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ONE WEEK from Today


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I'll be on the road to Hershey, took a bit longer than normal to get in the full "Hershey anticipation mode" but I'm getting ready. Can't help but wonder if the recent Wall Street events will effect the swap meet. Will people be parting with past "Keepers", and will people have less play money?

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Guest imported_Packards1

I am exactly ready as you are. My cube van and explorer are loaded with parts to sell, they have both been serviced and gased up ready to go. I get to leave sunday morning with a friend of mine that I was in the Air Guard with. The air is now cooler and the thoughts of another Hershey are here.

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Wish I was as ready as Pat and Pack. The slide in camper and truck are ready and I'm starting to think about stacking up the flea stuff but haven't yet.

I have to put the half the down stairs back together from having new flooring put down today, then I can get seriously started, I hope.

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Guest imported_Packards1

Jim, I have to be honest. I didn't have to pack all the parts for the trip. When I got back from Hershey last year, I never unloaded the cube van. I just put it in storage with everything in it. That way no mad rush of loading up. If I had to load up like I used to, i would be scrambling like everyone else.

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Guest ZondaC12

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Reatta Man</div><div class="ubbcode-body">While you are walking around out there, WATCH OUT! The SKY IS FALLING!

Enjoy the event and ignore most of the news hysteria! </div></div>

That's the thing it's good we have our hobby to keep our minds off the crazy stuff out there. Jeez it seems like more and more I feel like I don't really care what happens, if the president matches my viewpoints if everything sways left or right if this or that happens. Just like......DONT make any laws that say I can't play with my clunky ol' iron and dont take away my gasoline and I'll be ALL SET.

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: R W Burgess</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Hey Bob, have you replaced that Ford van yet???

If not, keep Nearchoc's phone number handy. You can use mine too, if it's serious! crazy.gifsmile.gif


PS, raining in Virginia today. Let's hope it gets out of the system. </div></div>After last year, I'm sure it's on the speed dial!

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Guest Steve_Heald

I'm still going to work every day this week, but as time ticks by, a greater and greater percentage of my brain is in beautiful Hershey, PA. No car will be joining us on the trip this year (well at least on the way down, on the way back... who knows). We leave Friday after work to be there for the Library & Research Center Committee meeting on Saturday morning. Hershey in October for nine days: priceless.

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: nearchoclatetown</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: R W Burgess</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Hey Bob, have you replaced that Ford van yet???

If not, keep Nearchoc's phone number handy. You can use mine too, if it's serious! crazy.gifsmile.gif


PS, raining in Virginia today. Let's hope it gets out of the system. </div></div>After last year, I'm sure it's on the speed dial! </div></div>

Doug, Last week I found the radiator header tank from last years fiasco, SIGNED and dated by the gal who helped put the thing back together, and later went on to set a LSR Record at Bonneville. How cool is that!

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Guest Mark Golding

Got everything lined up looking at it I'm wondering if my Bus is Big enough.LOL

I have loads of Parts for Lincolns fenders etc make sure you stop over to see what I have.

Mark Golding GBK 41-44

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Let's see:

mount some new tiedowns in trailer, Pack trailer, Get camper ready. load comaper on truck, Yep preety close to being ready.

I might have to move a semi triler that's blocking the street. Can get around it with a car but not my truck with the camper on it. mad.gif The people are moving an older gentleman out of his house is the reason for the trailer but it would have been nice if ABF would have dropped it closer to the edge of the road.I wonder what they paid Dick Tracey to park it there and not get ticketed. No trailers are allowed to be parked on the streets at night here.

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For us it is get the travel cages for the ferret (we are down to just Taunee. Junior had to be put down on Sept. 20th due to blood sugar issues that could no longer be controlled with medication) and the chinchilla ready and into the RV. Do a few last loads of laundry (got to have LOTS of extra socks grin.gif ), pay the last of the bills and make sure everything is battened down in the RV to go up the road.

I sure hope we find enough parts this year so that Bill will say we can go back in 2009. We found NOTHING last year for any of our cars and I was lucky to get him to agree to go back this year. Every year it gets harder to convince him to go. But this year we will be looking for things for <span style="font-style: italic">Woodstock</span>, our '74 Mercedes Benz 450SL, so that opens a whole new area of parts to look for.

Hope you all have a safe trip and I get to see some of you there.


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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Steve_Heald</div><div class="ubbcode-body">No car will be joining us on the trip this year (well at least on the way down, on the way back... who knows). Hershey in October for nine days: priceless. </div></div>

So Steve are you bring an empty trailer just in case?

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Bob, I must have missed something last year. I don't remember you mentioning any mishap or misfortune on the road when I saw you at your spot last year. Would the others who know more about the incident care to share with the rest of us??? Not that I would ever use this info to my advantage........


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Frank, They were 21 inch rims, I really thought they were Model T Ford items, it was an honest mistake...............Hershey 2007 the four hour trip down on Tuesday took TEN HOURS ! looking back on the whole deal now it was really a great experiance. The plan was to meet a friend and his wife in New Jersey and drive to Hershey, a little bit after the first hour from home the van started to overheat. Plastic header tank had a split on top about 8 - 10 inches long. Long story short I bought all the JB Weld I could find until we arrived at Hershey. My love of Post War cars is only exceded by working on daily drivers. Had the old radiator out by mid day Wednesday, Doug of Nearchocolatetown fame got me a new one from the local parts guy and we finally got things buttoned up and ready to roll Sunday morning. There is a water tube in a Ford E-350 that runs under the intake manifold that had a hole in as well, after repairing it connecting that piece required removing more engine items. Trip home was fine. I've been good to the van this year, new ball joints and two new tires. see you Tuesday whistle.gif<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: oldford</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Bob, I must have missed something last year. I don't remember you mentioning any mishap or misfortune on the road when I saw you at your spot last year. Would the others who know more about the incident care to share with the rest of us??? Not that I would ever use this info to my advantage........

Frank </div></div>

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> Bob's Story!

.....Long story short I bought all the JB Weld <span style="text-decoration: underline"><span style="font-style: italic"><span style="font-weight: bold">I could find</span></span></span> until we arrived at Hershey.....</div></div>

The Facts;

He bought all the tubes of sealer that <span style="text-decoration: underline"><span style="font-weight: bold">JB Weld could find</span></span>. Needless to say, their stock offering has been strong ever since and the factories have been busy trying to restock their shelves. wink.gifgrin.gif





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Guest Steve_Heald

Bringing an empty trailer might be a little obvious for Miss Pamela. If the right one shows up, it needs to be <span style="font-style: italic">her</span> idea! If the blessed event happens, other arrangements can be made. wink.gif

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Bringing an empty trailer might be a little obvious for Miss Pamela. If the right one shows up, it needs to be her idea! If the blessed event happens, other arrangements can be made</div></div>Yeah but if I remember right, you had talked to us about heading home with an empty trailer last year.

I'd be willing to bet if you had found that Chrysler before us, you wouldn't be heading to Hershey with an empty trailer...... smirk.gifsmirk.gifsmirk.gif

Just don't get another car that takes up too much time to assemble trophies in 2010. grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

I need those 315'ers available laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">We already know whatever he Pam gets has to have been made in 1910 to complete the collection!</div></div> At least if Pam has a 100 year old car, the chances of having her take off on you is pretty slim. If she does take off she won't be going very fast. laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

Actually I know Pam wants a 100 year old car so she doesn't have to buy a new outfit grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

No new cars means no new clothes, no new clothes means you save money.... hmmmmm maybe you're on to something crazy.gifcrazy.gifcrazy.gif

Stick to antique fire trucks Steve. That way all you have to buy in clothing is a helmet, coat and boots. whistle.gifwhistle.gifwhistle.gif After second thought, may you'd better not. If I buy another vehicle my wife will most likely take the axe off on one side and my mother will take the axe off of the other side, and my father and I are $crewed. eek.gifeek.gifeek.gif

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Driving into work this morning I saw a fair amount of old cars parked at the Hershey Lodge, also a few rain drops hit the windshield. Yesterday was a perfect day. Checking the forecast the weather predictions seem to change every other day. Yesterday = Friday and Saturday no rain, this morning = Friday and Saturday showers.

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