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Everything posted by Studemax

  1. "Star Trek Voyager"? What you pictured was the Enterprise. This is the Voyager.
  2. Looks like a Spartan to me. Made in Tulsa.
  3. Guys, lighten up. It's a design study, and MB has no plans to tool up and build them. I think it's cool.
  4. Gary has performed an awesome feat. I am green with envy.
  5. Go edit your profile.... Re-enter your location. Or not.
  6. Seriously? You realize most cops were IRISH back then?
  7. As mentioned previously, many older drivers find larger steering wheels easier to handle. Simply compare a late model steering wheel (on the fat side) to a 30's, 40's, 50's, or 60's, steering wheel. Which one is more comfortable? You seem to be forgetting something.... These old cars were made to drive, and if they are easier to drive - all the better. You can do what you want, but don't sneer because someone else made an adjustment in order to enjoy his or her vintage auto.
  8. Peter, you have NO IDEA just how civil this forum actually is. Go to YellowBullet.com where there are NO moderators at all. The tagline at the top of the page is "Where The Weak Are Killed And Eaten", and they are close to correct. I've never read so many f-bombs and mother-effers in one place before. This place is paradise by comparison. You wanna make a difference on the net? Go over there and see if you can take control.
  9. Gary Ash is an awesome possum.
  10. Yes - I can explain it. You are WRONG. Period. Most of the Model A guys have 6 volt systems, and they drive them ALL THE TIME. Many 6 volt cars in the Studebaker Drivers Club have no reliability problems. You are correct - use the largest wire you can find, 00 size or even welding cable. Adding a 6 volt positive ground alternator is a good mod to help out charging issues. When I put one in my '49 Champion, the headlights became bright white instead of yellow, and the dashboard lights brightened up. It never failed to start for me - cold weather or hot. I never considered changing over to 12 volt - I didn't need to, it was going to cost too much, and I wouldn't have gained anything.
  11. I was referring to lithium-iron batteries which NO ONE has figured out how to recycle yet. Like the ones in the Chevy Volt or Tesla.
  12. I am so ready to see you vrooming around a track, Gary.
  13. Yup. In the rush to go all "green", no one bothered to figure out how to recycle these new batteries. Guess they aren't as green as they claim to be.
  14. Spammers..... May their tongues rot in their mouths and rats dine on their entrails.
  15. I know who Mad Man Muntz was, and I know his nutty ads. How the heck is the second part of your post connected to the OP's post?
  16. Used to be a bar here in town called The Family Dog back in the 60's and 70's.
  17. Sounds like it's high time for another revolution in Old Blighty.
  18. Back in the 70's in high school auto shop I worked on an old Buick that had banana peels in the rear differential. Took quite awhile to pull apart and completely clean out before reassembly and new fluid.
  19. Why the heck are you even posting here? They are made to drive.
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