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D Yaros

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Everything posted by D Yaros

  1. Not able to answer specific question, but my guess is no. You might find it easier to replace the movement (retain face and hands) with a battery powered quartz unit?
  2. Looks to me to be a late 50's era dash plate?
  3. Having epoxied my garage floor, I second everything said by Hullinger!
  4. Interesting? Wonder how well it works on a car that has set out in a field for a decade or so?
  5. A How To: on installing a lift in a low ceiling garage - http://www.chrysler300club.com/tech/lift/rj.html
  6. Having been in the hobby for more than a few years now, I can truthfully say a lot of our folk put their trust in WIX filters. An sure you will get buku opinions on this.
  7. I see no reply and wonder if the difficulty is/was related to the hugemongous hack this past weekend?
  8. My 1976 Ford Pinto had 185K on the odometer and a Franz TP filter on it when I passed the car on to the 2nd owner!
  9. Definitely Olds. Looks to be 1954, 1955 vintage?
  10. Nice, and it went to someone who really appreciates her!
  11. Congrats! It has been more than a bit of effort, has it not? Where and how much?
  12. Well, I watched the Harley - Davidson melodrama in delayed viewing mode. Let me say up front that I live in Milwaukee. I am very familiar with H-D and the exact location where Harley-Davidson Serial #1 was fabricated. Needless to say, the shed is no longer there. In fact while the location is across the street for the H-D admin offices, nothing motorcycle related is on that site today. Ok, here is my perspective: The producers and/or directors have no cred (as in credibility) or integrity at all. The basis for this viewpoint is the fact they showed the the guys mulling matters over a beer, and that beer is clearly Budweiser. The fact of the matter is, in turn of the (20th) century Milwaukee, no one was, would be, drinking Bud. I mean come on, Milwaukee at that point in time was home to "The Beer that Made Milwaukee Famous" - Schlitz, "The Champagne of Bottled Beers" - Miller High Life, "Milwaukee's Finest Beer" - Blatz and "What'll you have?" - Pabst Blue Ribbon. Bud, I don't think so, not in Milwaukee! I wonder if the fact that Budweiser was a major sponsor of the show had anything to do with the producers and directors prostituting themselves for the almighty buck? Secondly, the introduction of the baby pig (hog) was more than trite, and without any basis whatsoever in fact. HOG = Harley Owners Group. Per Wikipedia: The Harley Owners Group was created in 1983 as a way to build longer-lasting and stronger relationships with Harley-Davidson's customers, by making ties between the company, its employees, and consumers. As an aside, the precise location in Milwaukee of the shed where H-D #1 was fabricated is now home to the Millers Coors Brewery complex.
  13. The pics do NOT look like the tach used by Oldsmobile and Pontiac. In fact, the pics have a Stewart Warner look to them, IMHO?
  14. Since you say you now have "the correct one," could we maybe see a pic? I suspect it is the same tach GM used in Oldsmobiles and Pontiacs of that era. A pic woud confirm/refute this assumption.
  15. I could not agree more. As a rule I HATE continental kits, but this one does seem to integrate very well with the lines of the Merc!
  16. https://encrypted.google.com/#q=Allen+Paul+Oldsmobile
  17. Cannot speak for all of GM, but do know that my 1962 Oldsmobile has left-hand threads.
  18. I used these guys for the vacuum booster on my 1962 Olds and was more than very satisfied. I would not hesitate to call on them again if needed - http://brakematerialsandparts.webs.com/boosterrebuilding.htm
  19. I know nothing about 34 Buicks. You might want to pose your query in the Buick Pre-war section; below? That said, I cannot envision any 34 Buick engine turning 8,000 RPM. Be surprised if the engine turned 5,000 RPM. The lower the high-end on the scale, the more accurate and easily readable the gauge would be.
  20. It looks like this 98 has a gas door guard on it? http://sacramento.craigslist.org/cto/5749663301.html
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