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Robert G. Smits

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Everything posted by Robert G. Smits

  1. The Eastern Massachusetts Street Railway Company was a streetcar and later a bus company beginning in 1919. It was in service until it was acquired by the Bay Transportation Authority in 1968. I purchased this sign at the fall Mt Doro Antique Show 20 years ago. Although I was attracted by the graphics I always thought this was a fantasy piece. Today I noticed that it is dated in the lower right hand corner A-M 1-63. What do you think??
  2. Interesting booklet that came with some EMF literature I purchased years ago.
  3. Went to that downtown first Friday celebration last night:
  4. Nothing wrong with going overboard unless you are buying on credit. We have the Pate Swap meet coming up in a little over 2 weeks and I can't wait. Great collection of Buick memoribilia. Reminds me that I have a similar heavy paper weight to the one you found. The question is WHERE???
  5. I finished my ENT residency in 1972. In 1973 I attended a post graduate course at the House institute in LA where much of the initial work was done on Cochlear Implants for treatment of total nerve deafness. The initial implant was a single frequency and required each of the 4 patients to come to the lab 5 days a week for 8 hours and be connected to large computers that occupied most of the room. Until they were hooked up to these large computers they had no hearing. Since it was a single frequency they did not hear "speech" as we understand it but computer input helped them recognize words and improved their lip reading skills. Thanks to electrical and medical advances the modern cochlear implant now has 120 channels and the external wearable device has been reduced to the size of your thumb and is programable. Probably the most recognizable Cochlear Implant wearing Celebrity was Rush Limbaugh.
  6. Going through a file cabinet today that hadn’t been disturbed in years.
  7. Peter I agree with you completely, however when you turn 81 you will realize that almost all of the "people" are gone and all you have left is the memories. Thankfully my wife and I have many younger friends but it is not the same as going to swap meets and camping in the back of a 70 Chevy pickup with a camper shell as 1912Staver related. Getting older isn't all it is touted to be but it beats the alternative. As a friend reminded me, always eat your desert FIRST!!!
  8. What a great example of late 50's styling. I love it and wish it was in my garage. Unfortunately at my age I am no longer acquiring cars. GLWTS
  9. Ed. that is one of the most profound statements on life I have heard. One of the advantages of money is what you can do with it like my friend who helped fund the library and will have his name on it, although I would prefer to do it anonymously.
  10. Another one from the Saturday Evening Post. Interesting vignette at the top.
  11. I would agree with Ed I was 12 years old when electricity came to our farm. Didn't have AC in a car till after I graduated from college and now my wife's new car has the self driving option. I would agree with Dave s that my wife of 38 years was more important to happiness than the money or the cars. If all of my cars disappeared tomorrow I wouldn't miss a beat as long as I have my health.
  12. More examples of framed paper adds from magazines. My son used to go to swap meets with me. To keep him interested I would let him purchase these adds
  13. I guess we all think alike. I probably have over 100 antique frames of various sizes hanging in my shop. Hope I live long enough to use them!!! BTW very nice framed calendar Terry
  14. A couple of brochures I picked up years ago. The first is a 23 page sales brochure listing four models and all the mechanical aspects of the car. The second is titled operating instructions but is really a shop manual. Both are for the Model 5.
  15. Here is another repo I received as a Christmas gift. Looks nice hanging on the wall in a man cave
  16. I always knew the Grommet location was incorrect. I think this is a "red flag" on many repo signs
  17. Another sign I though was identical to Reicholzheiner’s however this one is double sided and was thrown in with the purchase of a 32 Cadillac. Always thought it was fake. Anyone know where these come from. Does anyone have a photo of an original? Sorry my iPhone trimmed it
  18. I just came across a couple of pump plates in my storage facility. I assume these are real. SS porcelain on metal, 12 by 18 inches. Purchased 30 years ago.
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