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Everything posted by mercer09

  1. well Bob, we've all opened it. I have no virus. nada. I would be far more concerned with opening your email acct then a survey that has been listed here. after all, you buy gas with your credit card and an attendant has instant access to your ccd.
  2. too many naysayers............ Ive flipped all my life and came out ahead. you have to start somewhere.................. go have some fun! ps see what age does to you? it makes you pragmatic and negative.
  3. Smart looking car! I do prefer the larger wheels.
  4. why dont you send your tank out to RENU or clean it out yourself?
  5. well I have seen many leather plates here in the US go in the 2000. range. I would think this is a fluke, but what do I know. If I owned one, probably wouldnt get 100. for it! lol
  6. the VW was the model T of Germany. Put them on the map and yes, Hitler was behind it's production............... before I could legally drive, we bought them for around 50. and would rip the fenders off, put a 4 into one header on and bash the hell out of them- often putting them on two side wheels and driving across back fields. they were virtually indestructible and loved high revs-redline!
  7. ew stitches on the back of his noggin from fiberglass shrapnel when this happened. brilliant! lol
  8. as in the real estate market- easier to sell a million dollar home then one for 100k. and the reward far greater.....................!
  9. every mechanics failure................. once had a ride in Clays car and loved it! plenty of torque and power. have thought more then once of selling my 1912 model 29 Buick for an emf. more power and very sturdy cars......... ps that is one small entry door. looks like it was made for a munchkin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. will be incredibly interesting to see where the prices go............................. is this market dead or on the rebound?????????????
  11. I have a bridge to sell............any takers?
  12. pretty much the longest production car in history.............. if Im not mistaken.
  13. I have bought many things, taking a chance and not knowing if it was worth it or not. That is a big part of the fun. for 1000. what have to got to lose? not much. its either a quick clean up or a parts car. sometimes you make much more on parts......... a Buick skylark is not a big money car. Give it a shot, if you have the time and space, otherwise walk away.
  14. be ready for the torque to take over as you mash it! also have money lined up for a new clutch and trans.............from doing the mash..............!
  15. looks like the frame has a little swag, I mean sag behind the cab. they love to rot out there.
  16. ps a similar Maxwell just sold on HCCA for 15k
  17. on cost, the issue is time involved to make a very small run. Most foundries are very busy and a fella has been trying for 5 years now to make a quality model A block- which btw could sell hundreds. he gave up on it for awhile, due to rising costs. I would honestly say, it would be less expensive to buy another car. Maxwells such as yours sell frequently in the 25-30k range. The engine will take lots of time to get made.
  18. the auburn is down to 29k on ebay now............ still not going to sell. lots of choices out there. few buyers. many dreamers...............................................................
  19. I also would be concerned about the wood in the Chrysler. doubt it has ever been touched..................
  20. yes Mike, only point is that neither will sell. soft market here.......... these arent v 12's or 16s............. I know you wouldnt pay what either one wants and neither would I.
  21. great looking car, but really doubt it will sell. There is a 31 Auburn that has been listed 3x and cant make 20k. Much nicer condition and a suicide door vicki. this market is so so soft right now. Easier to sell a model A Ford.
  22. so go for it oldcarrfudd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! could be a terrifc business deal. lol
  23. YES MIKE, THE JUGS COME OFF EACH SIDE AND ARE SLIGHTLY ASKEW FROM ONE ANOTHER. SIMILAR TO A bmw BOXER MOTORCYCLE ENGINE. THE ENGINE PUTS OUT ABOUT 14 HP. as mentioned, jugs have been reproduced in the past, but the main crankcase is a large undertaking and a run of say, 10 may never sell out.
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