Winter meet next March down here in sunny, warm south Florida.

If you any questions about the event, check out our web site: www.aaca.org/southflorida.

Happy holidays and new year to all,

Mel Mann

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Re: Hershey Rates. Do your homework and use some of the comparison sites (Orbitz, Priceline, etc). I found a room for someone this year at about $100 a night and it was only 15 minutes away. He had no complaints. Hershey rates in the summer aren't cheap either, it is a tourist area. Be a smart consumer and you may find a solution to your problem...can't guarantee it but you might!

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