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A couple of thoughts about the National


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Just finished reading the July 2010 Bugle and a couple of thoughts popped in my mind. Rick Young makes the statement that the open car show has raised a few eyebrows amongst Buick Club members, but my thought is that the open car show is our chance to show the other clubs that attend that we are not a bunch of old folks and that we have an interest in all makes and models and years of cars. We need to welcome the other clubs with open arms. The open car show can set the standard for our club in the future. We may even convert someone from another car company to BUICK. What could be better. The one thing that all car clubs have is pride in their ride, it is a golden chance to show pride in our rides. I wish that we could have cars other than Buicks from all over the nation to our open car show. This thing could really grow if we welcome the other clubs. So raise an eyebrow if you want to but we do not live in our little world and there is a lot of other great cars out there.

Then there is the fact that the Make a Wish Foundation will reap some financial rewards of the efforts of the the open car show. It is a really good charity and when we are able to help people who are really in need we become the club with a heart.

I will challenge our whole club to chip in a few extra bucks at the car show and make the goal of $6,500.00 a reality.

My hat is off to Rick Young and Bill Stoneberg for thinking outside the box and changing some things up to get a little different results. There will always be someone who does not agree with the direction the club is going, and we always think that we have to have the youth to grow. That is only part of the solution for growth, we need to have people in the Chevy, Ford,Dodge clubs to see how good the Buick Club really is and go out a buy a Buick and add it to their collection. We now have the chance to have a new member, so on Saturday lets all get out to the open show and thank all the other cars for coming. They are our guests take a few min to talk Buick to a Ford or Chevy guy and see what happens.

I think this will be a very exciting National and if you are sitting on the fence make the decision to make plans to go to Iowa. Its not too late to register and if you want to have a car judged you still have a whole 5 days to get it done.

Drive friendly

Chuck Kerls

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We somehow need to have BCA applications in the hands of several people on Saturday so that those applications can get to potential new BCA members that attend with Buicks or as often happens, they know someone with a "old" Buick.

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We somehow need to have BCA applications in the hands of several people on Saturday so that those applications can get to potential new BCA members that attend with Buicks or as often happens, they know someone with a "old" Buick.

Better yet include a past issue of the Bugle with the application.

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Regionally there are a lot of sub-clubs, chapters and just plain local groups that have no national affiliation.

Inviting other groups is A OK with me. 1st, other groups know there will be cars there - the Buicks. 2nd, witha good cross section, show walkers can see different style directions in those years of interest.

I don't know about future years, let's just take one National at a time.

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Good comments. I have a couple of other thoughts about the BCA National too.

1. I agree that we should invite other clubs to participate not only in our national, but also in tours and other activities during the year. Once a year is not enough to get others interested in the BCA.

2. Historically, it seems that only the BDE and PWD organize Buick tours in conjunction with our national meets. Since we are a car club, why do we travel by bus to local attractions during our national meet? I believe we should encourage our members to caravan in their Buicks to local attractions. Our members and the BCA would save some $$ on bus charters and become much more visible to the local community. I know some will want to polish their cars the day before judging, but Buicks were made to be driven, and we should make arrangements for those who want to drive their Buicks to do just that.

My 2 cents...

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Just to expand more on this, I recall that the Reatta group also does a drive at the National Meets and last year in CO, the newly formed '59 group had a separate gathering. So there is some interest in driving.


John, you're right about the '59 Division at last year's Colorado meet. I hope that we can build a sufficient presence at future Nationals to make a driving tour happen every year. Here's one shot from Colorado last year:


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Just to expand more on this, I recall that the Reatta group also does a drive at the National Meets and last year in CO, the newly formed '59 group had a separate gathering. So there is some interest in driving.


And the Reattas are doing a rendezvous again this year from Ames to Jewell to the dinner that we won from Rick Young. Wouldnt miss it for anything. Hopefully we will have 30 Reattas on the road at once. We always have a good time.

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The dinner in Jewell was designed as a drive to dinner for everyone to drive their Buicks to dinner. It is after the judging, so you dont have to pamper your car.

Jewell is closing it's main street for parking and the town is cooking classic Iowa treats, sweet corn, pork, and turkey and hopefully deserts. There will be 2 bands on stage for entertainment.

As of last week you will be part of over 150 cars going to Jewell and only 10 people who want to ride the yellow school bus.

Please come and join us, There are no excuses. What else are you going to do on Friday night in the middle of Iowa ?

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I am going to watch the "baseball men"... on that diamond in the corn field ...wait you can't see them... so it's just me, Kevin Costner and James Earl Jones...huh!

J/k looking forward to Jewell...which reminds me I need to bum a ride there in someone's Buick! Who has an extra seat for me?

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Sorry I didn't mention the Reattas & 59s guys... The BDE and PWD have toured together before, but I have not been involved in your tours.... Wouldn't it be a great scene for all of us to leave the meet touring together?

My point is that we should be encougaging our members to drive their Buicks for the organized tours by offering the option to save a few $$ and skip the bus rides. Hopefully we can do this for future national meets.

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Guest BCAOffice

The BCA Office Staff will have a bunch of BCA applications with us for all the volunteers to pass out.

Mike & Nancy Book BCA # 9202

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