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Robert G. Smits

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Everything posted by Robert G. Smits

  1. One of the stories is that when Buddy Holly found out that Waylon had given up his seat on the plane he said "I hope your feet freeze on the bus". Waylon is reported to have replied "and I hope you crash"
  2. Probably not many of us are old enough to remember the event. I was a freshman at Iowa State University and a Buddy Holly fan. Memorialized in "American Pie". A good article can be found on Wikipedia if interested. Although not auto related it involved a mal functioning Tour bus and a plane.
  3. This is an original that will never be restored as long as my name is on the title. I admire the owner for resurrecting what looks like a pretty far gone example. Do you have a photo before you started the restoration?
  4. I purchased Al Edmond's (AACA Past President) 32 Cadillac under somewhat similar circumstances. Al told his wife that he wanted me to have the car before Alzheimer's had completely incapacitated him. The last time we visited his garage he stopped and looked longingly at the car and muttered, "That's a nice looking car, I wonder who owns it" Sometimes I sit down in my car facility with a good single malt and remember all the good times we had together. Consider yourself lucky if you never have to deal with Alzheimer's in a close friend or family member!!!
  5. I was just going to comment that the lines are very similar to my 34 Pontiac Cabriolet with rumble seat. It was my first antique auto purchased from the co founder of Mannheim Steamroller, Your car is beautiful and in much better shape than my original 34. I was always going to restore it but Cadillacs got in the way
  6. I miss touring with all my AACA and VMCCA friends, I miss sitting down in a restaurant as I am getting tired of "take out". I miss getting dressed up in a Tuxedo 5-6 times a year for gala fund raising events. I miss seeing my grandson graduate From OU in June and his sister graduate last week. There will be no re-runs. Zoom just doesn't cut it. So far my wife and I have missed contracting Covid and for that I am eternally grateful. Can't wait for 2021.
  7. i Keep mine covered except for the closed cars I drive in nice weather.
  8. I took the 66 LeMans convert out for a spin on local country roads. Didn't think to take a photo and couldn't be gone for long as my wife had spine surgery on Nov 18 and I am her private duty nurse 24/7. Not even allowed to tie her shoes for 6 weeks. Obviously not getting and time to work on cars. Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. Can't wait for 2021!!!
  9. Living in Iowa until 2000 I remember the winter drill well, One year I kept the 58 Barritz at home longer than I planned so on Christmas day I drove it on I35 to my storage facility with the top down and snow falling. Truckers loved it. Unfortunately you couldn't take videos with "brick phones"
  10. I know the feeling. It took me 10 years to locate 90 series hood side panels for a 38 Cadillac 40 years ago. Younger members can't imagine what it was like before eBay and the internet. Happy Thanksgiving to all
  11. This becomes a problem that slips up on you. You can afford the next car on your list but forget how much time it takes to properly maintain a pre war car for touring and enjoyment. After a while you realize you haven't driven a particular car for five years. It takes time and money to bring them back. Getting older doesn't help!!!
  12. Stayed there many times. When you arrive by ferry you are met with two aromas, chocolate and horse sh-t. (No cars other than emergency vehicles) Experiencing High Tea is worth the stay. Beverages and scones on the grand porch with a Harp playing in the background. Nice to experience how the rich lived in "the day" for a kid who grew up on an Iowa farm without electricity until I was eight.
  13. Which is why my next daily driver will be leased!!!
  14. 1912 Garford, The only surviving Garford, The earlier ones are Studebaker-Garfords. Historically a few Garfords were produced 1907-08 but none survived to the best of my knowledge
  15. If someone offered me this car for free with the understanding that I had to restore it I would turn it down in a minute but then I have been there myself. Trying not to be negative but this is a money pit and not a valuable car when finished. On the other hand if you have a lot of free time on your hands and wish to try your luck at restoration offer them a thousand. Several years ago a friend purchased a 32 Packard coupe in this condition and restored it to a AACA first prize. He then sold it for $50K less than he had in it. When I was young I thought my time was free. As I look back I wish I had spent more time with family and less on my hobbies
  16. Bill I appreciate you desire to fulfill the wish of your late friend but there is something you haven't mentioned and that is the wife ASKING you to assist her in the disposal of the collection. Until that happens I would do nothing. The husbands wishes may be a moot point especially if she had no personal interest in the collection. If you have been appointed the "go to guy" i would ask for a written agreement laying out what your function and responsibilities are. Are you willing to do this on your dime or do you expect to have your direct expenses paid out of the proceeds. Actually in your last paragraph you describe conditions that preclude you from being the "go to" guy other than assisting from afar. Having been involved in helping settle the estate of a dear friend (AACA past president} my advice would be to stay on the bench until asked to get in the game. Estate's bring out the worst in people. Just my TCW
  17. My first antique car. Re painted by the PO in 1960. Driven on Glidden 34. It will be back on tour this spring
  18. Ed, I know I speak for almost everyone on this forum when i say THANK YOU for keeping it original!!! As you know many would have converted this into a "Trailer Queen". I made this mistake on several cars myself including a 31 Cad V-12 with 34K original miles. As I aged in the hobby I realized the historical value of unrestored cars that you can drive and enjoy.
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