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Larry Schramm

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Everything posted by Larry Schramm

  1. Do you have a serial number for the chassis? If so, Dave Corbin is the king of Buick build information.
  2. To TheNEwcomer. Do you have pictures of your model 35?
  3. Got a picture of what you are looking for?
  4. If the car is retrofit capable without changing the compressor, rubber lines, etc then the only thing that would be different would be the caps on the high and lower pressure ports where the gauges go. IMO, given the gov't mandate and that R-12 is hard to come by, I would not think there should be a decuction for R-134A caps. Again, IMO, Cool air is Cool
  5. That is like Mashing the accelerator (gas pedal) for those of you so inclined.
  6. The headlamps look like the correct National brand head lights that Ford used in later vehicles.
  7. Barry, Correct on working for Fords. Two items to think of is that prior to 1955(i think) Ford was a family owned business like the grocery store or restaurant down the street completely owned by the Ford family so employees really worked for the Ford(s) family unlike the other stock car companies. Ford's would not really be the correct terminology but is commonly used.
  8. Can you post any pictures. That would help on determing what kind of axle attachment you have. If you truly have a tapered axle to the hub, one other method is to loosen up the axle nut ( DO NOT TAKE IT OFF)and SLOWLY drive the truck in some figure 8's in a parking lot. This should get it loose.
  9. Each brand in GM did not have an exclusive plant of their own except their home plant. That would be Oldsmobile in Lansing, Buick in Flint, Pontiac in Pontiac, Cadillac at the old Fleetwood plant in Detroit. Chevrolet did have their own plants because of volume. Each plant only has one assembly line and the cars would come down the same line at the same time. There could be a Buick followed by a Pontiac followed by an three Olds in a row. That is the way they built vehicle then and still to this day. Mix would be determined by sales.
  10. How big is that in cubic feet compared to a coffin?
  11. If it was a real truck, then you might want to talk to Mark Shaw who has one of that vintage. In the early 20's Buick made some commerical chassis with some of them made into trucks. About 1/2 way down the page is a picture of Mark's truck http://forums.aaca.org/f115/buick-trucks-197297-3.html
  12. Jim, Remember like any computer...garbage in garbage out. Too many persons think that the scanner will give them all of the answers and they overlook the basics.
  13. Jim, I agree. You do make a point that the diagnostic equipment is making the vehicle repair almost undoable for the individual. The basic code readers that can be purchased for under $100.00 are mostly a waste of money. To accurately diagnosis current vehicles you need some type of scanner/computer and most of the factory dealer essential tools are over $2,000.00. These make fixing many items that go wrong quicker and easier, but one is held hostage to someone that has access to the diagnostic equipment.
  14. Jim, I guess there might be some truth to the obsolence of car parts that the majority of persons can work on with enjoyment, but as time goes on I believe that there will be innovation that will help in many areas of vehicle upkeep. I was talking to a friend of mine that does door modules for vehicles and he told me that he extpects in the future where a door window electronic module goes bad, you might not be able to get the exact module with things like express down feature, etc... he expects that you will be able to get a generic module that will allow for window operation. We may be moving into a period that to keep a vehicle running you will need a fair amount of computer savy to understand the operations of the vehicle.
  15. The real question is ...Is it raining in the next county?
  16. Here is a map of the Russian time zones. Looks a lot different than how the US has done their time zones. http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/46717000/gif/_46717360_russia_time_466.gif
  17. A lot of the price increase has come from new technology in paints and environmental requirements.
  18. Not all plants only built Buicks. Some of those plants probably built Pontiacs & Oldsmobiles in addition to Buicks. The only plant that just Buicks were built in I believe would have been Flint. There might have been some Chevrolet production in some of those plants too, but I do not know.
  19. The location of the horn is about the same as 1918 D-35 4 cylinder.
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