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Everything posted by Studemax

  1. Does driving an old postal jeep for a couple years count?
  2. I have a massive collection of postcards portraying land speed racing cars, 60's show cars (kustoms and dream cars), and hot rods. Still growing, too - but it's getting harder to find stuff I don't already have.
  3. I know a lady who owns two of them.... one white, one red.
  4. My guess is a Jag powered special.
  5. Been sold in America under a variety of names... Most VW powered, but I saw one with a 350 once... Valkyrie, I think?
  6. The grille reminds me of a Rockne....
  7. This stupid notification popping up every stinking time I click on something has GOT TO STOP! What idiot thought it would be a good idea to harass us?
  8. All this yak about bowtie stuff, and yet no one has pointed out the biggest leap to a wrong conclusion about Studebaker 289's..... That they were made by Ford. I hear that one all the time.... However, Studebaker had a 289 ten years before the Blue Oval gang marketed a 289, and anyone with working vision could see the differences between a Stude 289 and a Ford 289 if they were placed side by side. For one thing, the Ford distributor is in front - Stude in back. Stude motor is much bigger (they were heavy SOB's). Also, Stude exhaust had the middle ports siamesed - ala Ford flathead and Packard 352 V8 (another Ford misconception). There are other visual differences - I just hit the highlights.
  9. I'll bet someone over on the HAMB knows what this is....
  10. Yes, Studebaker.... 50's or 60's, I'm sure.
  11. But you obviously have the internet, right? So watch it anytime you want on the channel's website. That's what I did. And stop harping about it wasn't what you wanted. He's going to do LOTS of them, OK? Soon you will be rewarded. Don't expect Jay to please every car guy with every show. Can't be done. It was good entertainment, folks. Lighten up.
  12. Only 14 items. Since I had less than $150 in those 14 items, I'd say that is a decent profit. For a small timer with just over 500 sales, I'd say that IS kicking butt. I still have 20 or so auctions yet to pop, and hold high hopes for them. You are doing well, indeed - but is your profit approaching 800%? I guess it's all relative. My point in this thread is.... if you don't like eBay, then don't sell there. I like it, and am doing my best to master it. Besides, it keeps me out of the crack houses.
  13. Well, in the last 30 days my selling page shows $1371.46 in sales. How'd you do?
  14. Oh, really? What policies would those be.... specifically? You can't tell me, can you? Problem #1 - The Post Office just jumped their rates for boxes.... A LOT. On bigger stuff it's now cheaper to use FedEx (and their tracking is way better than USPS and UPS, anyway). Problem #2 - Some lazy eBay sellers use eBay's shipping calculator instead of thinking for themselves and doing a little footwork before listing. The upshot is this - since eBay now takes a cut of the sale PLUS shipping, they get more money if you use their super high priced shipping calculator. I want to keep sales brisk by having low shipping. I seldom miss by more than a buck or two. On really small stuff - like screws or badges that sell for less than $5, shipping is where you will make enough profit and make listing it worthwhile. SO.... do the work beforehand, don't just list the stuff and hope for the best. If all else fails, try a slightly higher price and offer free shipping. That usually does the trick. If the idea is to sell your stuff, then SELL IT. It's work, folks. Deal with it.
  15. It's THEIR playground, so if you wanna play there, it will be by their rules. Suck it up and deal with it. Personally, I'm kicking butt on eBay. No complaints here.
  16. Yup. I had a Western Auto Truetone Guitar and a Truetone amp when I was a kid. It was a rocking combo!
  17. Grandad used Studebaker trucks on his big farm until they shut down the line in South Bend. He was a skinflint, and didn't waste money on unreliable vehicles.
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