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Hey you guys down South send some heat this way

Guest sintid58

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Guest sintid58

Last weekend we got nearly 2 feet of snow, thats unusual even here. I went to work Thursday night at 930 and didn't leave the building until 3pm Saturday. (slept on a couch). Here are a few pictures of my house and the snow. The first one is looking out my front door and the rest are coming down my street. By now they hauled the biggest snow piles away last week with a payloader and gravel truck. I included a picture of my house in better weather.






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Guest kaycee

:(Looks like the Buicks were smart and headed inside before all that white stuff hit. The heaviest snowfall that I can remember was about 20 years ago when my family was headed back home to northern wisconsin from visiting my folks here in Illinois after Thanksgiving and got stranded in Portage Wi. ( about 180 miles from here in Illinois and another 180 miles to home up North. No motels with vacancies open, filled up at an open gas station, and spent the night with a saint of a older eighty + year old lady who had lost her husband a year earlier and took my wife,me, and two children in along with another family. One of the local churches had opened their gym with cots set up for all the people stranded, but my wife had just undergone back surgery and could'nt sleep on a cot, so the lady's offer we gladly accepted.

The snow started all of a sudden, and resulted in 24 inches in 10 hours with snowplows and everything else off the roads, and the temp dropped to 10 below zero that night. In the morning the sun was shining, I dug my '78 Riviera out and drove home to north of Rhinelander ,Wi.

'Never felt so thankful as the night we spent with that elderly lady who fed us home made turkey soup that she had made after Thanksgiving day. We kept in touch for many years and then could'nt reach her any longer.

I'm back in Illinois where we get some big snows too, but this year so far it's been the 4-7 inch stuff so I won't complain yet. I still like our four seasons, but

the older I get the more I dread snow.

Hopefully you received your last big storm for the winter! Take care.


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Guest JeffnGeorgia

It's not that warm here either. Its Saturday morning at 8:30 and I'm a few miles west of Atlanta. The weather guy just said that our temp is 24 but with windchill figured in its like 15 degrees. Our high for today is going to be right around freezing. I like the pictures of the snow. I used to live in Indiana just south of Fort Wayne. I can remember some big snows up that way. I'm going to go out in a couple of hours and start up my 1946 Super to get her warmed up.

Take care and stay warm,


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Guest sintid58

We got down to -25 last night and the high today is only supposed to get to -3. They are talking wind chills of -40. Nothing runs good in weather like this.

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I was born and raised in Connecticut . After spending two years in Hawaii and two years in San Diego in the Navy I finally got it ! Been here for 50 years !

<TABLE class="ts std"><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top>Weather for Alpine, CA

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<TR><TD>79°F | °C

Current: Sunny

Wind: NE at 10 mph

Humidity: 15%



<NOBR>72°F | 41°F</NOBR>



<NOBR>71°F | 44°F</NOBR>



<NOBR>71°F | 41°F</NOBR>



<NOBR>70°F | 42°F</NOBR>


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Snow and more snow. It started here around 1:00PM Thursday and has been snowing lightly since. Guess we've had 5"-6" but we're in the 4"-8" range for tonight and tomorrow morning. So far, winter hasn't been that bad. Just a few times below 0 and now about 1' of snow on the ground. I've inherited my uncle's mobile home in Florida this year, 3 more years to retirement, I hope, and we'll be there for the winter.

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The Austin TX area had a cold December, the 8th coldest on record...... the chamber of commerce claims we "normally" have 12 nights that get below freezing per year and it seldom stays below freezing during the day. I don't know how many we had last month but it was more than 12 night below freezing. I will admit it only got to 26 overnight at the worst, but I migrated from Indiana to get away from the snow and cold.... I may see if Sweeney has

a room over his garage.

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Guest sintid58

We are getting it again, been under Blizzard warning for past day and below 0 windchills. I was in St Louis yesterday and loaded for home around noon. Usually go across 70 and up 29 but went north on 61 through Waterloo and skirted a good part of the storm. Last night the last 50 miles I was pushing through 2 foot drifts on I90 most of the way. No traffic to speak of and I did get home around midnight.

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That's just frost...not actually snow. That's what windshield scrapers are for... :D:rolleyes:;)

Derek, I just used the word SNOW with poetic license, it just seems more impressive than FROST. Anyhow, 10 minutes after I took the pics, the sun hit and the frost was gone. No frost this A M, but cold spell is supposed to last another few days. Best wishes to all y'all in the REAL cold........ Jim

P S: No scrapers shall touch my windshield. I let global warming take care of it....

Edited by 89REATTAJIM
Learned to spell Derek correctly (see edit history)
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We can't spare any heat right now -- We don't have any.

Today we only got up to 38.

Going down to 25 tonight

Should be back to 68 by mid-week -- we'll send heat your way then.

You would think that all the hot air from our local politicians we would be better off ! At least 2 of them resigned this week -- the Chief Accounting Officer, and the Parish (county) President who appointed him. The C.A.O. will get his $182,000+ annual pension despite any potential convictions he earns, and probably the other will get even more. Don't ya love it ?

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Guest kaycee
We can't spare any heat right now -- We don't have any.

Today we only got up to 38.

Going down to 25 tonight

Should be back to 68 by mid-week -- we'll send heat your way then.

You would think that all the hot air from our local politicians we would be better off ! At least 2 of them resigned this week -- the Chief Accounting Officer, and the Parish (county) President who appointed him. The C.A.O. will get his $182,000+ annual pension despite any potential convictions he earns, and probably the other will get even more. Don't ya love it ?

:) Marty,

Actually, most of that hot air is farther north from you, up in Wash.DC!

:) kaycee

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Derek, I just used the word SNOW with poetic license, it just seems more impressive than FROST. Anyhow, 10 minutes after I took the pics, the sun hit and the frost was gone. No frost this A M, but cold spell is supposed to last another few days. Best wishes to all y'all in the REAL cold........ Jim

P S: No scrapers shall touch my windshield. I let global warming take care of it....

Thanks for the chuckle. Good idea on the scrapers...ultimately they'll scratch. Perhaps not so good an idea to wait on the global warming though.

Much warmer up here today and we are predicted to get above freezing for a couple of days this week. That'll just make a mess of the roads for when we return to normal-ish winter weather.

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Guest sintid58

I am going to get my shorts and tank tops out today, we are supposed to get to 22 degrees today, Thats the warmest its been since before Christmas, and its supposed to hit 32 by midweek, that'll be sun tan weather after the past few weeks. The other day I had the 55 running really wanted to take it for a ride, not going to happen for awhile yet.

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